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An independent New Vegas mod.


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The BoS would probably be interested in House's life support systems; also perhaps that mutant plant green vault, Vault 22, might be of interest, as well as power supplied from say Helios One or the Dam. Other than that, they might want Vault tech, or vault citizens as potential "pure strain" recruits.


Even if Kimball didn't die he would definitely lose the next election or be forced to resign. I suspect that the NCR would be at least temporarily open to a non-aggression treaty, or maybe even a limited alliance. the Republic's tourists would probably be a big part of New Vegas' economy. Some of the Desert Rangers or NCR personnel might desert (heh) as morale seemed quite low at the time.

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Nice touch there. Another way to add some atmosphere is the Courier requesting that the grave he/she was buried in be reserved for when his/her mortal coil expires.


Sounds good


I have to admit that I'm not sold on the psychic vault experiment idea but that's just my opinion. If the psychic abilities were utilized to win at gambling games then it begs the question - how did Mr House win ownership of Vault 21 over a game of blackjack?

Primarily I think Mr. House just cheated. As Darkus mentions, some of the 21's did want to leave the vault, it could be they stacked the deck or in other ways influenced it. He may also have had knowledge of the vault's secret experiment & developed countermeasures. For instance the psychic nullifier shows that the psychic abilities were recognized and countermeasures were developed. I'm guessing pre-war (just because resources were greater).


If it's a secret experiment, the abilities may not be consciously known to the vault pop. They might think they are just plain lucky or get "flashes" of insight etc, stuff on a subconscious level. What is strange is why they would gamble the vault. What did Mr. House offer as a wager? It would be one thing to gamble deciding if they would open it some might want to see the world), but a whole different situation for House to loot it and seal it. I'm guessing a bet like that would have to have something damn attractive for vault 21 to put everything on the line.


But in re: to the basic premises, yeah it's a ways out there. It ties in well though, with the anarchy governed though gambling, disputes etc and reinforces the often times malevolent nature of the vault experiments. It's also supported by fallout lore in basic concept (if not the plot line I'm pitching here). Although most of the psychic experiments were pretty crude ones done by the master & most ended in madness for the subjects.


It is a hook that can range from something very mild, like the 7th son of a 7th son pioneer folk lore, to children of the corn to childhoods end.



As for the reason behind filling the lower levels of the vault with concrete I would assume that House wanted to prevent people from digging their way into the Lucky 38's basement.

The Tops basement does, but dont' think the Lucky 38 can/does. However the Chairmans weren't able to break through, so I guess that's why House had to wager? I'll see if I can tweet Sawyer and see if he has any further details.

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The BoS would probably be interested in House's life support systems;

For the Elders? Wouldn't it be interesting if Elder Lyons health was failing him. He'd only be like 80, but S happens.


also perhaps that mutant plant green vault, Vault 22, might be of interest,

Yeah I could see that being pretty handy from an agricultural POV. I'm sure it'd be nice to have some stuff they could grow in their bunker. Maybe a nice addition to add in teh geck, a tiny park/greenhouse. Potentially the NCR can have it if the info was delivered through the quest. I'd like to also develop that plot line. I'm not sure if that's as simple as bountiful share cropper harvests or there should be a malevolent aspect. After all the citizens (well some of them) of vault 22 brought some vegetative problems (they flourished in the land and became giants) with them to Zion park. Seems like if that NCR scientist (who is motivated far more by fame than sense) wanted to do some experimenting the share croppers would be a good test bed. Also a good way to seed NV with hungry plants :(


as well as power supplied from say Helios One or the Dam. Other than that, they might want Vault tech, or vault citizens as potential "pure strain" recruits.

I forget, I'll have to check the wiki, but do they follow the Enclave "pure strain" dogma?


Even if Kimball didn't die he would definitely lose the next election or be forced to resign.

I think that is very, very likely if the player chooses the House, Legion or independent ending with the order of withdrawal. However if the player holds to the New Vegas treaty (gives the NCR the lions share of the juice, but also requires them to protect and even some support of NV) I think it would be easy to spin that as a political win. Kimball would tout the defense of the dam, repelling the Legion, then extol the charitable virtues of the NCR in supporting/protecting NV in their quest for law/freedom/whatever.


I suspect that the NCR would be at least temporarily open to a non-aggression treaty, or maybe even a limited alliance. the Republic's tourists would probably be a big part of New Vegas' economy. Some of the Desert Rangers or NCR personnel might desert (heh) as morale seemed quite low at the time.

Yeah in the house ending, he says tourism will be low for a year or two, but that the caps would start coming in again. Of course a friendlier ending like the independent with the treaty would be an even shorter disruption adn the NCR ending would be a sudden boom to tourism. NCR citizens will feel even more secure if they know NV is under laws they are knowledgeable and familiar with (or so I assume).


Also an odd little soliloquy by House in his ending;


"Vegas wil be a shining jewel in the middle of the desert, an oasis of light, a beacon to show mankind the way to the stars. This is just the start, you see. This is where it all begins."


Wonder if he's just waxing poetic or if he is referencing specific "plans"?

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1.Disable game ending

Looked that over last night and I think I have a pretty good handle on both the ending quests



1.Place military presence(and flags) in freeside, goodsprings, primm, red rock canyon, and other locations

Yeah we'll definitely put faction appropriate paraphernalia in, along with more faction specific tourists, barks etc.


2.if treaty was negotiated between ncr and brotherhood have brotherhood and troops patrolling routes

I think that one may be going to far. Even if there is a truce, there is a lot of bad blood between teh NCR & Brotherhood and I don't think they'd integrate. Or did you mean both will have patrols, but separately? Because I could see the brotherhood coming out of their bunkers now that the truce is accepted, but I'm not sure they'd patrol much further than they normally do (hidden valley). Wider patrols, like the NCR's attempts to keep the roads clear, don't really seem like something the BOS would do.


4.have scene after battle be Kimball rewarding you the golden branch with Moore, Oliver, and Crocker with you to say a few good words 'bout you

5.Kimball awarding you a high office

I think I'd rather have these as an end slide, unless there is going to be an assassination attempt on the courier during the ceremony. Then it would be worth scripting, markers, animation etc.



I'm not too sure how much if any we'll do on the Legion ending. A major part of all other endings (NCR, House & NV/Independent) is battling the legion. It can be recycled through all three endings. A legion ending would be the most work (most change to the strip, free side etc), couldn't use the legion battles questline (have to make up battles against the NCR) and I think that should probably be left until the other endings are done, or if someone else wants to put it together.


I don't even know the nature of NV after Legion conquest. The end slides say most of the population is enslaved & it's civilized. Not a lot to go on. Do they continue the casinos? Other info on teh legion says they trade and have well regulated/law abiding towns, but the essence of NV (gambling, drinking, whoring) is antithetical to the Legion's philosophy.


I don't know.....what do you guys think a Legion occupied NV would look like? Once we figure that out, we can decide if and how much effort should be put into it.



1.Securitron presence everywhere......



We'll do heavy securitron presence on both of those two endings.




1.Brotherhood from hidden valley to Helios one (and on routes raiding travelers, will try to raid you unless 1.rep 2.eyesight to the blind is completed 3. tend to your business is completed)

will complete later

I tend to think that would depend on whether McNamara is still Elder. If there is a truce, I really don't think there will be any raiding with a NCR ending. With a House and Independent ending, I suppose it's possible, but it doesn't seem likely to me.


with the assassination attempt if you kill the assassin before the veteran rangers do Kimball be impressed and join the ncr quests will be available(yes I know there is The NCR mod, but that isn't able to be downloaded with the nexus mod manager)

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The BoS would probably be interested in House's life support systems;

For the Elders? Wouldn't it be interesting if Elder Lyons health was failing him. He'd only be like 80, but S happens.


also perhaps that mutant plant green vault, Vault 22, might be of interest,

Yeah I could see that being pretty handy from an agricultural POV. I'm sure it'd be nice to have some stuff they could grow in their bunker. Maybe a nice addition to add in teh geck, a tiny park/greenhouse. Potentially the NCR can have it if the info was delivered through the quest. I'd like to also develop that plot line. I'm not sure if that's as simple as bountiful share cropper harvests or there should be a malevolent aspect. After all the citizens (well some of them) of vault 22 brought some vegetative problems (they flourished in the land and became giants) with them to Zion park. Seems like if that NCR scientist (who is motivated far more by fame than sense) wanted to do some experimenting the share croppers would be a good test bed. Also a good way to seed NV with hungry plants :(


as well as power supplied from say Helios One or the Dam. Other than that, they might want Vault tech, or vault citizens as potential "pure strain" recruits.

I forget, I'll have to check the wiki, but do they follow the Enclave "pure strain" dogma?


Even if Kimball didn't die he would definitely lose the next election or be forced to resign.

I think that is very, very likely if the player chooses the House, Legion or independent ending with the order of withdrawal. However if the player holds to the New Vegas treaty (gives the NCR the lions share of the juice, but also requires them to protect and even some support of NV) I think it would be easy to spin that as a political win. Kimball would tout the defense of the dam, repelling the Legion, then extol the charitable virtues of the NCR in supporting/protecting NV in their quest for law/freedom/whatever.


I suspect that the NCR would be at least temporarily open to a non-aggression treaty, or maybe even a limited alliance. the Republic's tourists would probably be a big part of New Vegas' economy. Some of the Desert Rangers or NCR personnel might desert (heh) as morale seemed quite low at the time.

Yeah in the house ending, he says tourism will be low for a year or two, but that the caps would start coming in again. Of course a friendlier ending like the independent with the treaty would be an even shorter disruption adn the NCR ending would be a sudden boom to tourism. NCR citizens will feel even more secure if they know NV is under laws they are knowledgeable and familiar with (or so I assume).


Also an odd little soliloquy by House in his ending;


"Vegas wil be a shining jewel in the middle of the desert, an oasis of light, a beacon to show mankind the way to the stars. This is just the start, you see. This is where it all begins."


Wonder if he's just waxing poetic or if he is referencing specific "plans"?


it would make sense to turn the data into a holo, because I got the data, and then killed hildern to keep the data

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Mr. House had a staged long term plan for rebuilding humanity (in the local area) that would culminate with resettling on another world - I can't find the quotes right now, but he says the whole point of building up New Vegas was so that he could have a place to gather resources from to help achieve that goal. It actually sounds a lot like Bioshock's Andrew Ryan's plan.

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The plants in Vault 22 are too dangerous to be used without significant modification. The spores they release react badly with other organics and could wind up killing everyone who comes in contact. The story of Vault 22 is very similar to "The Day of the Triffids".


On a related note, Fallout 2 had a group of Shi scientists created a radiation-consuming vine that removed most of the radiation around their area:



- from the Wiki under Technological Level

Other, less militaristic, advances include radiation-resistant plant life in the Shi botany department, which is led by Dr. Sheng. Initial experimentation yielded results with unpleasant side effects, so it was posited that research be redirected to more critical areas. After Dr. Long Wang's experimentation of injecting himself with a FEV-derived serum to manufacture super soldiers failed, his genetic research department was merged with Dr. Sheng's botany department. Due to this merging, research on radiation-resistant plant life was resumed. The research culminated in a radiation consuming vine that scoured the San Francisco area of radiation after the Enclave's destruction.




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with the assassination attempt if you kill the assassin before the veteran rangers do Kimball be impressed and join the ncr quests will be available(yes I know there is The NCR mod, but that isn't able to be downloaded with the nexus mod manager)


Sorry, could you run that one by me again?




it would make sense to turn the data into a holo, because I got the data, and then killed hildern to keep the data



Do you mean a holotape like OWB style or ?


Mr. House had a staged long term plan for rebuilding humanity (in the local area) that would culminate with resettling on another world - I can't find the quotes right now, but he says the whole point of building up New Vegas was so that he could have a place to gather resources from to help achieve that goal. It actually sounds a lot like Bioshock's Andrew Ryan's plan.


Interesting, fits his speech. I imagine that might have been a driving force for his purchase of REPCONN Aerospace. I wonder if there is anything we can do with that part of the story.....


The plants in Vault 22 are too dangerous to be used without significant modification. The spores they release react badly with other organics and could wind up killing everyone who comes in contact. The story of Vault 22 is very similar to "The Day of the Triffids".


Oh yeah, but no one would be suggesting unmodified. Whether it's the technology that may have some contaminated spores, the use of specific genes etc it leaves open the possibility for tragedy due to the scientists hubris.


- from the Wiki under Technological Level

The research culminated in a radiation consuming vine that scoured the San Francisco area of radiation after the Enclave's destruction.


There is an author working on what sounds to me like a tie-in. Sentient plans & San Francisco, in mod talk. It's looking really good BTW.

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