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unable to see my mods


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Im experiencing an issue in game where my downloaded mods are present but arn't visible. For example I can still craft custom armor and accessories and I can equip them, and they appear to be serving there intended purpose, however they will not show up on my character or on the world. Im not an avid moder, and I have little insight as to how mods work, but I still enjoy using and SEEING the mods I have added. If anyone has an answer I'd be very appreciative to learn how I can resolve my issue and such.

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Should the above post not work, try this below:


go to: C:\Users\Your Computer Name\Documents\My Games\Fallout4


open Fallout4.ini


CTRL + F (Search for: sResourceDataDirsFinal)


ensure that nothing is added in that entry, so It should look like this below:




^^ that is how it should look like


if anything is written in that entry, delete it: Example


sResourceDataDirsFinal=/Textures /Meshes <-- delete this additional text, (so nothing appears after the *Equals Sign* - *=*)


So again this entry should only look like this --> sResourceDataDirsFinal= <-- (minus the arrows)

Edited by Guest
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