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A lot of tags in the "Content and realism" section are more or less subjective.

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If two extremely conservative people vote up on a tag, then another person can come along and vote it down again, bringing it down to one, thus requiring two more extremely conservatives to vote it up for it to be active.

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@Zaldiir I was basically saying three more than those who disagree (which is a very small proportion when you consider possibly hundreds of votes)... it doesnt bother me, after all I search both with tags and without, I am just pointing out a limitation of the system. Edited by 43rdFloorGuardian
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I think it will be great to block out mods on the viewable pages like hot files, etc.


But... will we be able to block image types too? I can't look at the image section without puking mentally. And even if I don't go to the image section, the images are still visible from the front page. Perhaps you can add a tagging system to images as well? I would really appreciate it.


I just want to have a normal modding site to visit.


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I don't plan on using this tagging system, as I don't want to miss out on something that might be very good. I am quite capable of ignoring mods that I find really offensive (there aren't many, but there are a few that I find disturbing.) However, I can see why Dark0ne has introduced the system, hopefully it will reduce the trolling in the file threads for which the banhammer has to be wielded.


Although I was sorely tempted to set anything tagged as "lore friendly" to "ignore" or whatever, as I do find the stridency of the lore friendly fans somewhat wearisome. For a start, this is after all a fantasy game series that we are dealing with on this family of sites and I firmly believe that every person should have what they like in their own game. Secondly, the type of armors often thought of as lore friendly (heavy cumbersome ones/full plate suits)would not really have been seen outside the tiltyard (mounted knights in full plate, once unhorsed, soon found that they would end up at the business end of a foot soldier's pointy stick before they could get up.) But then I decided, well, my policy of suspension of disbelief should apply to the tin can armors as well, at least give them a look as some are beautifully crafted.


I am a little concerned,as others have also pointed out, that people are using this thread to have a pop at certain types of mod and image.

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I am a little concerned,as others have also pointed out, that people are using this thread to have a pop at certain types of mod and image.

They certainly are. It's pretty trollish.

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