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Who are the "Good Guys" in this war?



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And that alone is reason to put me to death?


Like I said, the opening sequence just looks like Imperial vigilantism - killing for killing sake. Don't know enough yet about Ulfric and the Stormcloak cause in the opening scene, but what little I do know about the Imperials would make it nearly impossible to follow them - seeing as their commanding General is presiding over this massacre.

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Captured in the same area as the rebel leader and his personal guard, what is the Empire supposed to think?


why would they have any reason to believe you aren't part of Uflric's group?


This is probably the most reasonable explination as to why the intro sequence is the way it is. It's quite clear that your character, and the Horse Theif, were both captured in the same area as Ulfric. In fact, i wouldn't be surprised if Lokir at least was trying to steal a horse from the Stormcloaks.


The point, of course, is that you were caught with a known 'criminal'. If you had been in the same house as Bin'ladin when the SEAL's came barging in, do you think you'd get off scott free by saying 'I'm not with him'?


It's easy to see things as one sided, particularly if you are someone who feels like a victum, but put it in a wider context, even using our world as a base, and things get more grey. When you take into account that neither the Empire, nor any other Tamriel nation, has ever had a real concept of due process as we would understand it today, and it gets even murkier.

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I would say by the poll results that most players either don't understand the story or don't know the difference between right and wrong. The Empire is obviously in the wrong. It frustrates me that so many people can't get facts straight. The only purpose of the Empire in Skyrim is to enforce a religious ban on the worship of Talos. Even if you were Thalmor, this is not right. It's oppression. Pick any country in today's world, go there and ban their religion and explain to me how you are in the right.
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I would say by the poll results that most players either don't understand the story or don't know the difference between right and wrong. The Empire is obviously in the wrong. The only purpose of the Empire in Skyrim is to enforce a religious ban on the worship of Talos. Even if you were Thalmor, this is not right. It's oppression. Pick any country in today's world, go there and ban their religion and explain to me how you are in the right.


The Empire is in the wrong... Empire is in the wrong... I would say that *you* don't understand the story, not the full story if you think the Empire itself is in the wrong. Wanna know something?


*The Stormcloaks are in the wrong*


*Ulfric is in the wrong*


Much of the bad things going on in Skyrim are because of Ulfric. The Empire NEVER enforced the ban on Talos worship into people's lives. None of that insanity started until Ulfric started meddling.


The only purpose of the Empire in Skyrim is to enforce a religious ban on the worship of Talos.


The Emperor could tell the Thalmor whatever he wanted and they just had to deal with it. When Ulfric got started pursuing his interests, the power shifted into the Thalmor's hands and that gave Ulfric a chance at becoming High King.


This is what it's all really about - His ambition and taking care of himself. At least the Empire will stand up to the Thalmor, all Ulfric does is avoid the Thalmor and keep a fight going against the Empire. Like when he challenges Jarl B and then sends Galmmar to fight for him, instead of showing up himself to face the Jarl == Coward. The same reason why Ulfric never sends a challenge to Tullius == Coward.


I think you need to get your facts straight. And stop being a sore loser because people have *finally* realized that saving Talos's Empire is a much worthier cause, then helping some murdering, vengeful, racist, brain-dead sycophant achieve his dreams of becoming High King - A title of which he has neither earned or deserves.


Ulfric won't even honor the Nord traditions except when they serve his purpose - Elisif is the Rightful High Queen of Skyrim and he tries to deny here this. He uses the Thu'um to shout down a young man, who was his friend, who trusted him, who looked up to him, who was expecting to stand by his side and Declare Independence... NO! None of that meant a damn to Ulfric, he murdered him real quick like and got his a$$ out of there.


No, we will not follow a coward. We will stand together and clean up Ulfric's mess, then reform the Empire and take the fight to the Thalmor, one last time.

Edited by bigmagy1981
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Calling me a loser isn't going to win an argument. If anything, it only hurts your already weak argument.


Whether or not the Empire was enforcing the ban of Talos doesn't matter... What does matter is that Talos was banned. Again, pick any country and go ban their religion and let me know how you are in the right.


The Empire are puppets of the Thalmor. They have already surrendered and what you think is an Empire is actually a province in the Thalmor Empire.


And as far as Ulfric, I've never heard him claim to be superior like the Thalmor do. So who's more racist? Also, people keep saying that "he just wants to be king"... And I say... So what? It's his right according to Nord tradition, and he seems the best man for the job. Why should the Empire be allowed to change tradition? The High King allowed the ban of Talos which was justification for Ulfric to challenge him and Ulfric won. Ulfric gets to be king, and the Empire gets to gtfo.


It seems like people who chose the Imperials are determined to alter the facts because they chose the wrong side.


But the Empire is definitely the wrong side, which is fine if you want an evil character. I mean, seriously... Just think about what you have to do for the dark brotherhood and think of what it means if you are Imperial.

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Calling me a loser isn't going to win an argument. If anything, it only hurts your already weak argument.


No, wait a sec... You just came on here for the first time and called us a bunch of losers. Yeah, you can't hustle us, that sh*ts not going to work here.


You basically said, in your first sentence and in the second one, that we're a bunch of uneducated morons who don't know what we're voting for because YOU don't like the polling data.


And all I'm saying is, we Know exactly what the deal is, are very well informed and will not to be bullied and harassed into voting a certain way - Like they do on other forums.


The polling data whatever it is... should have nothing whatsoever to do with making your point. I came from being in the minority and the polling data has NOTHING to do with my argument or my purpose.


The people aren't being deceived anymore by this "Oh well the Empire are the puppets of the Thalmor" BS...


So what does that make Ulfric? Hmmm? The Empire had control of the situation before Ulfric in collaboration with the Thalmor, made it so that the Thalmor can have a presence in Skyrim.


It seems like people who chose the Imperials are determined to alter the facts because they chose the wrong side.

Oh really?!? How? Everything that other Imperials and that I've said is factual and can be verified. Because you know, the Stormcloaks would never try and twist the facts. Like you're trying to do. Not my first barbeque sunshine. Being a Stormcloak is easy, you have to just stay angry at the world and blame everyone else for your problems.



"The incident at Helgen is an example where an exception had to be made - obviously Ulfric's death would have dramatically increased the chance of an Imperial victory and thus harmed our overall position in Skyrim." - Thalmor Dossier on Ulfric Stormcloak



Edited by bigmagy1981
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People who argue in favor of the Empire give me the impression of two things... First, that they are trying to stay loyal to the Empire from Oblivion that no longer exists. Second, that they believe a rebel is an evil force like the Confederates, instead of a good force like the George Washington's Continental Army.


The Stormcloaks are fighting for freedom from oppression, which more fits the revolution than the civil war. People who use Ulfric as a scape goat do not understand the politics going on... Mainly, the ban of Talos, which is obviously oppressing the people.


The fact that the Empire surrendered to the Thalmor and drew up a treaty that banned Talos what just cause for rebellion. Accusing the rebel leader of all kinds of things including being a racist doesn't change the fact that the Thalmor are oppressing the people and are even worse that Ulfric.


And the idea that the Empire is an independent nation is just ignorant. They are not an Empire, they are the province of Cyrodil in the Thalmor's Empire. They already lost, and the Stormcloaks aren't going out without a fight. You can make up whatever you want, but this is the real story.

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