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Vortex sluggish on 8c/16t CPU?


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I've complained in the past that Vortex can be quite sluggish, especially while it's doing something (like installing, downloading etc.).


Today I'm creating a modded Skyrim installation for a friend on his computer. And I realize that on his system, Vortex isn't sluggish at all! It's smooth and responsive.


So what's wrong on MY machine? Well, I have a 5960x, which has 8 real cores and supports up to 16 threads. Maybe Vortex has a problem with that setup? Wouldn't be the first tool.


So I'd like to ask around: Is Vortex sluggish on your machine? What kind of CPU do you have? Maybe we can find a common thing that affects Vortex' performance.

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I have an old i7-3930k (6 cores, 12 with HT) with 32GB RAM, GTX 980 i 6GB, Windows 7 x64, Samsung 850 1TB SSD (OS and apps/games), various 1-3TB HDDs (data, backups, etc.), Vortex 15.7. Nothing is overclocked.


Vortex is only slow/sluggish if I drag and drop a bunch of large mod archives into the manual install bar at the bottom. As I download all of my mods manually and install them this way, it happens now and again, but is not unexpected.


Do you have an SSD? I would not want to mess around with modding, or even playing, games like F04, Skyrim and such without one. That would definitely be sluggish, at least from my perspective, having had my SSD for several years.

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Yes, I have an SSD. As a matter of fact, my machine is about as high end as they come. And it's very well maintained.


I'm pretty sure that the is an issue with Vortex. If I can find the time, I'll try to disable some cores and change other system settings to narrow down the issue.

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As you look into it, I suggest disabling your Internet. No point adding network issues when you are looking at CPU performance.

Once you are satisfied that you have or don't have a CPU issue, check out the Internet performance.

A lot of it could be your friend having a Premium nexusmods account and you don't. Can't imagine that though.

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I have a premium account myself, as you can see in my avatar... Actually a life-time Premium since almost 12 years now.


Anyway, my tests yesterday couldn't reproduce the issue. Either Tannin has fixed something in the latest versions or I didn't do the correct tests. But I'll keep trying to reproduce it.

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