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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Sorry, my mistake there.


I like what you've got planned for Sloan but I was wondering what you've got planned for Nipton. I just recently explored Nipton and thought that the town hall would make a decent courthouse and militia barracks. A couple of the houses could be turned into a clinic and repair shop and the store could have a new merchant put in but I guess Boxcars would have to be removed. I normally have no issues about killing Powder Gangers but I usually feel that Boxcars has suffered enough (even though he's particularly rude to the player) and decide to spare him. The only threat to Nipton that I know of are the Vipers and bark scorpions that respawn nearby.

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Quarry: I agree - the quarry should be reopened, along with several others - for example, a new one quarry near Vault 19 for mining sulfur; showing that indeed - time marches on.


Good deal, I'll check that out. Would it be a caravan house sponsored thing, independent miners or affiliated with the gun runners for powder production?



Boulder City: Well, Boulder City and Nipton are both ripe for "rebulding" quests as both are destroyed and near train tracks, but I don't know how involved we should get with that. Boulder City is important due to its proximity to Hoover Dam - a perfect place for a military installation. I had the thought of turning Nipton into Fort Abandon, but that would be more NCR related. Any mods in the Boulder City area can be moved to the outskirts - the main problem would be to make patches for all the mods affected.


I didn't give a lot of thought to rebuilding them, because we have a pretty big list of stuff, & if you kept teh treaty or used the letter of withdrawel Boulder was the NCR's. But you could oust them, or I suppose drop some caps there even if it's NCR territory to improve it/them. If you think it would be something most players want I guess it wouldn't be monumental, but I kind of suspect most players would divert the lions share by far, into NV. None the less, even a few buildings would show progress, and could very well be done even without the help of the courier (via NCR or private ventures). What do you guys think?



As for Cesar having a double, yeah I guess it would make sense, but that would just cloud the issue and raise the question: "why didn't he travel to the Mojave to take the reigns of the Legion after his double died/was killed?" and it would really boost the Legion's power overall, leaving them a major threat.


Yeah it's a hard one to spin, since both Julius Caesar and the "postman" Caesar were near the battle even though not actually taking part in the melee...which is essentially exactly what NV's Caesar was doing in the fort. But it would keep the Legion from splintering and on par with the NCR. I don't know I guess we'll just have to hash out which of the many possibilities makes for the best story line in re: to the courier, ncr etc. Lets keep brainstorming.



Vaults: again, sorry, I think I haven't been clear - I'm not saying there shouldn't be new inhabitants; in fact it would be very nice to have the vaults used by good people doing good things. What I am saying, is that minus some clutter cleanup, I don't think there should be a switch from the rusted vault set to the standard vault set - the mod presented as an example did exactly that and that's what I was disagreeing with. That's all.


Right, I see. Basically we'll have basicly the same vaults if critters move in. If bandits/outlaws move in it won't look much different. If townsfolk or merchants etc move in the trash and debris will be cleared but most of the vault will stay similar. Only if a advanced faction moved in would it be cleaned up significantly to resemble the standard vault set from it's rusty set.

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I like what you've got planned for Sloan but I was wondering what you've got planned for Nipton.


Honestly, I havn't had time to do much and hadn't really thought of anything.


I just recently explored Nipton and thought that the town hall would make a decent courthouse and militia barracks. A couple of the houses could be turned into a clinic and repair shop and the store could have a new merchant put in but I guess Boxcars would have to be removed.


That all sounds good. Would you be able to make the mod (I can merge it into teh main one). If you don't have time, or the knowledge yet, it's not a big deal. I still greatly appreciate the idea. I was just thinking that if you wanted a project that sound like one you'v got a good handle on.


Also two points related to towns and Nipton in particular. 1. they can be a "soft invasion" capturing peoples hearts and minds by rebuilding them without a direct confrontation with what the NCR considers citizens under it's protection. 2. they are sources to bleed the player of funds and military strength as s/he will be required to guard them from legion raids and that ties up resources....helping to balance the players power.

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Vault City - Maybe the vault settlement idea can be tied in with the Legion chapter of this mod. I was thinking about a vault similar to vault 101 that is located in Legion territory. The Vault had previously sent out scouts outside and when they found out that the area was overrun by the Legion they closed the Vault again. After years of isolation and lack of genetic variety for procreation their numbers are slowly dwindling. The player can discover this vault after removing a Legion camp that was set up to keep tabs on the Vault and negotiate with the Overseer.


I like the idea. Maybe for simplicity (and because I'm lazy & don't want to make a new world space) make it in the area up north east of the map. There's some room up there and it's in the direction of salt lake city which the legion hold.


Maybe after neutralizing a small-ish group of legionary scouts and assassins, one of it's prisoners claims to be a vault dweller. S/he can lead the courier to the vault which is now surrounded by a sizable legion force/camp/makeshift fortification? The prisoner had escaped the legion lines when they were first setting up the watch or was out of the area when the first legion scouts came across evidence of the vault. S/He had been tracked down and captured and was being returned to the legion camp watching the vault, to be tortured and debriefed. <a possible spin is the player can pose as a legion scout and escort the prisoner into the camp, or pose as the prisoner>


Any ideas on what the vault experiment would be (or is it a control vault)? Maybe something useful for military purposes?


Would the mod end upon taking care of the Legion, or would that only be part one of a two part act. Is there a situation/mystery that needs to be solved in the vault itself?

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@Devilman1975 - nothing to be sorry for, we just had a difference of opinion.


Quarries: I think they should be independent. By making them separate from the NCR, the miners have more control and thus are happier overall. As it was, the guys at Sloan got seriously screwed over by slave labor and lack of security. Heck, depending on how far you want to take it, you can make your own mining guild.


Boulder City: sure, I can see New Vegas taking priority, but even so, there should be more people there - tourists and such. I had a weird idea of battle-reenactors showing up, but that's pretty far out there. Since Hoover Dam is securitron territory, and thus borderline neutral; Boulder City could become the new Mojave Outpost - a rest stop between the Legion territory and the rest of the Mojave.


Vault City: exactly what I was talking about - I'm glad I finally explained myself.


Nipton: sounds good to me.


Legion Vault: if I may - this might be better as a stand-alone mod, perhaps taking place at Zion Valley. It can of course be part of the mod, there's no reason why not, but it just seems like a missed opportunity to me to stand on its own legs. That said, how about the vault was built like the base in Stargate-SG1 - basically a hollowed out mountain - and it controls a military laser satellite up-link, whose effect is similar to Archimedes II.

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Just did a bit of mod searching.


Nipton: There's a Nipton Rebuilt Mod, only problems being that it should trigger after the end of the game, it's way too clean, and I don't think Nipton would get that big so fast. There's also a much simpler cleanup mod that despawns the fires, bodies, etc. 48 hours after you visit the first time.


The Strip: The NVR is hands down the best strip overhaul mod out there. It's a no brainer. there's also the Freeside Restoration Mod which was made by the same team. It should be compatible with the Run the Lucky 38 mod, among others.


Boulder City: A Boulder City mod, adds three modular add-ons to the city, with lip-sync


The Playing with Firepower Mod adds a lot of nifty energy weapons in a Freeside store, including walking dinosaur toy bombs, and the ability to use a pair of binoculars to call in a Boomer artillery barrage once a day.



Railroads have been floated around for a while. I've been meaning to make new railcars. A flatbed shouldn't be too hard...

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Thanks Trooper, if we are allowed to use them it would save an enormous amount of work. And not to worry about adding them gradually, I can enable them based on time passed or in a quest based on completed objectives so they don't mangle the space time continuum all at once
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That all sounds good. Would you be able to make the mod (I can merge it into teh main one). If you don't have time, or the knowledge yet, it's not a big deal. I still greatly appreciate the idea. I was just thinking that if you wanted a project that sound like one you'v got a good handle on.


Thank you for the offer but I have to admit that my abilities with the geck are very limited. My own Vault 74 was a pig's dinner when I attempted it. Saying that I am very interested in helping out with the beta testing as I've done some before for the TSC Moonbase mod for FO3. I will probably need to start a new game soon with a limited number of mods as my current game is very buggy at the moment (just discovered a floating door in the middle of the desert). :blink:


Regarding the cleanup mods for Nipton that TrooperScooper mentioned I think the simpler one would be the best choice. I will have to take a look at it since there were no images submitted. Nothing against Bond123, he certainly does some beautiful work but I would agree that his version looks far too clean.

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Thank you for the offer but I have to admit that my abilities with the geck are very limited. My own Vault 74 was a pig's dinner when I attempted it. Saying that I am very interested in helping out with the beta testing as I've done some before for the TSC Moonbase mod for FO3. I will probably need to start a new game soon with a limited number of mods as my current game is very buggy at the moment (just discovered a floating door in the middle of the desert). :blink:


No worries brother. At teh best of times the geck is like a psycho girlfriend.....you can do some amazing things, but most of the time your just trying to figure out what the hell is happening.



Regarding the cleanup mods for Nipton that TrooperScooper mentioned I think the simpler one would be the best choice. I will have to take a look at it since there were no images submitted. Nothing against Bond123, he certainly does some beautiful work but I would agree that his version looks far too clean.


OK but if you find you really like it, other than the fact that it's too clean, it's fairly easy to mess up the textures and get all kinds of aging effects. I suspect the determining factor for our decision will be if an author is generous enough to lend us the rights.

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Railroads have been floated around for a while. I've been meaning to make new railcars. A flatbed shouldn't be too hard...


Also Ermeso (of XRE cars) was going to make moving platforms, which wouldn't be too different from a flatcar (or other type) on a rail, so you could have a moving one. If it turns out that's not happening anytime soon, I think I could whip up a similar effect by using a moveto script to place a engine or train car over an actor (probably a eyebot since they don't have any skeletal movment when they travel). I havn't tried it, but I'v done something similar with a

e. I'd try something similar, but with a actor and a static.
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