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Best Game You've Ever Played

Varus Torvyn

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Hmmm...My top 10



1) Socom II PS2

2) Mortal Kombat I,II, and III

3) Final Fantasy 1-10 + Online

4) Morrowind + Oblivion

5) The Half-Life series (inncluding source and TFC)

6) WoW (Pre-Burning Crusade)

7) HellGate:London

8) ChronoTrigger

9) Alien vs Predator for the Atari Jaguar

10) Dungeons of Daggorath


Honorable mentions:Twisted Metal,Quake 1+2,Tetris,Doom 1n2,John Madden 92-04,NBA Jam and Neverwinter nights.


I played video games back to Pong and Space Invaders. Yes, I am that old.

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In no particular order.

The Secret of Mana

Chrono Trigger

Ogre Battle

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past

Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Galaxies (before the so-called 'combat upgrade' /shudder)

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy XI

Warcraft III


SSX Tricky

Morrowind (including Tribunal and Bloodmoon)

and most recently The World Ends With You





Edit: Forgot Castlevania 2, Faxanadu, Ghosts and Goblins and Super Mario World.

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My all-time favorites:


Total Annihilation

XCOM: UFO Defense

Battlefield 1942

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption

Deus Ex

Unreal Tournament

Age of Mythology

Star Wars: Empire at War

Rome: Total War

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

Doom II: Hell on Earth

Starship Troopers

Star Wars: TIE Fighter


If I have to pick an all-time favorite overall, I couldn't do it but would be a tie between Battlefield 1942 and Total Annihilation



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Harpoon Classic

not the best graphics in the world, just really in depth game. Real time if the mission said it would take 14 hours, by god it did. Modern naval warfare simulation, really good tactical game. Have not found another to replace it, I still play it even after 11 years...It wasnt small map to cover, mid Atlantic north Atlantic, Arctic ocean basically NATO vs USSR. Maybe the mission is to stop 10 ICBM subs from reaching 500 mile off the coast of the US within 14 hours other wise fire. Other aspect were dealt in the mix the Red Fleet was lurking about, make sure planes had flight paths. Game played as If you were in War Room of CVN carrier...


If you play anything for more 5 years yeah... it is one of the best...

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The Thief series


they are good the metal age is good as well at least someone else likes them other then me hehe



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