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Who is FO76's Target Audience?


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"" The game would have to have some very interesting creatures, very appealing environments, and well-designed settlement construction tools. If any of these game elements are less than A+, it will be underwhelming. ""


>> I do agree with you but in my case, I would not care if the game has all of that and the best graphic in the world. An online game is not what I want to play, regardless if it has all of what you said and more.


I do not think that BGS is doing the right thing but that is their decision. Skyrim, Fallout series ( Vegas and Fallout 4 ) are the 3 games people in the world play the most and still, after many years from the launched date, we are still playing those games because of free modding and because, they are OFFLINE games.


I see a lack of vision to go in an opposite direction. It would be nice that BGS launches 2 games ( as a test ) at the same time : their online FO76 and .. let' say : Fallout 5 New York ( offline with free modding ) ..... but they won't do that because they know the latter will kill their online game investment in a blink of an eye. They know that but still they want to go in a different direction. Pity on them !

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IDK, I have put 3,800 hours into playing FO4 but I am not really stoked to play FO76. I have played online games before such as Lord of the Rings Online and really enjoyed it. The more I read about FO76 the more I am seriously considering canceling my pre-order.
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"" The game would have to have some very interesting creatures, very appealing environments, and well-designed settlement construction tools. If any of these game elements are less than A+, it will be underwhelming. ""


>> I do agree with you but in my case, I would not care if the game has all of that and the best graphic in the world. An online game is not what I want to play, regardless if it has all of what you said and more.


I do not think that BGS is doing the right thing but that is their decision. Skyrim, Fallout series ( Vegas and Fallout 4 ) are the 3 games people in the world play the most and still, after many years from the launched date, we are still playing those games because of free modding and because, they are OFFLINE games.


I see a lack of vision to go in an opposite direction. It would be nice that BGS launches 2 games ( as a test ) at the same time : their online FO76 and .. let' say : Fallout 5 New York ( offline with free modding ) ..... but they won't do that because they know the latter will kill their online game investment in a blink of an eye. They know that but still they want to go in a different direction. Pity on them !

You are disagreeing with something I didn't say. You believe that the game would NOT be underwhelming if it lacked those elements?

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Jesus you guys are grim, and zanity... you need to relax man.

I mean I get why people come up with conspiracies about governments, because governments command real power, but truly believing that todd is orchestrating some kind behind the scenes shadow operation to control your media?... sheesh.


Anyway to answer the question, this game is not really intended for any current crowd it seems. How does todd always open his description of this game? He wants all the characters to be real people. This game is an attempt at being a real online rpg unlike anything out there. So yeah it seems like it goes against what this or that crowd usually likes, because they're trying something new. Now whether or not this works remains to be seen. What they aren't trying to do is let you come in and kill everyone, or let you stay completely isolated. They're trying to get people to approach the game in a new way. I think it's all very interesting, and i will certainly drop the nominal amount of money a game costs to see what it can be.


In some ways it might be a win. I mean the stories in FO4 are mediocre most of the time, so we won't have that. For me, all my best experience with FO4 have come from the emergent gameplay inherent in modding and building in-game. My characters get fleshed out in the stories I tell myself, not the stories provided by the built in narrative, and with the element of other people adding to my story with characters that they are equally invested in? Doesn't that sound like it could be fun? He said they were committed to private servers and modding, and if that's true, being able to curate the experience could offer up something really awesome (fingers crossed for eventual private hosting like ark).


Honestly this is all the same doomsaying that happened when CC launched. "It's the end of modding, blah blah", that hasn't happened has it? Look, every company needs to find a way to monetize past the $60 model. Sorry guys, games have been $60 for way too long, and they've only gotten more expensive to make. So yes, companies have been trying to find new ways of monetizing and some of those have been really bad. Some have also been unexpectedly good for the companies in question (looking at you gta), and other companies, especially companies like zenimax drool at the prospect. I just don't see any reason to think beth is going to push any further past CC. They have got to be making a s*** ton of money with that anyway, and they're just getting started. Especially because there are more PS4 players than anything else, and while we are spoiled over here with all of our amazing free content, a couple bucks is easy to spend for some skins or settlement tile sets. The fact of the matter is, they are never going to do away with modding. Never, ever, ever. They want it. It's what give their janky games so much reputation, and CC is a way for casual gamers on consoles to experience mods which overall are essentially niche. They require knowledge and patience most people don't have, but the idea of modding and the reputation of modding are way bigger than the actual community. I mean, CC is a win win in that regard. They get to monetize, introduce mods to a larger audience and have incentive to keep making games in the tried and true genre of single player rpgs. Which by the way, they announced 2 new single player RPGs at E3. What is everyone complaining about?


This game is clearly an experiment. It takes a smaller risk on development (mostly a re-skinned FO4), and it's not like they dropped this on us when we were all expecting a new single player game. Were we? How long did it take FO4 to come out after Skyrim?


This may work, it may not, but they are still going to keep making the games you all know and love. So let's chill, there is no conspiracy here...

Edited by thrax7545
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I love the psycho-babble bullshit Fallout 76 is encouraging. The angry neck beards are out in full force trying to what? discredit the game? keep it from being released? idk what their goal is.


Bethesda has been working on Fallout 76 since Fallout 4, so it's coming out either way.


The footage I've seen suggests there is nothing to be mad or disappointed in.


We are getting an upgraded fallout engine with everything from fallout 4 plus a ton of new awesome stuff!


The fact that there are a few loud crybabies that are louder than the majority of us that actually enjoy things is maddening.


Grab your popcorn folks, the idiots will be drowned out after release just like with Skyrim.

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So yeah it seems like it goes against what this or that crowd usually likes, because they're trying something new.

That makes sense. The crowd here at the Nexus are PC users who enjoy mods. They are probably not even factored into this sales equation. Apart from this, there is a new crop of pre-teens every year who want video games they can play with their friends on consoles, and here is the lucrative part - they can purchase shiny new weapons and armor online.

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So yeah it seems like it goes against what this or that crowd usually likes, because they're trying something new.

That makes sense. The crowd here at the Nexus are PC users who enjoy mods. They are probably not even factored into this sales equation. Apart from this, there is a new crop of pre-teens every year who want video games they can play with their friends on consoles, and here is the lucrative part - they can purchase shiny new weapons and armor online.



I just read some detailed info about FO76. If the information is correct, anything that can be purchased via MT will appear as loot in the game. So unless you have the Curse of the Impatient, there isn't any reason to buy anything. And in spite of TH's insistence that it isn't a survival game, it does seem that staying alive won't be a trivial thing. You have to eat and drink, food goes bad over time, equipment degrades and has to be repaired, etc. I was wondering what the purpose of the "settlements" was (they are C.A.M.P.s), I think it's to help you survive. I don't know if there will be any type of seasonal changes requiring different clothing and armor to stay warm. That would be something. This doesn't not sound at all like some of the characterizations have portrayed it to be. Nukes are very valuable and difficult to obtain, not something you use casually. There won't be nukes flying around the game. There are disincentives for anything that resembles griefing baked into the game at launch.

Edited by blitzen
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