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Is there a mod that disables the chastising comments your companions make on occasion when you pick up junk? Codsworth, specifically. I love my robro to bits, but he can be a judgmental arse sometimes. Like... I don't see you trying to rebuild the Commonwealth from tin cans, typewriters, and teddy bears. Lay off.

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Or Strong using the chem workbench, you go and use the cooking pot, for example. "Tinker, tinker, tinker. Strong bored!!"

Hello! What are YOU doing, then? O_o


And so a mod was made.

Not just because of him, but because of all of them, especially all at once.

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I haven't installed the junk comments mod since I don't travel with vanilla comments anymore (so only have to deal with Codsworth's nonsense at Sanctuary), but whenever I've heard something like that I wonder what on earth was going through the minds of whoever at Bethesda thought that these comments, in a game where crafting with scrap is a central feature, would be anything close to a good idea. At least they seem to have smartened up by Far Harbor made Longfellow's comments about the utility of seemingly junky items. Maybe Gage does too, but he's had such a short lifespan in my games I wouldn't know.

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