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Usernames and passwords now working, but the page layout problem has come back again - I guess thats a work in progress


One more thing I am curious about, just after you log in there is additional info added to the url of the page you are looking at


This additional info does not seem to be necessary, if in the following screenshots you look at the first I have highlighted it ..




and in the second screenshot ..


I deleted the extra info in the address bar and refreshed the page ...




Is that a site glitch or does it have another purpose ?


Is it documented anywhere ?


Cross site linking to topics / posts / pages / images could get a bit tedious if you have to strip that out all the time.

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Usernames and passwords now working, but the page layout problem has come back again - I guess thats a work in progress


One more thing I am curious about, just after you log in there is additional info added to the url of the page you are looking at


This additional info does not seem to be necessary, if in the following screenshots you look at the first I have highlighted it ..

[image removed]


and in the second screenshot ..


I deleted the extra info in the address bar and refreshed the page ...

[image removed]


Is that a site glitch or does it have another purpose ?


Is it documented anywhere ?


Cross site linking to topics / posts / pages / images could get a bit tedious if you have to strip that out all the time.


I'm guessing that 'sid' is as in cookies, and stands for 'Session ID' -- many web pages append those for one reason or another. The odd thing is, I don't get any of those issues in Firefox, nor Internet Explorer.



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I have two more suggestions re: the tagging system.


1) Automatically place a tag (Tagging Blocked) on accounts that are blocked from member tagging. This would remove them from the "Files without Tags" list and encourage authors to allow tagging.


2) Add a "Moderation" tag to files under moderation automatically. This would have the same effect. The tag could be removed when moderation ends. It would also allow us to filter those out during our searches if desired.



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In Chrome on Oblivion & Skyrim Nexus, when I click a tab other then description nothing happens. It stays on the Description page. In IE it works ok. I dunno about the other games cause I only use these. Just thought I would mention it, I'm sorry if this has been stated already/is a known problem that is being looked into.
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User names and Passwords have stopped working on Skyrim Nexus since the recent changes (its been a few days now)


Same problem as previously mentioned with Oblivion Nexus (fixed since, noted in post #131) when changes were made there.


Just enter them again. It's just not remembered by your browser 'cause of the new code, which was recently implemented. Your browser will then be able to remember the entries after.

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