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weapons haning in the air


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I only noticed this very recently so it's only just begun. it's NOT abomb, I've used Wrye Bash to clear abomb twice now(unnecessary but did it anyway, I've only managed about 20% so far on this save). I thought maybe the pose mods I just installed were the cause but I disabled those and it persists. Most of my recent mod installs have been clothing/armor/wigs. The only new major mod were NoMaam BBB animations and Growlf's Universal Skeleton.


But the problem is, if any character gets knocked down by an attack(non-fatal) their weapon stays in the air, where it was. It will snap back to their hand when they get up. Happens to PC and NPCs both. If an NPC is knocked down, but dies through a lasting enchantment the weapon will hang in the air but is still registered as being on that NPC, and can be collected by looting the body. This is a minor issue but I consider anything like this that pops up to be worth looking into in case other related problems also happen.


You can make out my sword hanging in the air after I've been knocked down by an arrow.



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I also have this a lot, I find it rather comical, and other than being a little immersion breaking, it has never been dangerous or crash causing. I just rationalise it by saying "it's a magic weapon!" as a lot of other games have lore based weapons that can float by themselves. Makes the game more fun honestly haha!
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Actually it is something that got introduced with the latest versions of Growlf's skeleton and persists with all skeletons based off that (Universal Skeleton Nif and BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton are the two I'm familiar with). The fact that this is not widely reported tells me that it's something not specific to most people's setup. Either that or Growlf's skeleton and derivatives are not widely used (is Coronerra's skeleton still the most widely used??). The hanging weapon seems to be only affecting one handed weapons. I first noticed it when using arrows poisoned with a paralyze effect or spells also with a paralyze effect, but occasionally a knockdown kill will also give the effect.


Even less frequently reported is the 'flying backwards through the air on death' effect. I started seeing that myself at about the same time as the hanging weapons. Do you get that one as well diosoth and Xenavire?

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I had the bug two for a while, but it left as it came. There must be a falt in the vanilla animation file for Dropping a weapon after being killed or knocked down. It happens when the strike is so hard that the character falls down, before the weapon hits the ground. oblivion stops the whole animation sequenze at that moment and does not bring it to the end.



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Glad I'm not the only one who has had this bug. It's weird though. I've had the skeleton for quite some time now and I've only started noticing this glitch in the last two days. Before this one, I had the 'flying backwards through the air on death' effect that Striker879 mentions. But that seems to have disappeared only to be replaced with this one. :(
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I haven't noticed anything unusual with kills or death animations. Then again, I use powerful enchanted weapons(sigil stone and multi enchantment mods) so almost any enemy I kill in one hit, especially with an arrow, tends to get knocked quite far like they were hit by a bus.
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