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Legion Vault: if I may - this might be better as a stand-alone mod, perhaps taking place at Zion Valley. It can of course be part of the mod, there's no reason why not, but it just seems like a missed opportunity to me to stand on its own legs. That said, how about the vault was built like the base in Stargate-SG1 - basically a hollowed out mountain - and it controls a military laser satellite up-link, whose effect is similar to Archimedes II.


A military weapon is a good direction to go, since that's definitely something you can't let the legion play around with. They don't seem to pursue tech for tech's sake & try not to rely on it. But they use mortars, howitzers and other tech weapons of war (although not bots and certain other items).


Although we might gain more sympathy for the plot if the vault dwellers are essentially non-combatants. Then we could go two more directions;


1. could be a group effort where the courier helps the vault dwellers to defeat the legion, something akin to the moral dilemma of involving the sorrows in combat/war during the exodus from honest hearts. The legion is tricked into thinking they'v penetrated the vault by their own efforts but are entering a trap. Do you change the essential nature of the vault dwellers, risk their lives and abandon/destory their home (they won't be able to stay there since the legion knows their location and will send reinforcements, the only option will be a reactor meltdown) to defeat the legion camp?




2. Things are not as they seem. After working to defeat the legion, these innocent appearing vault dwellers have a dire secret, perhaps related to their vault experiment. For instance it turns out they have advanced medical tech and they'v been borrowing outsiders for years as "spare parts". These "involuntary organ donations" means that some of the vault dwellers are over 200 years old. Or perhaps they have an organic CPU like the one from a previous fallout game (was it tactics? Never played the early ones) that was composed of 6 human brains. It's wearing out and they need a replacement of a very rare and exceptional ability.....the courier's brain.


Essentially Something that will give a completely new twist to the seemingly well meaning and innocent vault dwellers.

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Well, if this will take place in Zion Valley, I don't really want to rehash the Sorrows (although this would have been soooooooo much better than Honest Hearts).


That said, I had an idea kicking around; where a vault-like military base decided to put all their people in experimental cryo-sleep while the WWIII raged outside. Unlike the Vault 112's VR Pods, the cryo-sleep pods completely stopped instead of slowing the aging process down, while leaving the brain active thanks to cybernetic implants. Cryogenic freezing can cause organic damage, so the people in the pods were immersed in bio med gel. The idea was to have the people in the pods controlling robots while frozen.


This is where the storyline can diverge:


Option A: Innocents


The experiment might have been a success, except that there was an explosion in the controller machinery and it severely damaged the brains of the people in the pods. The medi-gel eventually healed the damage, but when the pods automatically released the people, they were nothing more than infants. Enough memories remained for them to eventually regain some semblance of movement and speech, but no where close to what they were before. As generations passed, some semblance of civilization began to return, although the more advanced scientific knowledge that require reading and writing never fully returned. They were remarkable non-violent and kind - not having to fight for food or shelter apparently tempering the more violent impulses. Unfortunately, Whatever secrets contained within the base are long forgotten, with the automated machinery keeping the base active slowly breaking down.


Eventually, the tribal society within learned about controlling the gear door and the outer surveillance system - views of the lush plant life tempted those within the base to ventured out beyond the vault walls, only to be scared back by the missing ceiling and the dangers inherent in the new world. Hiding once again in their hidden complex, they remained there until they one day, a Legion group passed by. In excitement of seeing people like them, the tribals sent a group to meet them - the men were killed and the women enslaved. Despite the torture the tribals experienced, the legion was unable to find out if there were more tribals due to the language barrier and their home remained hidden. The brutality the Legion members exhibited forced the tribals to seal their gate once more and anxiously hope that their home would not be accidentally discovered. Despite the apparent lack of other tribals, the Legion smell prey nearby and begin to search. Into this situation comes the Courier.


Most quests will involve fighting with the Legion and restoring the base. Similar to E-DE's upgardes, you can eventually get the Followers or BOS involved to take over daily operations. The long term effects will be dependent on your actions, for example, getting the BOS involved will give the BOS prime-quality genetic stock to train to become soldiers and have a large and dangerous base to control.


Option B: Masquerade


I'm a little uncertain about this version, mostly due to it's similarity to Old World Blues. I had an idea for another mod, about a secret group of powerful and influential figures (Illuminati-like group called the Cabal) who build a hidden vault for themselves and like Mr. House, kept themselves alive in special pods. They tried to take over the world but were thwarted by the low level of technology and dependable help. The one place that they could sense was New Vegas, but Mr. House was able to stop them from taking over, but now that he's gone, they are a serious threat once again. I would use this idea if you want to tie it in to the main storyline and need an end boss or something.

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I'm a little uncertain about this version, mostly due to it's similarity to Old World Blues. I had an idea for another mod, about a secret group of powerful and influential figures (Illuminati-like group called the Cabal) who build a hidden vault for themselves and like Mr. House, kept themselves alive in special pods. They tried to take over the world but were thwarted by the low level of technology and dependable help. The one place that they could sense was New Vegas, but Mr. House was able to stop them from taking over, but now that he's gone, they are a serious threat once again. I would use this idea if you want to tie it in to the main storyline and need an end boss or something.


Only have a second to comment, but Vault-tec had it's own series/complex of vaults separate & off of the books from the normal vaults and the military vaults;


Regardless of the American government's directives, Vault-Tec's high-ranking personnel had no intention of submitting to a lottery and living underground with a bunch of human cattle in the intentionally defective vault facilities that they had constructed. Vault-Tec instead created their own private emergency shelter facility for their top employees and their families, removed from the larger vault network, and kept secret from the U.S. government. This facility is now known as the Secret Vault.


It's not a perfect match since it's in Texas and from FO BOS, but it certainly fits the aspects below;


a secret group of powerful and influential figures (Illuminati-like group called the Cabal) who build a hidden vault for themselves and like Mr. House, kept themselves alive in special pods.

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Yeah, like I said way before - Vault-Tec vaults are just secure shelters built in a certain design style. Plenty of other groups had them to varying degrees of success: Raven Rock, the Sierra Madre Vault, Pulowski Shelters, even a regular bank vault all served the same purpose of keeping its contents safe and secure. What design choice i.e. enclave/vault-tec style is chosen is not the issue - my uncertainty is more about the similarity to OWB rather than anything else.

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Yeah, like I said way before - Vault-Tec vaults are just secure shelters built in a certain design style.


Nah this is the ultimate double cross of the biggest double cross in history (the vault project and the Enclave), which is what makes it so fascinating. Even the enclave that was using the vaults for it's own purpose didn't know about this secret vault as it was essentially Vault-tec's plan to do to the enclave, what the enclaves plan was to do to America. It's not a typical vault in any way.


But to be honest it's really gold and should be given it's own mod.


Re: the OWB parallel, yeah, it does just seem like a re-hash. Maybe you should try a different direction.

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My best thought on a more unique spin is that of replicant attacks taking place - androids that look like important people, assassinating and replacing the originals; and the Courier being the next target. It allows a terminator-like enemy - but it has no real link to the Legion.

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I was doing a little bit of research a few months back on replicants. I think for the mars project (?). You probably already know this, but there is a *huge* amount of lore in addition to the movie. Like 3 or 4 books continuing the story. I just skimmed it, but I remember thinking it was very interesting. As you'd guess it's on Wikipedia.


Might want that one as a stand alone mod so you don't have to wait on this behemoth of a mod as a precursor.

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I've been doing some research into the Bittersprings refugee camp and was thinking that it could be tied into the Legion chapter of the mod. According to Mr New Vegas and the Fallout wiki the refugees are from settlements that the Legion has razed so I assume that some of them can provide the player with intel on the Legion. If the NCR are asked to leave the Mojave I can imagine that the Followers of the Apocalypse would take over the camp and provide aid for the refugees but would put in a request to the player for additional security and medical supplies.

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I've been doing some research into the Bittersprings refugee camp and was thinking that it could be tied into the Legion chapter of the mod. According to Mr New Vegas and the Fallout wiki the refugees are from settlements that the Legion has razed so I assume that some of them can provide the player with intel on the Legion. If the NCR are asked to leave the Mojave I can imagine that the Followers of the Apocalypse would take over the camp and provide aid for the refugees but would put in a request to the player for additional security and medical supplies.

That's a good idea. Speaking of which what about the Khans? One of the endings IIRC has them merge with exiled FoA to build a powerful new state in the northwest. Given the whole drug brewing thing (which the player can also persuade into making meds) and the fact that many drugs have/had practical medical uses, I could see a Khan sub-group joining on with the FoA. Maybe a sort of revenant Khan movement, or even a quasi-religious group, Bitter springs being hallowed ground or something?



Legion Vault: if I may - this might be better as a stand-alone mod, perhaps taking place at Zion Valley. It can of course be part of the mod, there's no reason why not, but it just seems like a missed opportunity to me to stand on its own legs. That said, how about the vault was built like the base in Stargate-SG1 - basically a hollowed out mountain - and it controls a military laser satellite up-link, whose effect is similar to Archimedes II.


A military weapon is a good direction to go, since that's definitely something you can't let the legion play around with. They don't seem to pursue tech for tech's sake & try not to rely on it. But they use mortars, howitzers and other tech weapons of war (although not bots and certain other items).


Although we might gain more sympathy for the plot if the vault dwellers are essentially non-combatants. Then we could go two more directions;


1. could be a group effort where the courier helps the vault dwellers to defeat the legion, something akin to the moral dilemma of involving the sorrows in combat/war during the exodus from honest hearts. The legion is tricked into thinking they'v penetrated the vault by their own efforts but are entering a trap. Do you change the essential nature of the vault dwellers, risk their lives and abandon/destory their home (they won't be able to stay there since the legion knows their location and will send reinforcements, the only option will be a reactor meltdown) to defeat the legion camp?




2. Things are not as they seem. After working to defeat the legion, these innocent appearing vault dwellers have a dire secret, perhaps related to their vault experiment. For instance it turns out they have advanced medical tech and they'v been borrowing outsiders for years as "spare parts". These "involuntary organ donations" means that some of the vault dwellers are over 200 years old. Or perhaps they have an organic CPU like the one from a previous fallout game (was it tactics? Never played the early ones) that was composed of 6 human brains. It's wearing out and they need a replacement of a very rare and exceptional ability.....the courier's brain.


Essentially Something that will give a completely new twist to the seemingly well meaning and innocent vault dwellers.


1. Could be forced to seal off the door/cave entrance, and/or convince the legion that the vault went kablooey. This assumes that the rest of the legion knows about it. What if it's a "lost Legion" of sorts, or even deserters/ragged survivors from the battle of the Dam?


2. An organic AI could either be another villain a la Glados, or maybe a potentially valuable and/or irreplaceable pre-war resource. Perhaps it knows how to make certain meds or something?

Well, if this will take place in Zion Valley, I don't really want to rehash the Sorrows (although this would have been soooooooo much better than Honest Hearts).


That said, I had an idea kicking around; where a vault-like military base decided to put all their people in experimental cryo-sleep while the WWIII raged outside. Unlike the Vault 112's VR Pods, the cryo-sleep pods completely stopped instead of slowing the aging process down, while leaving the brain active thanks to cybernetic implants. Cryogenic freezing can cause organic damage, so the people in the pods were immersed in bio med gel. The idea was to have the people in the pods controlling robots while frozen.


This is where the storyline can diverge:


Option A: Innocents


The experiment might have been a success, except that there was an explosion in the controller machinery and it severely damaged the brains of the people in the pods. The medi-gel eventually healed the damage, but when the pods automatically released the people, they were nothing more than infants. Enough memories remained for them to eventually regain some semblance of movement and speech, but no where close to what they were before. As generations passed, some semblance of civilization began to return, although the more advanced scientific knowledge that require reading and writing never fully returned. They were remarkable non-violent and kind - not having to fight for food or shelter apparently tempering the more violent impulses. Unfortunately, Whatever secrets contained within the base are long forgotten, with the automated machinery keeping the base active slowly breaking down.


Eventually, the tribal society within learned about controlling the gear door and the outer surveillance system - views of the lush plant life tempted those within the base to ventured out beyond the vault walls, only to be scared back by the missing ceiling and the dangers inherent in the new world. Hiding once again in their hidden complex, they remained there until they one day, a Legion group passed by. In excitement of seeing people like them, the tribals sent a group to meet them - the men were killed and the women enslaved. Despite the torture the tribals experienced, the legion was unable to find out if there were more tribals due to the language barrier and their home remained hidden. The brutality the Legion members exhibited forced the tribals to seal their gate once more and anxiously hope that their home would not be accidentally discovered. Despite the apparent lack of other tribals, the Legion smell prey nearby and begin to search. Into this situation comes the Courier.


Most quests will involve fighting with the Legion and restoring the base. Similar to E-DE's upgardes, you can eventually get the Followers or BOS involved to take over daily operations. The long term effects will be dependent on your actions, for example, getting the BOS involved will give the BOS prime-quality genetic stock to train to become soldiers and have a large and dangerous base to control.


Option B: Masquerade


I'm a little uncertain about this version, mostly due to it's similarity to Old World Blues. I had an idea for another mod, about a secret group of powerful and influential figures (Illuminati-like group called the Cabal) who build a hidden vault for themselves and like Mr. House, kept themselves alive in special pods. They tried to take over the world but were thwarted by the low level of technology and dependable help. The one place that they could sense was New Vegas, but Mr. House was able to stop them from taking over, but now that he's gone, they are a serious threat once again. I would use this idea if you want to tie it in to the main storyline and need an end boss or something.

Why not both? It could be a Stanislaus Braun scenario, with a few whackoes and a bunch of normal (relatively speaking) people. What about a cannibalistic brain bank, as in the members start salvaging each others' grey matter in order to maintain themselves, or maybe a psycho Pass style collective of 200-odd minds?

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Great Khans


Yeah, I can see Bitter Springs becoming a Follower camp even if the NCR stay - taking care of refugees takes a lot of money and I doubt the NCR would waste the resources as they would have been even more thinly stretched after the battle at the dam.


The Great Khans endings have them leave the Mojave completely: either enslaved by the legion, relocated by the NCR, or leaving to forge their own destiny. Bitter Springs is already an important memorial for the Khans, but I don't see them sticking around or going on pilgrimages there. They are less a religious group, and more a lifestyle choice. As for medical supplies, the best thing I can come up with is that when the Khans are leaving, they donate their equipment to the Followers - but I have no idea what practical effect there could be for the overall game.


Legion Territory Vault


Scenario A: I don't think it matters whether the Legion troop are deserters or not in the short term- they are an armed group who would kill and enslave the tribal dwellers; that's why I added the concealed cave entrance as it limits accidental discovery, but an organized search will find them eventually. In the long term, if the legion troop is made up of deserters, then the Courier can just kill them all and then hope more deserters or raiders don't show up later. If they are still part of the Legion, then a missing group of Legionnaires will be noticed and an investigation will begin - this scenario makes more sense as it puts the dwellers under constant pressure. If the cave is blown while the Legion is near, they will no doubt wonder what the hell that was and eventually, an entrance can be excavated.


Scenario B: I picked an either/or scenario because otherwise it's too much like Vault 0 and the Calculator in Fallout: Tactics. While Fallout: Tactics doesn't appear to be completely canon anymore, nonetheless, it's already been done. As for some important pre-war resource, let's take BigMT - once the main quest line is done, there is nothing to do there despite the incredible treasure trove of high-tech toys laying around; this will just become another place that the player never visits.


Cesar and Yes Man


I had this thought about Cesar and the Fort - Cesar knew about there being a vault underneath his base, and he had plenty of time to dig his way in. Perhaps that can be used somehow? For example, Cesar was a Follower and therefore had technical training - perhaps he programmed a virus that infected the Securitrons and Yes Man?

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