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Can't view the mods tab, hardlinks may be broken?...


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So, I haven't touched my SSE game in around two months, and decided to start it up today. In the time that I haven't played, I have updated Vortex Mod Manager at least once. Additionally, I haven't even gone into the Skyrim Special Edition installation folder, nor any of the Vortex folders.

I started SKSE64 and when trying to load a game, it informed me that a **LOT** of my mods weren't installed. It is then that I opened Vortex, switched the game mode from Fallout 4 to SSE, and I was greeted with a notification that there has been an update to Vortex installed since the last time I used SSE on there. No big deal, I think to myself, I'll just follow the prompts. I'm sorry I can't remember the EXACT notification message at the moment, but I do recall that the suggested way forward had something to do with a "purge" (which was also one of the buttons presented to me in the message)...

After pressing the button, Vortex "stopped working", so I had to close it. After starting it up again, every time I click the Mods tab, it shows me this little number:




Additionally, there are many ESPs missing from my load order, but not all of them (I'm sure clicking the "purge" option is responsible for this, since the program crash probably interrupted the process)...interestingly enough, it's only the ESP missing from these installed mods, any BSAs or INIs or etc that were installed with the same mod are still in my Data folder. The ESPs are also still in the user/AppData/Roaming/Vortex/skyrimse/mods/ folder...

Is there any way to fix this? Will I have to start over in regards to these mods? Hopefully I've provided enough info...

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You have at least one mod installed with meta data broken in a way I don't know how it could have happened.

Please send in a feedback report and under "attach special file" add the application state.

This should allow me to identify the mod in question and then we should be able to fix this.

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