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As for the 'realistic' 'Non realistic' tags - boobs are non realistic, but dragons are realistic? :psyduck:


This is a fantasy game - The entire world is non realistic. And that's the way it should be. :tongue:


Lore/non-lore Who's lore? yours? Mine? Beth's? BTW, Beth has changed the lore to suit the story for each game in the TES series, and the same for the Fallout. Is a mod automatically non lore when it features an NPC that looks like Micheal Jackson? or only if it also acts like Micheal Jackson? How about if it wears a vanilla outfit instead of a red leather jacket? What if he does the Moon Walk? What if another NPC does the moon walk? How about if a mage conjures up a red leather jacket that sort of resembles Micheal's?


My preference - get rid of Lore/Non-Lore tags and also realistic, Non-realistic tags as they are functionally meaningless in this context. The author may honestly believe his mod is both realistic and lore friendly, But some lore monger is bound to challenge him on either or both of these. And by their own standards, both will be right. :wallbash:


We are getting too many tags now and need to cut back on some of the redundant tags. If we put up a tag for every possible request we will be swamped.

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My opinion on the lore/non lore or realistic/nonrealistic is that if the author has made an attempt for it to be lore friendly, it gets the lore friendly tag. If they haven't attempted, neither, and if they specifically made it non-lore friendly, the non-lroe friendly tag. It's the author's decision on if it counts as lore friendly or not.
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Elder Scrolls lore can be a thin line. It's obvious that Darth Vader, an anime figure or a Space Marine are no Elder Scrolls lore. But what about a "Snow Elf Race" mod? Snow Elves do fit in the Elder Scrolls story, yet they became the Falmer until further notice. They would be out of synch, out of time.


So is lore defined as?:

1) Anything that is mentioned in the Elder Scrolls 'canon' only.

2) Anything that is remotely related to the Elder Scrolls and not borrowed from another franchise, such as a realistic looking Steel Sword.

3) Anything that is visually Elder Scrolls themed, even when borrowed from another franchise. So Aragorn's or Conan's sword and a Warcrafty steampunk zeppelin fit that visual theme, so are tagged as lore.

4) Anything the author considers lore themselves. If the author comes up with a barely plausible story of how Captain Kirk was trapped by the Guardian of Forever and brought into Tamriel, it should be considered lore?


I think the opinions on that would be very divided. But other than that, I do like that tags will filter stuff proper. I'll make sure to tag files I try from now on.


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Have to agree with ub3rman123 on the lore friendly part there.


Lore and Un-lore friendly should definitely be included, even though many may agree and disagree over what is and isn't lore friendly, I think it is an easy decision in the majority of cases. Like the Michael Jackson example earlier, if someone just straight up put Michael Jackson in Skyrim that is obviously un-lore friendly. But lets say someone took Michael Jackson's personality (and even appearance) and put him in the Skyrim setting, with lore-friendly clothes, and the context in which he used was sensible (he were performing for the Bard's College for example) then I think you would be hard pressed to say the mod wasn't lore friendly.


It's a dividing line, that while still debatable, still helps separate some mods from other mods. Only rarely will a mod be right on the dividing line between un-lore and lore friendly.


But I agree that Realistic and Unrealistic are much more subjective points that could be done away with if necessary, simply due to Skyrim's fantasy setting. Though I might say, that Skyrim itself is still a fairly "realistic" experience compared to most fantasy genre. Outside of alien creatures and different religions, the world of Nirn is not so different than ours aesthetically and then on. But again, this is still a more subjective topic, and when applied to a variety of mods the "realistic" becomes much more difficult to define individually.

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If an "armor" shows more skin than it covers...it gets a vote for an unrealistic tag. The realism and lore tags should be applied based on the context of the game, not the absurdities of the real world.
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FINALLY! I'm going to speak on my side of the situation (dislikes nude, skimpy, etc) first by saying I'm glad we were listened to and no longer need to constantly be put down and have our sexualities questioned by some (Trust me, it happened many a time even if you never seen it. Many others will tell you the same.) over what we want in our games and don't want in our games. With that off my chest, this is great for every single user. I have nothing against anyone who likes those mods, that's cool, Nexus is all about having fun with your game when it comes down to it. So use what you like, and now, you can find more of what you like more easily just as well as we can find what we like. It's a win-win, neither side is subjected to wasting time wading through results we don't want in the first place. Thank you very much for this Dark0ne and all others who helped in this as well as those who pushed for this to happen. I hope everyone has even more fun modding and playing mods now, and I think we all will! I'll definitely be voting on tags from now on. Thank you again all.
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To all who gripe about skimpy armors. I get it, I do. But don't forget about Bethesda's own Forsworn armor. Or the female bandit get-ups. Not exactly full coverage. Better yet, don't gripe and filter out - make some non-skimpy armors. Post them to the Nexus and tip the scale in your favor. Its always boggled my mind how users are so quick to complain, yet contribute nothing in order to change what content is available.


And realism ?!?


There goes all mods dealing with magic, potions, shouts, powers, giants, werewolves, vampires, dragons, draugr, wispmothers, hagravens, dragonpriests, etc etc etc.


Better tag those as 'unrealistic' too ! ;)


EDIT: That's funny, I got my first "down rep" point ! :)

Edited by brokefoot
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This is all straightup awesome.



You might want to think that through a little more thoroughly. First off, gripers don't necessarily have the resources to make their own non-skimp'd armor, so it's not fair to just write them off.

As far as your realism claim, even the most "realistic" gamer takes into account the fact they are taking part in an escapist art; if you can't take that as a given, you wouldn't be playing video games. So, yes, a mod that hands the PC a BFS for (basically) free, and a mod that turns everyone in Dragonsreach except Irileth into cheeseballs--because, effectively, they already are--are both tagged "unrealistic."


So, on the MorrowindNexus, the tags are the same as that of Oblivion


What about a Lore-Expansion and/or Lore-Friendly tag? L-Exp for stuff that builds new things off of lore, such as making the Nerevarine a Skyrim companion, and L-Fri for things that just make connections with old lore?

Edited by storminmormon
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