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Turn based Strategy


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But there are some games that i love to play that are TBS:

Black and White 2

The sims (1,2 & 3)

End War (On PSP)



Er, what? Black and White, The Sims, and Diablo are not turn-based strategy games. :huh:

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Heroes -series is the king of all hot seat games! I remember when the third one came out, we spent countless hours playing just a single little game with my friend, and almost never got it finished! That was the main problem with the game. And it has so few maps by default. But it was just so addicting and fun game to play, hard to get bored. At the time it was also a bit too difficult for casual gamer like us. =)
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Oooh.... turn based strategy-- one of my weaknesses.


My introduction to the genre was Bandit Kings of Ancient China on the NES, and I still think it's one of the best. Then I played Romance of the Three Kingdoms, also on NES. When the SNES came along, I played RotTK 2 and 3 (3 was especially good). I really love all of the Koei TBS games-- the ones I already mentioned plus Genghis Khan 1 and 2 and Nobunaga's Ambition (the feudal Japan setting is a lot of fun and I love that you can recruit Miyamoto Musashi), and I guess Uncharted Waters 1 and 2 would also count, though they're not conquer the world games, so they tend more toward being sims. And I can't forget Ogre Battle 1 and 2 and Tactics Ogre.


Civ of course was great, and Civ2 is even better, but that almost goes without saying.


One of my all-time favorites, and probably the one I've replayed the most, is Front Mission for the SNES. It was a Japan-only release, but there are translations available. It's a fairly straightforward battle sim (with gundam-style mecha) with only marginal story, so it's pretty much only the battle half of TBS, but it's an exceptional game. Similar to that is the Super Robot Taisen series, which finally saw an American release with Original Generation. Great, great game. In that vein too, the Fire Emblem series is quite good.


Mmmm yeah..... love those games. :biggrin:

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  • 4 weeks later...
One of my all time favourite TBS was Master of Magic. It was one of the first Turned based games I ever played, which led me to such classics as Colonization and of course the original Civilization.



Although Master of Magic is something like Magic, the Gathering, it indeed worked well as a TBS. I did like using Ariel, white magic may be deceptive (well, blue is the real deceptive, but...)... and her avatar kickass :)


As I commented in another thread, a TBS I wish I could rediscover (among the lost and no found games I have) it's CD (hoping it would work in the new machines) was Total Annihilation... a very interesting TBS unlike any other in it's time, and maybe even now.


Edit: correcting myself ... TA is a RTS, sorry, off topic


Master of Magic was indeed a great game. Very flawed but infinitely replayable over and over again. I was able to download it from some free game site and play it within one of the DOS BOX emulators.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Masters of Orion II - battle at Antares


That is a great game... I spent hundreds of hours playing against my brothers...


Good times.

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