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sorry. got a little out there.


Don't sweat it. Something that might help to put it in perspective is that I'm not editing existing quests, scripts etc I'm adding new ones so the mod doesn't have any more or less chance to cause incompatibilities than any other large mod.

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I'd also like to hear opinions on the legion ending. I'm not a fan per se, because it will require the most changes/work, but it is a grim, dystopian future NV that will appeal to a darker side.


I have to admit that I have never played the Legion path in the original game but I would imagine that if there is to be a Legion version of this mod I would expect to see more crucified people, Legion flags and heads on pikes. It would be interesting to see the ranger statues at the Mojave Outpost reshaped into a bull as Cass had predicted.


I've had a look into the game endings regarding the Legion and here's what I found.


Boomers - If Caesar is alive and the player has completed the quest Volare then Caesar will choose to leave the Boomers alone. Alternatively if Volare is not completed then the Legion will enslave the Boomers at some point in the future. It might make for an interesting battle if Lanius decides to go after the Boomers.


Brotherhood of Steel - Upon completion of Eyesight to the Blind or Tend to your Business the Brotherhood will retake Helios One during Hoover Dam but will be overwhelmed and routed by the Legion later on. This is assuming the player doesn't blow up the Brotherhood bunker.


The Fiends - If any fiend leaders are alive then they will suffer heavy losses during the attack on McCarran and Caesar, unimpressed with their performance and dependency on drugs has them executed.


Followers of the Apocalypse - If Caesar is still alive then he will grant them safe passage out the wasteland. With Lanius in charge he will have them executed for "defaming" the origins of the original Caesar.


Goodsprings - In the wake of the Legion's victory at Hoover Dam Goodsprings is mainly unnoticed by the Legion but many will choose to abandon Goodsprings with the exception of the old and stubborn.


The Great Khans - If not convinced to break the alliance with Caesar then they will get absorbed into the Legion as expected otherwise they will be killed for breaking their alliance.


The Kings - If the player manages to incite full scale war between the NCR and the Kings then the Legion will make them the offer of being assimilated into the Legion. They will refuse, find themselves enslaved and killed after a failed escape attempt. If the player organizes a truce then the Legion will kill the Kings for their relationship with the NCR.


Novac - The Bright Brotherhood is able to aid with the evacuation of Novac if the player has managed to improve the rocket's navigation during Come Fly with me. Otherwise without aid from nearby communities Novac will fall to the Legion.


Powder Gangers - If Eddie is alive then most Powder Gangers will flee into the wasteland. Those that remain will be crucified by the Legion


Primm- Depends on who is selected to look after Primm. The NCR will abandon Primm after a Legion victory and Caesar will keep Primm open for business albeit under constant Legion watch. Sheriff Meyers will oppose the Legion only to die along with the rest of it's citizens and Primm Slim will also not last long against the Legion but the citizens may survive under Legion rule.


The Remnants - Caesar will order his troops to leave them alone. Lanius on the other hand will have them chased into Arizona and lose hundreds of men in the process without being able to kill a single remnant.


Well that's what I've found for the Legion and I have to say that things don't look good for the Mojave. I can imagine a lengthy campaign of pillaging the Mojave when following the Legion. Asides from simply walking into the Strip and gunning down everybody it might be worth setting up another "lottery" similar to the one in Nipton.


Regardless of which faction the player follows in the game I think that the Lucky 38 should remain as the player's home. I can imagine that Caesar or Lanius would make the Ultra Luxe their main palace.

Edited by Devilman1975
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I'd also like to hear opinions on the legion ending. I'm not a fan per se, because it will require the most changes/work, but it is a grim, dystopian future NV that will appeal to a darker side.


I have to admit that I have never played the Legion path in the original game but I would imagine that if there is to be a Legion version of this mod I would expect to see more crucified people, Legion flags and heads on pikes. It would be interesting to see the ranger statues at the Mojave Outpost reshaped into a bull as Cass had predicted.


I've had a look into the game endings regarding the Legion and here's what I found.


Boomers - If Caesar is alive and the player has completed the quest Volare then Caesar will choose to leave the Boomers alone. Alternatively if Volare is not completed then the Legion will enslave the Boomers at some point in the future. It might make for an interesting battle if Lanius decides to go after the Boomers.


Brotherhood of Steel - Upon completion of Eyesight to the Blind or Tend to your Business the Brotherhood will retake Helios One during Hoover Dam but will be overwhelmed and routed by the Legion later on. This is assuming the player doesn't blow up the Brotherhood bunker.


The Fiends - If any fiend leaders are alive then they will suffer heavy losses during the attack on McCarran and Caesar, unimpressed with their performance and dependency on drugs has them executed.


Followers of the Apocalypse - If Caesar is still alive then he will grant them safe passage out the wasteland. With Lanius in charge he will have them executed for "defaming" the origins of the original Caesar.


Goodsprings - In the wake of the Legion's victory at Hoover Dam Goodsprings is mainly unnoticed by the Legion but many will choose to abandon Goodsprings with the exception of the old and stubborn.


The Great Khans - If not convinced to break the alliance with Caesar then they will get absorbed into the Legion as expected otherwise they will be killed for breaking their alliance.


The Kings - If the player manages to incite full scale war between the NCR and the Kings then the Legion will make them the offer of being assimilated into the Legion. They will refuse, find themselves enslaved and killed after a failed escape attempt. If the player organizes a truce then the Legion will kill the Kings for their relationship with the NCR.


Novac - The Bright Brotherhood is able to aid with the evacuation of Novac if the player has managed to improve the rocket's navigation during Come Fly with me. Otherwise without aid from nearby communities Novac will fall to the Legion.


Powder Gangers - If Eddie is alive then most Powder Gangers will flee into the wasteland. Those that remain will be crucified by the Legion


Primm- Depends on who is selected to look after Primm. The NCR will abandon Primm after a Legion victory and Caesar will keep Primm open for business albeit under constant Legion watch. Sheriff Meyers will oppose the Legion only to die along with the rest of it's citizens and Primm Slim will also not last long against the Legion but the citizens may survive under Legion rule.


The Remnants - Caesar will order his troops to leave them alone. Lanius on the other hand will have them chased into Arizona and lose hundreds of men in the process without being able to kill a single remnant.


Well that's what I've found for the Legion and I have to say that things don't look good for the Mojave. I can imagine a lengthy campaign of pillaging the Mojave when following the Legion. Asides from simply walking into the Strip and gunning down everybody it might be worth setting up another "lottery" similar to the one in Nipton.


Regardless of which faction the player follows in the game I think that the Lucky 38 should remain as the player's home. I can imagine that Caesar or Lanius would make the Ultra Luxe their main palace.


the ncr would have the lucky 38 as town hall,with the presidential suite as the mayor's(you) room

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My personnel request would be to make 'good' weapons scarce and very expensive, and elaborate / force both player and NPC to manufacture their own, making material savaging / repair far more important, this would open a new and realistic survivalist world as was intended, were your forced to kill with what you got, rather than choice.

Oh..one can dream...

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I have to admit that I have never played the Legion path in the original game but I would imagine that if there is to be a Legion version of this mod I would expect to see more crucified people, Legion flags and heads on pikes.

Yeah definitely, probably de-forest the northern Mojave with all the crucifixions coming up. With nearly all of hte end game points you list the outcome is the same, a faction disappears :( There are possible exceptions like the boomers, but they seem rare. It just seems like the Legion version is so threadbare. Other than the Legion itself, very little appears to be left in the Mojave. There probably won't be gambling, drinking or whoring. Drinking & drugs aren't tolerated in teh legion. Woman are like livestock and are simply taken. I'm not sure about gambling, but I was under the impression it isn't tolerated either.


Honestly if the Legion ending is that empty of everyone/thing except the legion, I'd rather spend the time making a new worldspace in AZ (rather then just removing everything about the Mojave that makes it interesting). Maybe a town on the way to Flaggstaff, like Prescott or something. It would have the same dark legion rule, but could be used as a central location in the other three factions battles against the Legion. It would have the same character, ie all legion, slaves etc, which is IMHO rather one dimensional, but still retain the wealth of a melting pot that is the Mojave.


It would be interesting to see the ranger statues at the Mojave Outpost reshaped into a bull as Cass had predicted.

Using a bunch of sheet metal and other junk, a static collection, or more likely a new nif that looks (hopefully) like a bull, is probably something I could whip up.


Novac - The Bright Brotherhood is able to aid with the evacuation of Novac if the player has managed to improve the rocket's navigation during Come Fly with me. Otherwise without aid from nearby communities Novac will fall to the Legion.

So taht's weird. Some of the bright brotherhood that stayed behind rig another rocket or rockets?


The Remnants - Caesar will order his troops to leave them alone. Lanius on the other hand will have them chased into Arizona and lose hundreds of men in the process without being able to kill a single remnant.

So I guess this is a good example of the Legates rule (along with what he would do to the followers). At least it gives us a standard to hold his rule by, a whole new level of ferocity compared to Caesar.


Well that's what I've found for the Legion and I have to say that things don't look good for the Mojave. I can imagine a lengthy campaign of pillaging the Mojave when following the Legion. Asides from simply walking into the Strip and gunning down everybody it might be worth setting up another "lottery" similar to the one in Nipton.

Yeah it just doesn't seem like a worthwhile line to develop. Initially interesting, but then where do you go? You would have to go outside the Mojave (conquest or battle the NCR) because everything will be so thoroughly pacified by the Legion. To me it appears to be the most work, with the least amount of payoff, of all the endings.


Regardless of which faction the player follows in the game I think that the Lucky 38 should remain as the player's home. I can imagine that Caesar or Lanius would make the Ultra Luxe their main palace.

Yeah, it seems to be the case with the House and Independent endings as well. No clue on the NCR....although as a hero, I could see them rewarding the player with the Lucky38 if s/he pressed for it (unless they need the 38's mainframe, then maybe just the presidential suites?). Otherwise I'd guess they open if up for business.


One thing I'm very curious about in re: to hte NCR ending (and that we need to figure out pretty quickly) is the securitrons. Do you guys see the NCR co-opting them and tehir tech (via the lucky 38 mainframe), re-branding them as they did power armor? I think a NCR victory is very unlikely (without cheating) if the securitron army was activated (just flipping the El Dorado Substation switch, which IIRC is one of the things needed to activate the army, has a huge hit to your NCR rep). So we're talking about just the strip securitrons being re-tooled.


I don't think it'd be too tough to slap some NCR textures on them, and add some dialog to complete the effect.


One other (less critical, at the moment) point is if there is a NCR ending and the bots in the securitron vault havn't been destoryed, is there a loose end to tie up? For instance the possibility that the NCR could get their hands on them? A possible quest? Or should we just leave it as it is in the vanilla game, where once the vault closes (even if the bots are still intact) you can't get back in? We don't want to tip the balance too far in teh NCR's favor, militarily speaking, but it doesn't make a lot of sense that the player can't get back into the securitron vault if s/he has the platinum chip.

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