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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Actually, while we're at it with this mod, could you quickly whip up a way to have the Brotherhood at the Dam without being forced to sign the truce between NCR and the Brotherhood? That always felt awkward to me.

Sure we can take a look at that. Go ahead and post a new request and I'll hit you up over there.



I think that it should be left up to the player to choose whether to form an alliance with the NCR or not - I know that many players would want it, and many wouldn't


For the second alpha, I would take a binary decision made at some point (maybe through the player's final dialogue with Yes Man) as to the state of the NCR

We do indeed have that for the extended mod and it's based on some of the current House in game content;


1. The player pledges to honor the New Vegas Treaty along with it's obligations and responsibilities. This is what we've referred to in the thread as a NCR friendly ind ending. It is the least change with the addition of some Securitrons to various areas. It doesn't have the revenue stream of the order of withdrawal, but retains an actual alliance with the NCR and benefits from the NCR reinforcing NV securitron forces.


2. The player issues a letter of withdrawal, this is the closest to the default ending and would mirror exactly the military situation in the House ending. It provides substantial income and a begrudging neutral acceptance by the NCR (out of necessity of hoover's resources), but the loss of NCR military support and reinforcement.


3. The player issues a declaration of war (not in game). All NCR forces are hostile.


There is also a 4th option, "Offer to permit annexation" that is related to cut content, but I'm not sure if we ever came down on any agreement to use it.


These choices have particular importance and implications for the base mod. Even though it doesn't mirror the end game slides, I think it would still be an exception we should include in the base mod for a couple of reasons. 1. it's a lot easier for me to build upon (extended mod), if we include these choices from the beginning (base mod), than if we have to disable then re-enable NCR personal. 2. It preserves at least some basic degrees of freedom that should be present in the independent version


Regarding factional locations, I think that the abandoned NCR facilities should be occupied by various factions; Camp McCarran would likely be guarded by Securitrons (or maybe throw some Boomers around there), HELIOS One would have the Brotherhood there, El Dorado would be covered by either Securitrons or Brotherhood,

I think that sounds good under the order of withdrawal except for Helios & El Dorado, (both listed in teh order). I believe they will be occupied by securitrons.


Under the continuation of the treaty Helios one's occupancy would seem to determined by whether a truce was signed between the NCR & brotherhood (no truce, then BOS holds it. Truce then NCR holds it). Comp McCarran would be retained by the NCR as per the treaty. The El Dorado power station would be occupied by securitrons (I would think).


Under the declaration of war it would look like the order of withdrawal.


and Camp Golf and Crimson Caravan HQ would both be occupied by traders (maybe the Followers could have a presence at Camp Golf too - they have a camp nearby, after all). It would feel wrong to have all those vast former NCR areas suddenly abandoned.

I think the Crimson Caravan should simply continue business as usual under all conditions. It's primarily a commercial caravan company even if it does have deep (non official) ties to teh NCR gov.


I believe that Camp golf could be retained by the NCR under all 3 choices, but they do bump up pretty close to that "Outer Vegas" zone, so it's debatable.


I believe that Cottonwood Cove should be razed to the ground and all Legion kicked out of there, although others might disagree.


I think it's possible we could have an influx of retreating legion from the battle at hoover, and thus a refreash of new legion to kill (if the location had been previously cleared). Because one of the gates from the fort used to lead directly to cottonwood cove (it's been opened up in teh mod).


Also, it could be interesting to record some dialogue at those border locations you mentioned (Boulder City, Sloan, 188, etc.) about how tensions are high, and the NCR inhabitants of those locations are always nervous at the Securitrons rolling past. A lot of potential for expansion there.




Not sure what should be done with Hoover Dam, but I'm thinking that it should involve a fair few Securitrons to stand guard over it and some engineers from various factions (most likely Brotherhood Scribes, but the Boomers are also a possibility) in the interior cells.


Yeah definitely a substantial force of securitrons. I'd say roughly equal to the number of NCR staff that were previously stationed there. Under withdrawal & war they will be alone, under the continuation of the treaty the current NCR staff will remain.


I don't think boomers or BOS will be new engineers, it's simply too high value a military target to accept a foreign faction in a high security enviornment, but rather under withdrawal and war, bots (some robco protectrons and Mr. Handys perhaps?) may take over maintenance.


Oh, and something important - we're going to need to change the Gamblers from the NCR faction to the Vegas faction, or else we're going to run into some pretty obvious problems.


Yeah under the treaty there won't be a neeed to change them per se.

Under withdrawal NCR military are gone, and civilian faction are friendly.

Under war, neither NCR military or civilians would likely be in NV.

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This is really interesting but as a small request, could any of the participants sum up the two years and 130 pages of discussion here? A precis of where this idea is at, what has been decided and what progress made?


Perhaps a sticky on the 1st page. Sounds fascinating and if you say I need to read it all, well I'll try to find the time but.... :ohmy:


p.s. since your (i think) discussing post-MQ events, I vote for feudalism, break the Mojave down into duchies, dukedoms for the open spaces and 'incorporated' or chartered towns or cities. All semi-autonomous but answerable to a throne which would be the lucky 38 (as opposed to whoever sat on it.)


Hey it worked for a long time in other places and often evolved 'relatively' gracefully.

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p.s. since your (i think) discussing post-MQ events, I vote for feudalism, break the Mojave down into duchies, dukedoms for the open spaces and 'incorporated' or chartered towns or cities. All semi-autonomous but answerable to a throne which would be the lucky 38 (as opposed to whoever sat on it.)


When you play the game of thrones...


Sorry, couldn't resist :P

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p.s. since your (i think) discussing post-MQ events, I vote for feudalism, break the Mojave down into duchies, dukedoms for the open spaces and 'incorporated' or chartered towns or cities. All semi-autonomous but answerable to a throne which would be the lucky 38 (as opposed to whoever sat on it.)


When you play the game of thrones...


Sorry, couldn't resist :tongue:



You may find it hard to credit but I've never seen a single episode of that show, not one. I was abroad when the first couple of series aired and by the time I had the opportunity, there was just too much to 'catch up' on. It certainly seems to be popular...

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Just wanted to throw in an idea for the Boomers that came to me.


If Pearl and Loyal are not dead and the quest Volare was completed then I would like to see the Boomers turn the Fields' Shack location into a trading outpost for the Boomers since it is just on their doorstep. We know that while they will still prevent outsiders from entering Nellis they will open up a trade deal with the Gun Runners for ammunition. If the quest Young Hearts was completed by getting Jack and Janet together then we can also add some visiting merchants from Crimson Caravans to the trade outpost.


This idea can work in the Independent, House and NCR versions but I don't think it's feasible in the Legion mod. In the Independent version the player may be able to send in a couple of Securitrons to protect the outpost. The NCR Securitrons can be used in the NCR version. House himself would probably prefer to leave the Boomers alone so I can see the Boomers using their own bots for security (Mr Gutsy and a Sentry Bot).

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If Pearl and Loyal are not dead and the quest Volare was completed then I would like to see the Boomers turn the Fields' Shack location into a trading outpost for the Boomers since it is just on their doorstep. We know that while they will still prevent outsiders from entering Nellis they will open up a trade deal with the Gun Runners for ammunition. If the quest Young Hearts was completed by getting Jack and Janet together then we can also add some visiting merchants from Crimson Caravans to the trade outpost.

Does keep a bit of a buffer/dead man's zone around Nellis empty for security purposes, and the shack does look like it would be big enough for a merchant or two.


This idea can work in the Independent, House and NCR versions but I don't think it's feasible in the Legion mod. In the Independent version the player may be able to send in a couple of Securitrons to protect the outpost. The NCR Securitrons can be used in the NCR version. House himself would probably prefer to leave the Boomers alone so I can see the Boomers using their own bots for security (Mr Gutsy and a Sentry Bot).

Sounds right on target for the NCR;

"With the help of the Gun Runners, the Boomers developed a healthy trading relationship with the NCR."


In re: to the legion mod, yeah it pretty much screws everything, they just hunker down; "Cautious after the Boomers' display of power at Hoover Dam, Caesar chose to leave the Boomers alone. The Boomers remained isolated but have been seen flying over the Mojave Desert from time to time."


For the House mod it sounds good, since; "Mr. House showed little interest on the Boomers, who eventually began venturing out of² Nellis to meet and trade with travelers."


For the independent, strangely enough, it looks like trade isn't mentioned; "Though the Wasteland became anarchic after Hoover Dam, the Boomers' display of power dissuaded fortune seekers from attempting to penetrate Nellis." I wonder if it's due to the uncertainty of having a new ruler that makes them continue their isolation (or perhaps a little developer oversight in re: to the slide). Either way I guess the Ind would be the one ending where the player has to initiate the behavior (some basic diplomatic dialog?)....meaning it would be at the players choice?


It also reminds me we have to have have some boomer wanderers for the House and NCR basic mods.

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For the independent, strangely enough, it looks like trade isn't mentioned; "Though the Wasteland became anarchic after Hoover Dam, the Boomers' display of power dissuaded fortune seekers from attempting to penetrate Nellis." I wonder if it's due to the uncertainty of having a new ruler that makes them continue their isolation (or perhaps a little developer oversight in re: to the slide). Either way I guess the Ind would be the one ending where the player has to initiate the behavior (some basic diplomatic dialog?)....meaning it would be at the players choice?


It also reminds me we have to have have some boomer wanderers for the House and NCR basic mods.


I believe the lack of trade in the Independent version was a developer's oversight. The Boomers continuing their isolationist policy due the uncertainty of a new ruler doesn't make sense to me if the player is already on friendly terms with them.


I believe that the Boomers and the Mojave Brotherhood are similar where they are both considered isolationist societies at the beginning of the game. No society, no matter how self sufficient can ever hope to survive in the Fallout world without trading with their neighbors.


Another idea I've had for the Boomer's trading post is adding in a Boomer merchant who can sell heavy weapons and ammo to the player.


Do you have any plans to do something with the Gypsum Train Yard? I've just visited that area again recently and I thought it could also serve as a merchant hub. There is also a lot of construction vehicles which could aid in reconstruction efforts if they can be repaired. The only problem is the Deathclaws and Cazadors in that general area. I can imagine that they would have to be dealt with first.


I've also been following Shoddycast's Fallout Lore Series on Youtube recently. I'll add in the link just in case you haven't seen his videos which could help for research purposes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvqm_pPD-aQ&list=PL7pGJQV-jlzD17YNNbt103xp0PkkUCoPU

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I believe the lack of trade in the Independent version was a developer's oversight. The Boomers continuing their isolationist policy due the uncertainty of a new ruler doesn't make sense to me if the player is already on friendly terms with them.

I see it that way as well. If the player has completed Volare! I believe it demonstrates the players commitment to the boomers and their cause. So perhaps that (along with loyal and pearl surviving) should be the determining factor (much as it is with the NCR & House ver) in whether the Boomers wander in the greater Mojave and do some trading (in the basic mod). If we go with that we can also include some relatively simple dialog options in the expanded mod to start the ball rolling on fields shack as well. Sound reasonable?


Do you have any plans to do something with the Gypsum Train Yard? I've just visited that area again recently and I thought it could also serve as a merchant hub. There is also a lot of construction vehicles which could aid in reconstruction efforts if they can be repaired. The only problem is the Deathclaws and Cazadors in that general area. I can imagine that they would have to be dealt with first.

I wouldn't say any definite plans per se, but I am considering waking it from it's long slumber to once again serve it's intended purpose. Trains seem like a good fit for the NCR faction ending's tech level (plus it's my understanding they already have some railroads in the core region). So now that I have some trains working in game, I thought it might be time for the NCR to start up some lines in the Mojave.....possibly. It would be a huge aid to the NCR to be able to move troops and supplies quickly across the territory. I had read that after the Union blocked off the Atlantic and Gulf ports, the Confederacy couldn't get the parts to maintain it's railroads and this gave the Union a huge strategic advantage.


Plus I think it could be very useful for quests. I mean what good western doesn't have a adrenaline filled shoot out atop a train.


But of course that's all dependent on having the time to put it together (and some problems that need to be ironed out, with NPCs, on a moving object.)


I've also been following Shoddycast's Fallout Lore Series on Youtube recently. I'll add in the link just in case you haven't seen his videos which could help for research purposes.

OK I'll check it out.

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So is someone actually making it?Is it gonna be done?

One thing I always wanted to see in the game is how all I've done influenced the Mojave.

What changed and how?

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your ideas seem amazing and have always loved the thought of running vegas. but has anyone thought of being able to subvert the rangers back to the Mojave ,and tearing down that god awful D**k waving statue, this would allow a mass free up of security to use the robots as a quick reaction force

Edited by Paulslattery1985
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