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An independent New Vegas mod.


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If you want, I can send you some of my stuff. There are a few locations I made, the big one being Tarquinia, a legion town just outside of the fort with some slave-plantation farms. If I'm not going to use it, somebody might as well do.

I would greatly appreciate that Peadar1987. Because of the scope of this project, any help is a godsend

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Just handling a few salient points (I probably won't respond to the points/posts I agree with, since it means we're on the same page), while I try to get up to speed.


There might still be small skirish teams and Assasins wondering around, but no where near enough to hold the Fort.

So re: the fort & Legate's camp both are cleared, as evidenced in the Independent NV ending, by the prescense of the securitrons and ranger vets during the end game dialog (or alternately the last in game battle with teh rangers).


The Mojave Outpost would be the border of NCR territory so expect a much larger military presence and a re-enforced Outpost.

We have a couple of variations on the independent ending, primarily concerned with the players relations to the NCR (pro, neutral and con). Each variation heavily influences the borders of teh game world;


Pro/New Vegas Treaty:

The player continues to honor the New Vegas Treaty, and both sides abide by the same terms of agreement. This has enormous advantages for the NCR; Kimball's administration is able to save face and survive what would otherwise most likely be impeachment, the core region continues to receive the lions share of Hoovers juice & h20, and they receive a powerful military ally (the players securitrons) in a strategically key point. For the player this is the strongest military option (alliance with one of the two west coast super powers), the player can continue to gain income from NCR military on teh strip, the NCR must continue to fulfill it's obligations under the treaty (maintaining hoover and other structures, delivering food to the strip etc), reinforcing NV troops and locations etc. But the player looses out on income from the Dam, which can be substantial.


There are some restrictions for this ending based on NCR rep, and story elements (ie don't throw Oliver off of the dam, speech challenge for the final battle with oliver and the rangers).


In this scenario the boarders don't change appreciably, the fort and legat's camp (location of the securitron vault) become NV territory, securitrons move into Hoover, but most lines remain the same.


Pro/Offer to permit annexation:

This is (cut content) essentially for the player that doesn't want to deal with anything related to ruling, managing, protecting or otherwise have any responsibilities in regard to NV. Long story short it provides immunity from prosecution, full NCR citizenship, and ownership of the strip. The boarders stay the same, as per above (Pro/New Vegas Treaty). It's under the pro category because the NCR essentially receives almost (sans strip) everything they had hoped for, by annexing NV.



Neutral/Order of Withdrawal:

The New Vegas Treaty is null and void and a Order of Withdrawal is issued (immediate withdrawal of all NCR military personal from NV and it's surrounding area).


The player looses income from NCR military on teh strip, but gains substantial income from selling h20 and juice from teh dam (5 caps per kilowatt hour, 5 caps per gallon). This obviously earns the ire of the NCR and the loss of their support (militarily and othewise).


In this scenario I tend to think of the Mojave Outpost as the southwest boarder of the NCR as well. In general, I see the new boarders *initially* being as they were before the New Vegas Treaty (since that agreement is now nul and void) and as per the Order of Withdrawal. It's loosely termed "New Vegas and its surrounding territories", but includes at least the following; Hoover Dam, McCarran International Airport, HELIOS One, and the El Dorado substation. It applies to military personal but not civilians. This is the same as the house ending (which I often use as a base for the neutral independent).


Con/Declaration of War:

This one is pretty self-explanatory....not recommended. As you would imagine, any NCR are targets, and boarders are drawn by successful or unsuccessful military campaigns.

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Some good ideas on here ! I like how you can tell the NCR to f**k off and then extort money from them using Hoover Dam. This would also apply to a House ending as well wouldnt it? As you probably read on the other message board we were talking about the smaller factions and what they would do, what are your thoughts on that?


I'd imagine the NCR sending assasins and mercs after you though in any event, given that the NCR is rampant with corruption and with the Courier and Yes Man/House out the way they could come in and try to annex it again.

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Here's my post copied over from the other thread:


Before I start laying out some of the ideas I want to add in a link for the NCR Emergency Radio which is heard during the final battle at Hoover Dam. Since it relates to events that occur during the final battle depending on game choices that players make I thought it would be best to start the mod with the player putting out fires in various locations or witness the aftermath.


Instead of appearing in a room with the ending slide narrator or on the railway track leading to the Emergency Service Railyard (where the final slide places the Courier) I think that the player should start at the Legate's Camp where he/she is approached by Marilyn the Securitron.


I'm not sure if this would be the best time to finally make a desicion on wether to stick to the original plan of kicking the NCR out of the Mojave or declare war on the NCR there and then. I know Devin has another option in mind to allow the NCR to remain in the Mojave and keep control of Hoover Dam similar to House's old arrangement with the NCR. I will admit that I'm not too fond of this third option as it defeats the purpose of going for the Independence ending when the player can support the NCR for the same result. But Devin's the lead developer of this project and it's entirely up to him on how it plays out. The NCR war version will probably consist of the player being forced to kill any remaining NCR at the locations mentioned in the NCR Emergency Broadcast. The ideas I'm going to lay out will cover the original NCR withdrawal option.


After making introductions with Marilyn, the player will dictate a written letter of withdrawal for Marilyn to print out. This would be the first opportunitity to exclude the original Nevada Desert Rangers from the withdrawal if the player wishes to do so. The player will present the letter to General Oliver if he is still alive or alternatively a low ranking NCR trooper who can pass the letter along. The player can also ask Marilyn to relay a message to Mr New Vegas who will mention that the NCR and Legion were defeated at Hoover Dam in his radio broadcast. Thankfully I found cut audio content of Mr New Vegas relaying this news which should fit in well.


After that has been done Marilyn will inform the player of any conflicts that require his/her attention.


Novac -


Even though there is no mention of Novac in the NCR Emergency Broadcast it is reported to be attacked by the Legion in it's ending slides. The extent of casualities will depend on how the quest Come Fly With Me was completed. If Jason Bright and his followers were killed then the entire population of Novac will be killed by the Legion and the only thing the player can do is kill all Legion at Novac until more Securitrons arrive.


If the player helped Jason Bright and improved the rocket ship's navigation then we will see a group of Bright Followers assisting in the evacuation of Novac. The player can assist a small group Bright Followers and Novac defenders against the Legion and buy non combatants time to evacuate to the Repconn Test Site until reinforcements arrive in the form of Securitrons (or NCR troops in a NCR version of the mod).


If the player helped Jason but did not improve the rocket's navigation then the player can defend Novac along with a small group of Novac defenders but no Bright Followers against the Legion while the others will presumably escape to the Repconn Test Site. The Bright Followers will arrive weeks later to bolster Novac's defenses.


Alternatively if the player sabotaged the rockets then leaked radioactive fuel will contaminate the area. The player will arrive to discover that Novac has become an toxic pitt and the area will be covered with the corpses of Novac settlers and Legion troops that have died from radiation poisoning. Novac will become another area that travellers will avoid just like Searchlight and this should have an negative effect on trade in the Mojave area.


Camp McCarran -


Camp McCarran is attacked by the Fiends during the second battle at Hoover Dam. How successful they are depends on how many Fiend leaders remain alive. If all Fiend leaders are dead then it would be certain that the NCR repelled the attack leaving little for the player to do at this point.


If some Fiend leaders are still alive then the Fiends will overrun McCarran. The player can order Marilyn to have power cut off from Camp McCarran and the monorail. A small group of Fiends may be holed up in the Las Vegas Boulevard Station on the Strip until the player arrives to clear the place out. Clearing out Camp McCarran of Fiends can be a part of a later quest in the campaign against the Fiends in the Outer Vegas area.


All Fiend leaders remaining alive will result in the same scenario as above but the only difference is that there will be more Fiends to kill later on in the Outer Vegas campaign.


Camp Forlorn Hope -


This location's fate largely depends on the quests We Are Legion and Restoring Hope. If the player completed We Are Legion then we will see the Legion overun the camp which result in another quest to kill any remaining Legion.


If the quest Restoring Hope was completed then the NCR will defend the camp from the Legion. This would allow for the quest I mentioned earlier where the player can decided the fate of any wounded troops. The player can either grant the combat medics time to treat wounded troopers and allow the Followers of the Apocalypse to treat them until they are well enough to return home or insist that the NCR leave immediately which will likely result in the death of the wounded troops. This will result in postive or negative rep with NCR.


I'm not entirely sure what to suggest if players have ignored both of these quests. I assume that both sides will maintain their stalemate but it seems like the Legion are in better shape at Nelson than the NCR are so it might be possible that the Legion attacked Camp Forlorn Hope during Hoover Dam anyway.


Camp Golf -


The quest Flags Of Our Foul-Ups is tied in to the fate of Camp Golf. If the quest was completed by following either O'Harahan's or Mags advice then the Misfits will repel the Legion attack that is mentioned. When the player arrives the only thing that he/she can do is make the offer for the Nevada Desert Rangers to stay in the Mojave in person. I would suggest putting in a Nevada veteran character who can make a request to have the player tear down the Ranger Unification Monument when the NCR finally leave. The player can either accept or refuse his request.


If Flags of Our Foul-Ups was completed using Razz's advice will also result in the Legion being defeated but later on the Misfits will become junkies for their next Psycho hit and start robbing travelers outside Vegas. They will eventually court martialed and shot by firing squad later on.


Not completeing the quest or completing it by following Poindexter's advice will result in the Misfits attempting to flee when the Legion attack. The player can assist the remaining rangers in repelling the Legion attack and make the offer to stay in the Mojave to the surviving Nevada Desert Ranger veteran. Incidently the Misfits will be caught by the NCR and hung from the Ranger statue later on.


Freeside -


Riots in Freeside will occur if the player incited war between the Kings and NCR during G.I Blues. While I'm sure the Securitrons are capable of handling the riots by themselves it should be noted that NCR travelers will avoid Freeside if they valued their safety. This outcome would have a negative effect on tourism in the Strip considering that NCR tourists need to pass through Freeside in order to get to the Strip. If the player wants to NCR tourists to feel safe enough to travel to the Strip then he/she may have to kill the Kings later on if negotiations fail.


If things were settled peacefully between the Kings and NCR then no riots happen and the area remains relatively safe for NCR tourists.


The Strip -


If the player has chosen to ignore the Omertas then Nero and Big Sal will stage a coup on the Strip which would result in the NCR Embassy being bombed. The Securitrons and other Families will attack the Omertas in this scenario. When the player reaches the Strip he will arrive to see the aftermath. I can't see the Omertas surviving against both the families and Securitrons so it would be safe to say that the Omertas will be gone. However the resulting violence will be another negative effect for the Strip. One casino closed and a bad effect on tourism.


If Nero and Big Sal were dealt with already in the main game then everything should be okay.


The Monorail -


If the player has not completed the quest I Put a Spell On You or completed it in the Legion's favor then the monorail will be destroyed. I'm not sure if it would be possible to repair it but it would be an additional cost that the player can do without.


After these events have been dealt with then the Courier can finally relax and have a victory party. Clicking on a bottle of champaign would result in a small time skip to the next morning where the player will wake up in the Penthouse suite before having to deal with the various Mojave factions. The vanilla companions should be moved back to their default or new locations at this point in the game and I can safely say that should cover the opening act of the mod.


It would be possible that many people will have already completed the vanilla quests in a way that prevents a lot of these unpleasant incidents from occuring leaving them with only a battle in Novac to fight. But at the same time I'm sure this would set help set the stage for the rest of the mod.

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From the other thread:



Correct, a well trained Westside Militia and Kings could easily carry out effective guerrilla warfare tactics against the NCR, Legion, and anyone else. I think that given Boone's combat experience in Recon and Sharpshooting, he could train them in better accuracy and spotting. Scouting would benefit the Westside Militia also if they ever wanted to take the fight to the Fiends or whatever group comes after them. Raul has been fighting bandits for over 200 years, if anyone is well versed in urban warefare it would be him. Arcade could provide medical training, as every soldier needs rudimentry medical training. As a whole, however, the Desert Rangers would be the best bet. Talking of ex military, look at how many gangbangers are in the military today, training their mates how to surround a car properly during an ambush and weapon handling and then putting this in practice against rival gangs, just like the Los Zetas you mentioned. This is training that would benefit the Kings greatly, although the dialogue I hear from them, especially after killing Motor Runner suggests to me that they are a bit pussy!


But those three combined don't have the training/experience in logistics, effective leadership, command and control, intelligence, and/or engineering. They have skills yes but not the other skills needed for a solid military force.


Regarding the Kings and Westside Militia I still believe it's not worth the effort to train them when you consider the type of threats they face on a daily basis. The Kings' only problem are the Freeside thugs that are so poor that they can't even afford small firearms. Westside militia may only face against a few Fiends that wander into the area and the Scorpions which are regarded as one of the lesser gangs in the game and may already be wiped out by the start of the mod. Sure the Westside militia could be trained to go directly after the Fiends but that would leave the settlement they're supposed to protect at risk from attack.


I would like to see army building as part of the mod and I would like to use some of the Desert Rangers and couple of the Remnants to serve as instructors. However it would take time to build up an army and players would not expect to deploy them until six months have passed. I would'nt want to see the Nevada Desert Rangers get absorbed into the Nevada Defense Force as they did with the NCR Rangers but they can remain as a special forces branch and take over Camp Golf and the other Ranger camps.

The thing with training is that it also increases the morale and therefore the effectiveness of the troops. Many a large army has been defeated by a smaller army with higher morale and better training. By training the Westside Militia and the Kings, we can increase their overall confidence in themselves to perform their basic duties. It also means that they'll maintain their edge over their enemies as well. In addition, training them also gives the Courier a reserve force in case a much more potent enemy shows up. Finally, why make things a fair fight?


As for the actual army building, I fully agree that it takes time to build a decent army.

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Hey Devin.


I was curious if you needed any help with the Independent mod. I'm still knew to the GECK but I feel like I could help out with making/editing world spaces. I can show you something that I've been working on over the past week if you'd like.




Absolutely, I'll be trying to mod a bit this evening, and I also hope to address a few points in this thread (always a lot of research when it comes to this one). Touch base with you shortly.

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Hey Devin.


I was curious if you needed any help with the Independent mod. I'm still knew to the GECK but I feel like I could help out with making/editing world spaces. I can show you something that I've been working on over the past week if you'd like.




Absolutely, I'll be trying to mod a bit this evening, and I also hope to address a few points in this thread (always a lot of research when it comes to this one). Touch base with you shortly.



Awesome. Just tell me what to do and I'll get it done.

Edited by sgtKraigO
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