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Using settler summon bell while in build mode?


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Is there anyway to use the bell while workshop mode is open? With expanded settlements and expanded "sandbox" mods I have installed unassigned settlers can wander really far off making it a real pain to find them when I need to assign them to a new building.


Now I know I can just drop out of work shop mode, ring the bell and go back to build mode, but with the number of settlement object mods I have it takes 40-60 seconds to open build mode so that time can really add up if I have to open / close it a ton.


Is their a console command that can trigger the same effect as the bell?


Maybe a workshop object could be made that uses the bell's effect when placed? So drop the object, it summons settlers, then scrap the object?

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Nope. No way to use the bell when the workshop is open. I'm not a modder, so I haven't got a clue if your suggestions are feasable.


The placeatme command can be used, but for that you need to know a particular settler's reference i.d. Maybe get rid of the sandboxing mod instead, although expansion mods like Build High automatically also expand on the sandboxing.


And 40 to 60 seconds for the workshop to respond? I thought my 15 seconds wait was long...

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Don't think this can be done as-is. Just looked at the bell script. Making a mod which allows you to do that is definitely possible, though.


I made a mod which, among others, allows you to summon unemployed or homeless settlers via hotkey. It requires Sim Settlements, though.

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