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Skyrim Nexus Endorsement Ratio


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First of all I want to be clear that I do not want to debate exactly what all the aforementioned percentages mean or don't mean. My two cents on the general subject of statistics;




When I took statistical math in college I came to the conclusion that:


A) You can take numbers and make them imply anything you want.

example-"one in four dentists recommend using this toothbrush" Does that mean they talked to every Dentist in the country or did they in fact only talk to four Dentists? (Yes there are rules that govern this type of statistical reporting but they rarely tell you or they hide it in very fine print or wording that mis-leads)




B) It is almost impossible to account for every variable thus making numerical statements vague at best.

(even when you account for a variable you just added a new set of variables attached to the accounting method :wallbash: )




C) Numerical ratings created from polling are always based on personal views/data/useage/etc.


"One mans trash is another mans treasure."



No matter how you judge the OP or posted comments to the OP it shows that we care about the work that Modders put into creating Mods for everyone. I can assure you that I do!

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Apocalypse has currently a 2.534% unique download to endorsement conversion rate. I got lucky in that it takes an hour to test all the new spells. Mods that can just be turned on and forgotten about get screwed.
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Apocalypse has currently a 2.534% unique download to endorsement conversion rate. I got lucky in that it takes an hour to test all the new spells. Mods that can just be turned on and forgotten about get screwed.


True that, I did it the other day with Skyrim HD, had to redownload for some reason and realised that I'd never endorsed it ;)


I've read the thread, one thing I'd like to point out that could make the ratio viable is just adding a flag to each file that makes it obvious which files are downloadable by members and which aren't. Then you could easily keep track of member vs. Non-member file ratio's.


The entire assumption of endorsed files being good IS based on laws of averages anyhow - as you saw above with Enai's comment, just because it's good doesn't mean people endorsed it - there has to be room for error expressly.


The whole point for me, is that having the ratio there gives me another way to check for TOP FILES that I might want, and find some hidden gem that hasn't HAD a lot of endorsements because it's only been up for a week, but is really really good.


Right now we even have OLD files up on the top endorsed files for a catagory that you can't even use with tha latest skyrim - that's FAR more useless than "possibly providing some false statistics".


I'd rather HAVE another search criteria than not.

Edited by thefinn
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Apocalypse has currently a 2.534% unique download to endorsement conversion rate. I got lucky in that it takes an hour to test all the new spells. Mods that can just be turned on and forgotten about get screwed.


True that, I did it the other day with Skyrim HD, had to redownload for some reason and realised that I'd never endorsed it ;)


I've read the thread, one thing I'd like to point out that could make the ratio viable is just adding a flag to each file that makes it obvious which files are downloadable by members and which aren't. Then you could easily keep track of member vs. Non-member file ratio's.


The entire assumption of endorsed files being good IS based on laws of averages anyhow - as you saw above with Enai's comment, just because it's good doesn't mean people endorsed it - there has to be room for error expressly.


The whole point for me, is that having the ratio there gives me another way to check for TOP FILES that I might want, and find some hidden gem that hasn't HAD a lot of endorsements because it's only been up for a week, but is really really good.


Right now we even have OLD files up on the top endorsed files for a catagory that you can't even use with tha latest skyrim - that's FAR more useless than "possibly providing some false statistics".


I'd rather HAVE another search criteria than not.


Very true. Even in spite of my analness I do 100% support having this as a search and/or sort option (even unadjusted etc), for exactly these reasons. It isn't a magical indicator of quality or anything like that but it would be very useful. Even if it was just listed on the file's page and wasn't a search/sort criteria.

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I...LMAO....I was washing dishes (Someone has to)...when it finally clicked...I went to my PC to add a comment about how I understand what you two meant...to find you had actually explained it the same way I figured it out...


So your skills as a good teacher are good. You just needed some time...


Yes, there is a difference between the Ratios of Membership Required files and Non-Mebmership Required files, but I need to know the EXACT files and NEXUS's standards before I can update the list.


Thanks both of you for the time in explaining this.


No worries, that's what I meant by not being able to explain and you'd get it or not - you were evidently smart enough to grasp the principle but your brain just hadn't accepted the logic yet, if that makes sense ;)


I've done it to myself forgetting how to understand things I'd worked out the day before.


And as I've said since the beginning - I really do doubt it's that big an effect anyway (how many people that can't be bothered to register will bother to endorse things even after they've registered, not many I'll bet).


Will be interested in what you find out, keep us posted.

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Apocalypse has currently a 2.534% unique download to endorsement conversion rate. I got lucky in that it takes an hour to test all the new spells. Mods that can just be turned on and forgotten about get screwed.


Hey man, thanks for visiting my Discussion.


It is sad to hear about your rate, I have heard great things from friends and YouTube about your mod. I would have expected a much Higher Rating.


...(how many people that can't be bothered to register will bother to endorse things even after they've registered, not many I'll bet)...


This is a really good point.

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I don't understand the obsession with Endorsements and Unique Downloads.


There is no correlation between unique downloads, satisfaction (i.e. Endorsements) or continued use. Seems a better correlation would be between Total Downloads/Unique Downloads/Endorsements - as that shows you for the most part the people who continue to use said mod who either have or have not endorsed it. Isn't perfect by any means (no statistic ever is) but it seems closer to what the thread seems to want to achieve - i.e. satisfied users who chose not to endorse a mod.

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I know this isn't really the point of the thread, but I'd like to see more comments on mods as well as a higher endorsement ratio on the good ones. Yesterday a new mod of mine got 198 downloads without a single comment. After that it started getting a few comments, but almost 200 people downloaded without even pausing to say "cool idea" or "the fern in that screenshot is a weird color, change it?".


There's no time limit on comments, and it's not just praise that's absent. I saw a guy make a texture mod, and he forgot to include the texture. I'm not berating him for that, we all make mistakes. However, it took hundreds of downloads before anyone commented that there was no texture in the download, just a readme. It was promptly fixed of course, but why wasn't it noticed sooner? Were the people so fixated on just clicking the file and forgetting about it that they couldn't even bring themselves to test it? If they noticed that it wasn't working, it took hundred of downloads before someone thought to tell the author. I personally didn't say anything because I hadn't downloaded the file yet; it was a very new file and I was waiting for the first couple comments to say "it works" or "why is my sky green and filled with Alduin's face?"

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Apocalypse has currently a 2.534% unique download to endorsement conversion rate. I got lucky in that it takes an hour to test all the new spells. Mods that can just be turned on and forgotten about get screwed.


Hey man, thanks for visiting my Discussion.


It is sad to hear about your rate, I have heard great things from friends and YouTube about your mod. I would have expected a much Higher Rating.




Well TBH 2+% is actually quite good ;)


I generally do the sums in my head anyhow when looking through mods... Would be nice not to have to and be even NICER to have a search criteria for it.

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I know this isn't really the point of the thread, but I'd like to see more comments on mods as well as a higher endorsement ratio on the good ones. Yesterday a new mod of mine got 198 downloads without a single comment. After that it started getting a few comments, but almost 200 people downloaded without even pausing to say "cool idea" or "the fern in that screenshot is a weird color, change it?".


There's no time limit on comments, and it's not just praise that's absent. I saw a guy make a texture mod, and he forgot to include the texture. I'm not berating him for that, we all make mistakes. However, it took hundreds of downloads before anyone commented that there was no texture in the download, just a readme. It was promptly fixed of course, but why wasn't it noticed sooner? Were the people so fixated on just clicking the file and forgetting about it that they couldn't even bring themselves to test it? If they noticed that it wasn't working, it took hundred of downloads before someone thought to tell the author. I personally didn't say anything because I hadn't downloaded the file yet; it was a very new file and I was waiting for the first couple comments to say "it works" or "why is my sky green and filled with Alduin's face?"


Dude I'm all over this already, I'm constantly trying to change human nature too !


If anything changed on the website due to this thread for instance, I would be amazed.

It's right up there with bethesda fixing the Navmesh bug ;)


:wallbash: <- Totally on the case.

Edited by thefinn
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