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Two Way Story


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The main character awakes in a large dimly lit cavern chamber. Light comes through a large hole high up in one wall. Through it the main character can glimpse blue sky. Outside seems to be quite bright. Inside the cavern it is fairly cool and damp. There appears to be a large pool of water towards the centre of the big cave along with stalagmites and other cave features. Behind the main character, on the cave wall, is a strange set of symbols painted with what seems to be some kind of thick, white chalky substance that glows softly in the sunlight from the hole high in the wall. The visible rock is dark brown and looks to be very hard. There is a constant dripping sound as if water drops are falling down into the distant pool but this is not visible to the main character.


What species is the main character?


(1) Male

(2) Female

(3) Neuter?


First one who posts gets to choose.

Edited by Maharg67
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The Half Human-She Wolf awakens in a large dimly lit cavernnous chamber. Light shows thorough an opening high in one wall. Through it she glimpses blue sky. Outside appears to be extremely bright. Inside the cavern is fairly cool and damp. Towards the centre of the cave there appears to be a large pool of water, along with stalagmites and other cave-like features. Behind her, on the cave wall, is a set of symbols painted with what seems to be some kind of thick, white chalky substance which glows softly in the sunlight given off through the opening high above. What rock is visible is dark brown and seems to be very hard. There is a repetitive dripping sound of what may be water falling into a distant pool. However this is not visible to her.
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The Half Human-She Wolf awakens in a large dimly lit cavernous chamber. Light shows thorough an opening high in one wall. Through it she glimpses blue sky. Outside appears to be extremely bright. Inside the cavern is fairly cool and damp. Towards the centre of the cave there appears to be a large pool of water, along with stalagmites and other cave-like features. Behind her, on the cave wall, is a set of symbols painted with what seems to be some kind of thick, white chalky substance which glows softly in the sunlight given off through the opening high above. What rock is visible is dark brown and seems to be very hard. There is a repetitive dripping sound of what may be water falling into a distant pool. However this is not visible to her.


She examines the strange symbols with her keen eye sight, the soft glowing of the symbols being of some assistance to their clarity. They are hard to translate but appear to be a hieroglyphic type language related to one that she has encountered before in ancient ruins and which she has gained some understanding of. So she does her best to understood what message is there. Even as she does so, the noise of the water dripping into the pool appears to be slowly getting louder or is that closer?


The symbols read:


(1) Beware of cave monster!

(2) Directions to an ancient treasure of mysterious artifacts

(3) Meaningless gossip.

(4) More than one from above.

Edited by Maharg67
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The Half Human-She Wolf awakens in a large dimly lit cavernous chamber. Light shows thorough an opening high in one wall. Through it she glimpses blue sky. Outside appears to be extremely bright. Inside the cavern is fairly cool and damp. Towards the centre of the cave there appears to be a large pool of water, along with stalagmites and other cave-like features. Behind her, on the cave wall, is a set of symbols painted with what seems to be some kind of thick, white chalky substance which glows softly in the sunlight given off through the opening high above. What rock is visible is dark brown and seems to be very hard. There is a repetitive dripping sound of what may be water falling into a distant pool. However this is not visible to her.


She examines the strange symbols with her keen eye sight, the soft glowing of the symbols being of some assistance to their clarity. They are hard to translate but appear to be a hieroglyphic type language related to one that she has encountered before in ancient ruins and which she has gained some understanding of. So she does her best to understood what message is there. Even as she does so, the noise of the water dripping into the pool appears to be slowly getting louder or is that closer?


The half human she-wolf realizes something is approaching slowly through the cavern but 'senses' no threat. So, having discovered the strange symbols are 'directions to an ancient treasure of mysterious artifacts', she pauses anyway to see what might be appearing. The thing that does so turns out to be a big rocky creature, alive but not in any way that humans or animals or plants are. It lumbers very slowly, with surprising quiet, through the waters as water drips of its great big rocky nose. Painted on it are some symbols, also of glowing white chalky substance, which indicate the great rock-longo may not be there by coincidence at all.


She had been dressed only in webbing of leather belts with pouches and some light leather armor, had awaken with a steel knife in a sheaf, a longsword in a scabbard, neither of them magical or of other power though both well made and well cared for. Pouches held some supplies, small bits of equipment and some special items. On the top of the big rock-longo creature was a fairly flat area that somebody could ride on and there was a very old metallic chest there with symbols melded into its top. These crystal symbols also glowed softly and they were of the same kind as those on the cave wall.


The symbols on the creature indicate she needs to get on the rock-longo if she wants to find the treasure of ancient mysterious artifacts. Even as she does so, the half human she-wolf's mind is clearing and she is starting to remember some things about herself more clearly.



What is her name? Please give respect to the game, to the character, in choosing the name or your choice of name will not be accepted for the story. In other words, no funny business.


What is she

(1) Amazon Warrior

(2) Former Assassin

(3) Battlemage

(4) Fighting Scholar Explorer

(5) Tomb Raider type Adventurer

(6) Up to three of the above, please specify.

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When she awoke she had been dressed only in a webbing of leather straps with pouches and some light leather armor. She also had a steel knife in a sheath and a longsword in a scabbard. Neither of these contained any magical or other powers, but both were well made and had been extremely well cared for. Pouches contained some supplies, small bits of equipment and some special items.


She senses something approaching slowly through the cavern but recognizes no threat. Having already discovered the strange symbols are directions to a treasure trove, she pauses to see what it is that might be approaching. It turns out to be an enormous rock-like creature; alive but in no organic way that she can recognize. It lumbers very slowly with uncanny stealth through the waters as huge streams of water pour off its bulbous rocky nose. There are symbols painted on the creature, also of the glowing white chalky substance. This indicates to her that this great rock-longo may not be here by coincidence at all... On top of the big rock-longo is a fairly flat area which appears perfect for someone to sit on and ride. There is also a very old metallic chest with symbols melded into its top. These crystal symbols are also glowing softly and are of the same kind as those on the cave walls


The symbols on the creature indicate that she should clamber up onto it if she wants to find the treasure. As she does so her mind is clearing, and she is beginning to remember some things about herself more clearly. She remembers her name, It is Larentia, although she is often called Laren for short. She has no visual memory of her wolf father, only a very powerful sensory one of a proud warrior who was taken away before she could even walk. Her beautiful human mother tells her many tales of him and of his bravery. She also has told Laren over and over that she must be very proud of her father and strive to be an excellent warrior just as he was. Although she has followed in her mother's footsteps as a scholar and an explorer, she has continued to hone her fighting skills and hopes that she carries inside of her the best of both of them.

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When she awoke she had been dressed only in a webbing of leather straps with pouches and some light leather armor. She also had a steel knife in a sheath and a longsword in a scabbard. Neither of these contained any magical or other powers, but both were well made and had been extremely well cared for. Pouches contained some supplies, small bits of equipment and some special items.


She senses something approaching slowly through the cavern but recognizes no threat. Having already discovered the strange symbols are directions to a treasure trove, she pauses to see what it is that might be approaching. It turns out to be an enormous rock-like creature; alive but in no organic way that she can recognize. It lumbers very slowly with uncanny stealth through the waters as huge streams of water pour off its bulbous rocky nose. There are symbols painted on the creature, also of the glowing white chalky substance. This indicates to her that this great rock-longo may not be here by coincidence at all... On top of the big rock-longo is a fairly flat area which appears perfect for someone to sit on and ride. There is also a very old metallic chest with symbols melded into its top. These crystal symbols are also glowing softly and are of the same kind as those on the cave walls


The symbols on the creature indicate that she should clamber up onto it if she wants to find the treasure. As she does so her mind is clearing, and she is beginning to remember some things about herself more clearly. She remembers her name, It is Larentia, although she is often called Laren for short. She has no visual memory of her wolf father, only a very powerful sensory one of a proud warrior who was taken away before she could even walk. Her beautiful human mother tells her many tales of him and of his bravery. She also has told Laren over and over that she must be very proud of her father and strive to be an excellent warrior just as he was. Although she has followed in her mother's footsteps as a scholar and an explorer, she has continued to hone her fighting skills and hopes that she carries inside of her the best of both of them.


Laren climbs easily, quickly, up onto the top of the rock-longo and makes herself as comfortable as possible on the flat area of rocky surface. The rock-longo is very old, even by the long 'lived' terms of its people. She examines the tiny pitted surface of the quasiliving entity and figures it is a great many thousands of years old, at least. Even as the half human she-wolf becomes settled, but remains alert for danger, the great rock-longo turns and begins its steady way towards a new destination. Clearly it is meant to take those, like her, who seek to find the ancient treasure trove of mysterious artifacts.


As the rock-longo moves into the darkness she opens the chest and finds, to her surprise, that is glows inside to illuminate gently what is inside. There are the following in the chest:


(1) Canteen of water

(2) Small, compact, tough backpack of small bits of equipment and supplies

(3) Glowing crystal glass and brass hand-lamp that can have its light blocked off


Choose also 3 of the choices below


(1) Compact powerful crossbow with ten bolts

(2) Coil of rope with hook

(3) Compass

(4) Filthy battered old looking brass pocket flask

(5) Longsword in scabbard

(6) Small book with strange looking leathery cover

Edited by Maharg67
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The half human she-wolf, Laren, now has the following extra resources to use, that she took from the chest on top of the rock-longo.


A canteen of water


A small, compact, tough backpack of small bits of equipment and supplies


A glowing crystal glass and brass hand-lamp that can have its light blocked off


A compact powerful crossbow with ten bolts


A coil of rope with hook


A filthy battered old looking brass pocket flask

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