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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game


Hehe , you got me thinking about the story , even though I try not to.


But this got me thinking about how to integrate followers into the battle arena.

Which before ( a starcraft simulation) I always viewed all the player units as followers & expendable.

But I can see integrating which follower(s) the player has in group at the moment. Then effecting the rts game play.

For instance , each follower has a unique special ability in that arena. But what that is and how it renders ...probably will run up against some limitations on how the mechanics plays out with the engine down the road.


Although we can't find those limitations untill we test them ;)

So what are some special abilities for each that would be good ?

At least to spitball it untill the battle arena feature gets decided / ironed out ?

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Anyways ... you didn't mention anything about those idea's I had posted previously ...

So wondering your thoughts on it , yea /nay or tweak it like this ...

Or is that possibly something of spoiler value , so we shouldn't discuss it here ???

No, I'm not worried about spoilers per se, just havn't had time to get to it yet. It does take some time to research the lore behind many of these questions, primarily because I haven't been mucking with that specific canon/info for quite a while now. And this weekend has been a busy one, some weeks I'm working 7 days....trust me, I'd rather be modding.

But I try to get to all questions as time allows.

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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game

Oh, IIRC I have Veronica featuring heavily in the dawn of steel story branch/plot. You have at least two adventures with her that I recall (I have to peruse the thread and get acquainted with that alternate reality again). One is retrieving (actually destroying) a squad of BOS paladins that have "turned" to ghost peeps. They were sent to the sierria madre to retrieve holo tech to enhance the BOS's technological arsenal, but if you read up on why the ghost people morphed into what they are, you'll understand why the same thing happened to the power armor equipped paladins. They are also equipped with specialized weapons (plasma cutters etc,to deal with the ghost peeps) and much more difficult to dismember/decapitate than their non power armor equipped kin.


Here is a vid of one of the models (still need to create a corrosive texture);





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Oh, almost forgot, I'm going to start putting together some basic interaction options and behaviors with the securitrons, maybe as early as tonight. I was wondering what kind of "style" the dialogs should take.

1. There is ED-E's function/execute command style like "Follow Protocol::Wait".

2. Military or peace officer (depending on the upgrade status) venacular/jargon.

3. Something else?


These are specifically for the commands/orders and responses the securitrons have only with the player (or other root level user), so that's why I was thinking they may differ from the securitrons normal dialog and banter. I have a sound clip isabelle did (before we lost her from the modding scene) of my voice as a securitron and I think it's a very close match. If I can recreate her skillset in audio recording and processing we should be able to have voiced dialog. I'll try to find the clip to demo it.

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LOL sorry ... lets figure this out.


I drink alot some times ... and then I don't make sense .... sorry :/


But I have a strong motivation to mod this game. Just for the modding ... I could give a s#*! what some pucelanemous prick thinks ... just for the game play . But in general it's got to look good. Before ruffage happens on the burm )))>>zZz

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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game


2. A quest to teach Cass another vision of things (she es a very decent person, but is too pro NCR)

yep, I like cass a lot, but that pro ncr point of view is also tempered with her awareness of the shortcomings of the republic and that could be invaluable for the NCR friendly version.



4. Arcade's interaction with the independant NV

I know next to nothing about Arcade, but it seems like he would be instrumental in a alliance with the followers. This would certainly be very different world view than the other three options (completely independent, ncr friendly, bos friendly). I think that would be a lot (as in a ton) of humanitarian related missions and objectives. Education, agricultural technology, disease prevention and medical services, on and on. The character or flavor of a story line like that is going to be uniquely different in nature. It really could be a oasis of learning and support in a barren wasteland. This is after all one of the few factions in the post nuke world that isn't interested in power for powers sake.

With the followers knowledge and support staff, along with the protection provided by the securitrons a lot of good could be done in the world.


Sorry, just had a sec to jot down a few comments, I'll try to get to more of your post as time allows.

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All good stuff with the followers that I can see


But how bout the story Idea of conflict with the legion ... extended beyond the vanilla ?


Of course it is not the major political concern ... just a fringe concern .


And to clarify when I said I wanted my work to be something that would be used.


I mean story wise ... because I know that the whole concept is in flux.

And after I put together a rough version of the battle arena.

I realize you might not want to use it period. And I am ok with that.


Just that the basis of the story is key to the work I would be about to do ... I ask that the STORY concept about it. Be a who/where for the battle , in your big picture story. Instead of an arbitrary bunch of npc's attacking each other just for demonstration.

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I got the who /// how bout the BOS ?

Then the quesion is the where ? Hopefuly Helios 1 is near the map border.

cuz inside the map border is to many things to cut the processor.

The UgridsToLoad is the limit factor ... so anything beyond 2 cells from the player at the default = 5

If they set it to 7-9 that's their problem. What those numbers mean is a square block of cells rendering at 1 time. 5x5 cells is the default ... hence 25 cells loaded at one time.

7x7 is 49 ... 9x9 is 81 ... hence a lot more process intensive. But people be doing it with the new equipment. 5x5 is when the game came out in 2008 ... and minimal for the game to render for intended game play. LOD not the same .

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But how bout the story Idea of conflict with the legion ... extended beyond the vanilla ?

Yep definitely continued combat/interaction with the legion. Initially offensive maneuvers to clean up remaining legion resistance in the Mojave, it later switches somewhat to limited mostly defensive/reactive actions in the Mojave theater of operations. I don't have intentions of working on a extended campaighn to battle legion in thier home turf. I think mad mongo was (maybe already has) working on a mod to do some legion A** kicking in flagstaff.


Here is an example that is posted earlier in the thread. The legion are surprisingly good at low tech solutions to high tech problems. The securitrons communicate real time data via a wireless network. Shortly after the post game battle and the securitrons become active the Legion will send an elite force to Black Mountain. They will occupy and fortify it. As soon as basic defensive measure are taken they will being converting the black mountain pre war monitoring station to jam the securitons network, essentially blinding/blocking out more than a quarter of the map in the southeast.

The player will have to go in and roust them from their fortified positions. This is a tactical encounter, a chance for the player to get his/her hands dirty, not a strategic encounter handled by the securitrons, although the player can have seciritron forces (and/or companions) along for support and added firepower.


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