Cusconillow Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 Hello!So, I'm not new to modding Bethesda games but I've always been a relatively low-information user. I've never built a fully stable game because I'm somewhat of a mod hoarder and don't have enough expertise to make it run well throughout the whole playthrough. This brings us to today.I'm trying to build my dream playthrough so I can play it with my wife and I've accumulated a large sum of mods again. Because of this, my plugin count according to NMM is 435 (I think some esl files are included in this) and I somehow need to narrow the plugin count to the what is allowed by the game's engine, 255.I have a lot of weapon mods and along with AWCKR, Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, and Horizon, there are a ton of extra patches that clutter my load order. I don't really know how to merge plugins (I've tried with the Merge Plugins tool) and I haven't been able to combine patch esp files in my previous attempts. I don't really know what I'm doing in FO4Edit either. I've tried to do a lot of research to find the most updated method of merging plugins but many seem to be outdated and it quickly gets a little overwhelming in what you can and can't merge and how to properly do it.So my hope and prayer is that someone can help me get my load order cleaned up and functional so I can play what I believe to be the perfect game build!Here is my load order: # This file is used by the game to keep track of your downloaded content.# Please do not modify this file.*ArmorKeywords.esm*Games.esm*BarstoolGames.esm*NewCalibers.esp*Loads.esm*FCOM.esm*Homemaker.esm*HUDFramework.esm*SimSettlements.esm*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp*Worsin's Garage.esm*Better Manufacturing.esp*TrueStormsFO4.esm*Z_Architect.esm*SettlementKeywords.esm*CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp*CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp*Armorsmith Extended.esp*Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp*SigSauer127.esp*ACR-W17.esp*AK74M.esp*Nuka-Cola Flavors for the Commonwealth.esp*America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp*AEWS.esp*SaveManager.esp*Backpacks of the Commonwealth.esp*BarstoolGames_FH.esp*BarstoolGames_NW.esp*BasementLiving.esp*BTInteriors_Project.esp*Better Explosives.esp*BE_Enhanced Grenades.esp*Better Explosives - Perks redone - No Trajectory.esp*Better Explosives - Grenade Frequency 30.esp*CrimeTown.esp*Savant.esp*Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp*AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp*Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp*BetterSettlers.esp*BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp*BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp*BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp*TrainBar.esp*BossChestsHaveLegendaries.esp*BrighterSettlementLights.esp*Brotherhood of Steel Kit.esp*BullpupBozar.esp*Campsite.esp*DP_CaravanShotgun.esp*chem redux.esp*ChineseStealthSuit.esp*officersRevolver.esp*combat_PA.esp*combat_PA - AWKCR.esp*CombatZoneOverhaul.esp*KSHairdos.esp*DarkestHourRemastered.esp*CompactCrafting.esp*CompRedo.esp*ConcordEXPANDED.esp*cartman1975_concrete-glass.esp*CAGAR_2-1.esp*Craftable Armor Size.esp*Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp*PerkChartPoster.esp*CROSS_GoreCrits.esp*CROSS_GoreCrits_FarHarborPatch.esp*CROSS_Jetpack.esp*CROSS_Cybernetics.esp*CWSS Redux.esp*D.E.C.A.Y.esp*DeadBodyCollision.esp*Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp*DV-Durable Vertibirds.esp*DV-No Levelled Vertibirds.esp*Dynamic Music Overhaul.esp*EnclaveX02.esp*dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp*dD - Screen Blood Duration Medium.esp*EnhancedLightsandFX.esp*Enough About the Settlements Preston.esp*EveryonesBestFriend.esp*Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - AiO.esp*FairbairnSykes.esp*FAR.esp*Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp*FALLOUT4WT.esp*brtrn_uniqueItemsAreNotJunk.esp*brtrn_holoTagsAreNotJunk.esp*brtrn_undamagedItemsAreNotJunk.esp*FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp*FunctionalDisplays.esp*FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp*FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp*FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp*Fusion Gun.esp*Give Me That Bottle.esp*Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp*GunnersOverhaul.esp*Hellfirenew.esp*Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp*ImmersiveScrapping.esp*ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp*ImmersiveVendors.esp*ESPExplorerFO4.esp*InteriorsEnhanced-All-In-One.esp*Ish's Respec Mod.esp*Kukri.esp*LockedSafesLegendaryLoot.esp*DWUK_LexingtonInteriors.esp*LegendaryModification.esp*LegendaryModificationMisc.esp*LegendaryModificationCSA.esp*LR_Motorcycle.esp*LR_LoneWandererFarHarbour.esp*LR_LoneWandererNukaWorld.esp*LongerPowerLines3x.esp*LooksMenu.esp*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp*VaultSuitBoxes.esp*LoreFriendlySurvivalChems.esp*Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp*AA Lots More Settlers and Enemies.esp*Immersive Wastelanders.esp*LunchboxSurprise.esp*M1Garand.esp*M1Garand - AWKCR.esp*M2045MagnumRevolverRifle.esp*AlexMakarovPistol.esp*AlexMakPistol_CaliberPatch.esp*McMillanCS5.esp*Standalone.esp*BetterOpenSeason.esp*Mk14 Redux.esp*MoBettaScrap.esp*More Power Armour Mods.esp*MoreUniques.esp*More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp*Mosin.esp*Movable Power Armor.esp*NirShor-MusicalLore.esp*NEST_BUNKER_PROJECT.esp*NanoSuit.esp*DD_bobblehead_stands.esp*Non-Generic VATS.esp*FO4 NPCs Travel.esp*NukaColaCompany.esp*NukaFridge_Test1.esp*Nuka World Bot Fixes.esp*NukaWorldReborn.esp*OCDispenser.esp*OutfitSwitcher.esp*Pack Attack NPC.esp*Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp*Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp*PlayerHacking.esp*PA-Quick Animations.esp*PowerArmorDisplayStations-CraftingCategory.esp*Power Conduits and Pylons - Increased Radius.esp*PreWarSafes.esp*QuickTrade.esp*Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp*RealTroughs.esp*dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp*SanctuaryParts.esp*RecruitableSettlers.esp*RecruitableSettlersFH.esp*RepairSanctuary.esp*Respawnable Legendary Bosses.esp*Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp*Eli_Rockin Red Rocket.esp*RU556.esp*SalemEXPANDED.esp*SalvageBeacons.esp*Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp*F4NVServiceRifleRedux.esp*SettlementMenuManager.esp*ShellRain.esp*IndustrialCity_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp*Sim_Settlements_Mayors.esp*SimSettlements_MegaPack_YearOne.esp*SS MegaPackOneYear-Previews.esp*SK_Leaders1.esp*SOTS.esp*DD_All_the_COncrete.esp*subwayrunnnernodynamic.esp*SuperMutantOverhaul.esp*console.esp*SurvivalOptions.esp*Survivalist GoBags-Chem Station.esp*powerarmort49.esp*T-51C Power Armor.esp*T60SkullGorilla.esp*Targeting HUD Enhanced.esp*The Castle.esp*FaceMaxson.esp*TheEyesOfBeauty.esp*The Eyes Of Beauty.esp*HuntsmanKnife.esp*Karambit.esp*M9.esp*CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp*Eli_Bunker.esp*Tomacuzi9.esp*True Legendary Enemies.esp*UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp*UniquePlayer.esp*UniqueUniques.esp*EFF.esp*Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul.esp*VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp*Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp*WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp*WattzLaserGun.esp*My_Minutemen.esp*Weapon Rack Extended.esp*WestTekTacticalOptics.esp*WestTekTacticalOptics-AWKCR.esp*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp*AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR Power Armor.esp*Jetpacks Unlimited Master.esp*JU Original (V-Wing).esp*JU Original (Vanilla).esp*JU Worsin's Edition (V-Wing).esp*JU Worsin's Edition (Vanilla).esp*WIPAG - Decal Station.esp*WIPAG - Paint Garage - Full (Hard).esp*WIPAG - Materials Overhaul.esp*WIPAG - Mod Overhaul.esp*WIPAG - Model-X.esp*WIPAG - Super Patch AKW.esp*FogOut - Exterior - All DLC - Darker Nights - Level 3 - Dark Sky - No24-7.esp*FogOut - Interiors - All DLC.esp*ManufacturingExtended.esp*DLC items to manufacturing.esp*More detailed perk description.esp*MPAM-Fixed-X-02.esp*T49StoryTeller-MPAM.esp*T51c-MPAM.esp*JunkTown.esp*WVSimSAddon.esp*MJC_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp*SimSettlements Previews Newest.esp*cartman1975_soylent.esp*brtrn_highValueAreNotJunk.esp*LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp*OCDecorator.esp*OCDecoratorDLC.esp*3dscopes.esp*3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp*3dscopes-framework.esp*3dscopes-m9addon.esp*3dscopes-FarHarbor.esp*3dscopes-NukaWorld.esp*Crafting Workbench.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Faction and Quest Requirements.esp*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp*Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp*PD_VReload_WSE.esp*WeaponSmith Extended 2 - Survival Ammo Weight Patch.esp*Weaponsmith - Super Mutant Redux Patch.esp*DeadlierDeathclaws.esp*Better Manufacturing - Manufacturing Extended Additions.esp*Better Manufacturing - Legendary Modification Additions.esp*Better Manufacturing - Weaponsmith Additions.esp*Better Manufacturing - WSE Weigted Ammo.esp*Reload Sounds.esp*9mmPistol.esp*BetterModDescriptions.espBetterModDescriptions223P.esp*BetterModDescriptionsCAS.espBetterModDescriptionsCOTC.espBetterModDescriptionsIF54BRAWKCR.espIF88TacShotgun_BMD_Main.esp*BetterModDescriptionsLMNormal.esp*BetterModDescriptionsLMCSANormal.espLK05_BMD_Main.espBetterModDescriptionsM2216.espMAC11_BMD_Main.espModularKalash_BMD_Main.esp*BetterModDescriptionsMPAM.espBetterModDescriptionsSNCRRS44MStandalone.espBetterModDescriptionsTXM73GR.espBetterModDescriptionsWO.espBetterModDescriptionsWE.espBetterModDescriptionsWEDAO.espSkibsWH77LSW_BMD_Main.espSkibsWHMk22_BMD_Main.espBetterModDescriptionsMSPTRS41ATR.espJaguarLMG_BMD_Main.esp*NewCalibers_M1Garand_asxas.esp*P220.esp*3dscopes-wattzaddon.esp*3dscopes-rac556addon.esp*NewCalibers_SIG220v306.esp*NewCalibers_RU556.esp*NewCalibers_Mosin_v307.esp*NewCalibers_AK74M_FX0x01_v307.esp*NewCalibers_FF7ColudStrife_M9_FF7CloudStrife_v307.esp*NewCalibers_CorvaloWidowShotgun_v307.esp*PD_VisualReload.esp*PD_VReload_ACR-W17.esp*PD_VReload_SigSauer127.esp*PD_VReload_BullpupBozar.esp*PD_VReload_DP_CaravanShotgun.esp*PD_VReload_officersRevolver.esp*PD_VReload_AlexMakarovPistol.esp*PD_VReload_CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp*PD_VReload_WattzLaserGun.esp*PD_VReload_Mosin.esp*PD_VReload_CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp*PD_VReload_RU556.esp*DarkerNightsDetection.esp*BetterNightVision.esp*TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp*TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp*TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp*TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp*TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp*TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp*DarkerNights.esp*DarkerNights-Radiant.esp*PD_VReload_9mmPistol.esp*PD_VReload_M1Garand.esp*PD_VReload_M9.esp*PD_VReload_AK74M.esp*PD_VReload_P220.esp*Better VATS - 0.75.esp*Better Perks.esp*Better Locational Damage.esp*BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp*Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp*Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp*Better Chems.esp*Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp*Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp*Better Power Armor - Extended.esp*Better Power Armor - BLD - Patch.esp*Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn.esp*Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn_DLC.esp*Z_Horizon.esp*AD_CrossIEX-Horizon_Patch.esp*AD_CROSS_Jetpack-Horizon.esp*MREs.esp*BLD_Horizon_Patch.esp*Z_Horizon_DLC_All.esp*BLD_Horizon_All_DLC.esp*Z_Horizon_DEFUI.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_Homemaker.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_ScrapEverything.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_SimSettlements.esp*Z_BlurRemoval.espZ_Horizon_Patch_Crossbow.esp*Z_Extras.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponPack01.esp*CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp*AD_CrossCourserStrigidae-Horizon_Patch.esp*NanoSuit_AWKCR_AE.esp*Synth Overhaul.esp*Grunts.esp*BetterModDescriptionsAE.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtended.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtendedDLC.esp*BetterPerks_Horizon_Patch.esp*YAGI_Horizon_Builders.esp*HorizonCampsiteSurvival.esp*HorizonChineseStealthSuitPatch.esp*HorizonArmorModsArmoryActivator.esp*Rangergearnew.esp*HorizonCrossPatch.esp*HorizonNanoSuitPatch.esp*RaiderOverhaul.esp*PD_VReload_RaiderOverhaul.esp*RO-MPAM-Nuka.esp*BetterModDescriptionsROWIP.esp*Better Locational Damage_ Raider Overhaul_Patch.espBashed Patch, 0.esp*Raider Overhaul - AE Patch-Restored Content.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_UniquePlayer.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_BTInteriors.esp*Z_Horizon_SOTB_Patch.esp*Patch - Horizon - DC Expansion.esp*Patch - Horizon - CROSS Crits Gore-verhaul.esp*Horizon Menu Tags - Autosave Manager.esp*Horizon Menu Tags - Outfit Switcher.esp*Horizon Menu Tags - Truestorms.esp*Patch - HzWP01 - RAO - NGVATS.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponsPatchAIO.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-1911.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-Ak5C.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-Beretta92FS.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-CBJMS.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-ChiappaTripleT.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-Colt6520.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-FiveSeven.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-KrebsAK.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-LeeEnfield.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-MTs255.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponRemover-PX4.esp*Z_Horizon_WeaponsPatchAddon.esp*M1GarandSkinPacksVol1.esp*BS-Horizon-Patch.esp*BSMP-Horizon-Patch.esp*Z_Horizon_Patch_ELFX.esp*CC-Horizon-Patch.esp*GAEL-Horizon-Patch.esp*GAEL-Horizon_DLC-Patch.esp*PH-Horizon-Patch.esp*SMO-Horizon-Patch.esp*CAST-Horizon-Patch.esp*CAST-Horizon_Tags-Patch.esp*MM-Horizon-Patch.esp*WTTO-Horizon-Patch.esp*EAC-Horizon-Patch.esp*EAC-MM-Patch.esp*WIPAG - Horizons Compatibility Patch.esp*BetterModDescriptionsSTCSAdd.esp*3DCS-NW-Horizon-Patch.esp*Factor.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HadToRegister Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 Well, I've been modding my games since 2003, and I think what you've got there is a case of "wanting to fit every mod you like in your game"Since you're new to modding, I would suggest you start with a handful of mods to get a feel of how they work together.Also, READ THE DESCRIPTION PAGE on each mod, because for instance, Scrap Everything MUST go at the very bottom of your load order as it instructions on the Sticky and Description page of that mod, you've got it in the middle of your load order.Also, BASHED PATCH.ESP needs to be the very last esp of your load order as wellYou have far too many mods for success, for someone "just starting out" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HadToRegister Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 Also I seeMo Betta ScrapImmersive ScrappingBOTH of these mods fixes the scrap output you get from scrapping items.IE Scrap a car, you don't just get Steel, you also get leather, circuitry, nuclear materialSo, there's two mods that are going to fight each other because they do the same thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cusconillow Posted July 6, 2018 Author Share Posted July 6, 2018 (edited) Well, I've been modding my games since 2003, and I think what you've got there is a case of "wanting to fit every mod you like in your game" Since you're new to modding, I would suggest you start with a handful of mods to get a feel of how they work together.Also, READ THE DESCRIPTION PAGE on each mod, because for instance, Scrap Everything MUST go at the very bottom of your load order as it instructions on the Sticky and Description page of that mod, you've got it in the middle of your load order. Also, BASHED PATCH.ESP needs to be the very last esp of your load order as wellYou have far too many mods for success, for someone "just starting out" àWell, as I said, Iâm not new to modding. Iâm mostly new to fallout 4 modding. Iâve modded many Skyrim playthrough successfully with maxed out plugin limits. Skyrim just seems to be a much different animal than Fallout 4. I missed that about immersive scrapping, thanks! And I actually meant to delete that bashed patch as wrye bash isnât as functional with Fallout 4 as Skyrim. I figured that was the case but I know many people mod their games to oblivion (no pun intended) and back and they get it to function perfectly well. Iâm just trying to figure out what I have to do to achieve that. In regards to the scrapping mods, which one is better? Are either even necessary with Horizon also installed? Edited July 6, 2018 by Cusconillow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HadToRegister Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 For some reason you also haveImmersive Scrapping.esp -AND-Immersive Scrapping- Season Pass.esp installed, when on the mod download page it clearly states that "Immersive Scrapping - Season Pass.esp is Main File - Merged with all addons - International Version So you don't need "Immersive Scrapping.espThis is why i suggested in my first post to READ THE DESCRIPTION PAGE, and the Download Page for these mods, because after looking even more closely at your load order, you've got redundant mods that do the same exact thing, and two version of the same mods installed among other things I'm sure I'm going to find.So yea, right now you've got a mess of duplicate mods, redundant mod, and so on and so on.So, read the mod description pages, any stickies in the comments section, and install instructions, and even some mods post load order instruction.Start out with just a few mods and play for a bit, then add one more or a couple more etc.I would HATE to sift through that load order right from the start given the obvious problems I've quickly spotted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cusconillow Posted July 6, 2018 Author Share Posted July 6, 2018 For some reason you also have Immersive Scrapping.esp -AND- Immersive Scrapping- Season Pass.esp installed, when on the mod download page it clearly states that "Immersive Scrapping - Season Pass.esp is Main File - Merged with all addons - International Version So you don't need "Immersive Scrapping.esp This is why i suggested in my first post to READ THE DESCRIPTION PAGE, and the Download Page for these mods, because after looking even more closely at your load order, you've got redundant mods that do the same exact thing, and two version of the same mods installed among other things I'm sure I'm going to find. So yea, right now you've got a mess of duplicate mods, redundant mod, and so on and so on. So, read the mod description pages, any stickies in the comments section, and install instructions, and even some mods post load order instruction.Start out with just a few mods and play for a bit, then add one more or a couple more etc. I would HATE to sift through that load order right from the start given the obvious problems I've quickly spotted. Fair enough, thanks for the help! Can I install mods mid-playthrough? I know doing this in older games would lead to the game breaking in the near future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HadToRegister Posted July 6, 2018 Share Posted July 6, 2018 Good pointWhat I would do is make a save game right before you get on the elevator to leave the vault (where you can change your SPECIAL and Looks etc)That way you can try out a few mods, then when you want to add more.Add more mods, get the load order working etc and load the game before you get on the elevator and try the game with those mods added etc.WryeBash just released a new version, a day or so ago, I used it for Fallout 4, along with a bashed patch, but now I use MatorSmash, it merges EVERYTHING, bashed only merged Leveled Lists Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cusconillow Posted July 7, 2018 Author Share Posted July 7, 2018 (edited) I saw MatorSmash but I didnât use it. What do you mean by everything? Does it merge esp files? I think thatâs my main problem because even if I narrow my mods down severely, Iâm pretty sure Iâll still be above 255 plugins. Edited July 7, 2018 by Cusconillow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HadToRegister Posted July 7, 2018 Share Posted July 7, 2018 I saw MatorSmash but I didnât use it. What do you mean by everything? Does it merge esp files? I think thatâs my main problem because even if I narrow my mods down severely, Iâm pretty sure Iâll still be above 255 plugins. It can allow mods that override each other, or have conflicts to work together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cusconillow Posted July 7, 2018 Author Share Posted July 7, 2018 I saw MatorSmash but I didnât use it. What do you mean by everything? Does it merge esp files? I think thatâs my main problem because even if I narrow my mods down severely, Iâm pretty sure Iâll still be above 255 plugins. It can allow mods that override each other, or have conflicts to work together. So itâs purely a compatibility patch tool? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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