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Can I do this and not mess up the game? Clean-reinstall everything?


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Okay so I'll keep it short. Recently I've been having a lot of trouble with Skyrim, constant crashes, graphical issues, apparent corrupted files, and I have some mods with MO and other without (since I discovered Mod Organizer when I already had a lot of mods installed), anyways.


What I want to do is basically, backup my save files and my race menu presets. Then uninstall Skyrim and Mod Organizer completely. After that. I install Skyrim again, I reinstall ALL my mods through Mod Organizer, and paste the save files and racemenu presets, just to reorganize everything and clean it.


My question is: If I remove all of this, install all my mods again completely, and then paste my save files and racemenu, will it mess up my save files? Will I be able to run skyrim again normally? Is it safe what I want to do? What are the risks



Edited by vmh1029
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yes it will screw up your saves

Well that is very unfortunate. But can you give me the reason why it would? since I'm literally pasting the same mods and save games in their files again I don't really understand why it would

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yes it will screw up your saves

Well that is very unfortunate. But can you give me the reason why it would? since I'm literally pasting the same mods and save games in their files again I don't really understand why it would



It will screw up your saves because your saves, save info about every mod you had installed while you were playing with those particular mods.

What will happen, (If you don't immediately CTD with old saves with none of the mods installed), is you'll get a long list of

"THIS GAME RELIES ON THE FOLLOWING MODS THAT ARE MISSING" Message, and if you can successfully load your save, will be resplendent in orphaned scripts, missing items, armor, weapons etc...

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yes it will screw up your saves

Well that is very unfortunate. But can you give me the reason why it would? since I'm literally pasting the same mods and save games in their files again I don't really understand why it would



It will screw up your saves because your saves, save info about every mod you had installed while you were playing with those particular mods.

What will happen, (If you don't immediately CTD with old saves with none of the mods installed), is you'll get a long list of

"THIS GAME RELIES ON THE FOLLOWING MODS THAT ARE MISSING" Message, and if you can successfully load your save, will be resplendent in orphaned scripts, missing items, armor, weapons etc...



First of all thank you for taking your time in explaining it to me. I appreciate it But I'm confiused right now, maybe because I'm not understanding or I did not express myself correctly, my apologies if it's my mistake, but like I said in the post, after installing the vanilla game, I will REINSTALL ALL THE MODS I HAD before uninstalling skyrim, and AFTER THAT, I will paste the save files and the racemenu presets. Obviously I will not attempt to open the saved games without any of my mods (considering I have heavly scripted mods like Undeath and Wrath of Nature). Also, on a side note, I saved the games in places that were default of the game, not by mod, just to make sure nothing bad happens.


So youre saying that my mods wont show up even though I reinstalled them all? Im confused right now.

Edited by vmh1029
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OK, I missed the part of you reinstalling the mods.

If you reinstall the mods, ALL of them, that you were using for your previous saves, then your previous saves should work, for an even better result, make sure the mods are in the same order as they previously were, in order to save yourself from orphaned scripts etc.

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OK, I missed the part of you reinstalling the mods.


If you reinstall the mods, ALL of them, that you were using for your previous saves, then your previous saves should work, for an even better result, make sure the mods are in the same order as they previously were, in order to save yourself from orphaned scripts etc.

Oh thank god it will work. I was f***ing worried. Thank you SO MUCH!!! <3<3<3<3<3

When you mean order you mean load order?


What are orphaned scripts?

Edited by vmh1029
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Issues with game stability will not be from the mods installed unless the mod was bugged to begin with. Rather uninstalling and installing mods frequently and especially scripted mods without cleaning out the scripts once they are removed can corrupt a save and hard bake issues into it. The save is what changes mods do not change and the data read from them remain constant. uninstalling all your mods and re-installing them will have no effect on your game - removing faulty mods and having better mod hygene and starting a new game would be the only way to resovle the issue.

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