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As funny as it may seem this idea about filtering out tags you don't wish to see is a form of censorship. It's great if people don't want to see something based on its tag, but also at the same time user who filter out content they wish not to see will be missing out if something pops up that happens to have one tag they have blocked that could have benifitted their gaming experience or enjoyment of game play.


The good new about this is the filtering should cut down on pointless commenting on official file threads.

Edited by colourwheel
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True colour, which is one of the reasons that the ratio based approach that I suggested might be useful, since a level of tolerance could be determined, rather than simply having a hard and fast cut off.


Though optional self defined and controlled censorship is certainly less of an issue than externally mandated censorship.

Edited by 43rdFloorGuardian
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@colourwheel Have to disagree. It may vaguely fit the denotative meaning, but it is a long ways off the conotative meaning. No ones rights are being violated, no one is being forced into silence. This is the furthest thing from the concept of censorship. This actually gives more power to users and indirectly to modders. For users, it means not browsing piles of unwanted results pulled up by a category search. For modders, it means that mods crowded out by the piles of said results can be more easily found. And not just by people who don't like, say, skimpy armor mods. If someone who likes said mods is loking for something else in the armor category to better suite a new character or follower, he can aimply change his settings and get to the mods he wants. That same person may not have bothered if he had had no other choice but to dig like crazy. And remember, the user controls this, not the site. Any established setting can be undone. So please, don't call this censorship; it is a rather flippant use of connotation. Edited by Nuvendile
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Also, it is a narrow view that people merely want to avoid mods for gameplay issues. Some, and I daresay many (especially those who don't comment on the mod page in question) have peraonal reasons for not wanting to have the possibility of running across such nods. Moral reasons, personal convictions and the like. Believe it or not people still have those. Edited by Nuvendile
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@Nuvendile: Maybe I misunderstood what colourwheel was saying, but here is what I took from his/her comment:


Lets say someone posts a mod - an armor mod. Its mostly cloth-based. Very little leather/metal padding involved. But nonetheless, its an armor. According to the current tag system (correct me if I'm wrong here), if 3 people tag that armor as 'unrealistic'... and someone has a tag restriction to omit 'unrealistic'... then the armor won't show up - because 3 people said it wasn't 'real' enough !?!

Edited by brokefoot
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censorship - The practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts.




whether or not you or someone else is doing the suppressing, by blocking or distorting activity is the fundimental definition to censoring something.




And yes whether you are or not in control of your own "censoring" or "blocking" one who decided to use this feature to block tags will miss out on things that just happen to have one tag they decided to block.


the definition of cencorship has nothing to do about rights violations.

Edited by colourwheel
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