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Help with AI path


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Red path markers designate the paths an NPC will take and given conflicting input (such as another character in the way) will take another way if alternative routes are available. Orange is said to be basically the same thing. Blue pathway points are considered preferred pathway points and NPC's will automatically use these instead of an alternative. I'm assuming purple and green are scripted AI pathways and to be perfectly Honest - scripting is NOT my strong point. So is there anything, anywhere that deals specifically with teaching Me how to get a scripted NPC or scripting an NPC to complete its given task. I stupidly edited terrain and offered it to the public before I really understood what I was doing and for that I feel like a total A**. I've gone through CS's help and find nothing but a dead end. Please Help :( Edited by Anoxeron
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You probably have already seen the tutorials on the CS Wiki (if not I can probably dig them up ... don't have links saved at the moment ... I know shocking isn't it).


My own experience with pathgrids leads me to believe that all isn't as simple as 'they'll use the blue ones if they are there'. I have a bunch of girls I've added at White Stallion Lodge for instance. When the weather is nice they'll go outside for a swim. When they come back they sometimes have the most terrible time getting onto the porch so they can sit and get dry or go inside. I looked at the pathgrids and eliminated a node or two and made the proper path to follow to get onto the porch all blue nodes. I still find them walking in place at the spot in front of the porch that is too high for them to step on, trying to make to to the red node on the porch instead of going two steps to their left to the next blue node.


Kinda' like some of Vilja's 'shortcuts' ... why walk straight to the Merchants Inn if you can take the circuitous route. Game engine shortcoming or 'feature' ... you decide.

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