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Fallout new vegas politics


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Recently I've read up on the NCR and Legion, I have to say they're very well developed from a politic point of view(well in the wasteland anyway).But I'm thinking to myself after reading about the legion they're not as bad as I thought they were to an extent they had a good idea in their mind but went about it the only way basically due too the weakness of human kind Caesar knew he had to unit it all under one flag.I mean he hates sectionalism and consumerism,as do I in reality.He believes it turns humans into animals,with only the single mind for surviving,knowing they can better themselves.He figured in order to destroy a monster he must become one(sorta like Roah from Fist of the north star) I admire they don't use drugs or anything,I disagree and can't justify their cruelty tho,,it knows no limit.


The NCR on the other hand aren't bad per-say but you can see where they stand,it's not too far from our goverment"tell us one thing but mean another" looking out for the people,,but the only people they look out for are the ones beneficial to them.The case with the Helios station for instance,,it was more then enough power to give to all the land but wanted more for themselves. I can say their not all what their cracked up to be but for better of worst they are on the right track some what, the end result from them will be too rule over everything not to much different from Caesar.


My question for you is: what if you where in the wasteland,,who would you side with if you had a choice? or go the independent route(Knowing that you could cause future wars with both fractions)?

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i'd be with the NCR. if i were legion, I couldn't live with the thought that the people i fight along side are enslaving and raping and stuff.


I would also hope I would make this choice too, but if this was Real Life then I would have to say human nature would prevail for the most part and the LEGION would have bulk of the population within it's faction.


Let's be honest here, humanity has been doing the enslavement and raping thing for a very long time.


Does it make it right, no but it's something you can't just ignore and think it never occurred.


All this being said there is also a human drive to root for the underdog in these kinds of situations too, look at movies and you can find many examples of this too ;)


So being a member of a smaller faction in the NCR could help to motivate you into doing and being more then you thought capable of, who knows for sure but it would be an interesting scenario for sure.

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Caesar's Legion enslaves women, that would be a pretty huge deal breaker for me if I was living in the wasteland depicted in New Vegas.

LOL you're a women right? makes sense then yea It wouldn't work.

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I'd choose NCR over the Legion even if I was male.

Oh ok personal preference.Understandable I just think the NCR are rats,Pretty much how our government is..at the end of the day both are pretty bad one is solely focusing on building the world with consumerism and a monopoly(NCR) while the other is a gang of violent monsters who kill and maim anyone who has a vice(drinking,smoking,debauchery) I would stick with the legion,,as brutal as it sounds their methods show results.

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