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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Hey all,


Thanks for the warm welcome, once I've caught up on the last year of posts, I'll hopefully have more to contribute. Once my new mic arrives, I'll try and give ya'll some samples, including Cass and Veronica (if I can pull them off).




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Taking off to do the wilderness thing, I'll try to check in when I have a signal. Have some time Sun evening & am going to try and find a fool proof way (before & after completion of "no gods, no masters" as well as safeguards/alternates for players that had/will chose other paths for their end game) to initiate the quest script(s) right after the couriers final little chat with Oliver.

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Oh and before I go I just wanted to say that the thread/mod is coming together really well. I appreciate the ideas and the lore research. & Sunday I hope to have time to respond to all the great posts & didn't have time to touch base on yet. I'm feeling like we have a solid base for not just a continuation of the NV story, but potentially a DLC with almost as much content (story wise) as the original game....if we want it.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Please allow me to unveil some of my imagination before i even saw this topic. There are some "commander" mods such as enclave commander and even legion commander. I believe that kind of mods can be utilized to summon Securitrons, Robo Scorpions (assuming the courier cleared the Old World Blues) and recruited soldiers. For recruited soldiers, it would be best for the courier to choose "classes" (equipments, tag skills, perks, SPECIAL) for each type of soldiers. Events would be necessary to recruit soldiers from factions (Powder gangers, Vipers, NCR Remnants, Jackals, Omertas, ETC) and some npcs (Craig Boone, Enclave Remnants) can be recruited as a trainer (In case of recruiting craig boone {which according to the independent new vegas ending, makes his living as a bodyguard or Hired Killer} Sniper Soldiers are trainable and raises general gun skills of all the soldiers.}

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damocles000, on 19 May 2013 - 00:47, said:

There are some "commander" mods such as enclave commander and even legion commander. I believe that kind of mods can be utilized to summon Securitrons, Robo Scorpions (assuming the courier cleared the Old World Blues) and recruited soldiers.

Sounds like a good idea but it would be best if it was a separate mod.


damocles000, on 19 May 2013 - 00:47, said:

Events would be necessary to recruit soldiers from factions (Powder gangers, Vipers, NCR Remnants, Jackals, Omertas, ETC) and some npcs.

I'm skeptical about recruiting soldiers from the factions that you mentioned for obvious reasons. It should be possible to recruit former NCR soldiers though.


On another note I've done some more research into the endings regarding Goodsprings, Primm, the Kings and both sets of Powder Gangers. I'll go into each of them one by one.


Goodsprings - If the player sides with the Powder Gangers at the start of the game it becomes a no go area for travelers asides from the occasional tourist visiting the Courier's grave. If the player chose to defend Goodsprings it becomes more prosperous from increased traffic. Asides from setting up a new militia it would be best not to change things too much in Goodsprings as I like the wild west look of the place and also the fact that it's a popular spot for modders to place their mods.


Primm - Asides from the player killing the residents and leaving it as a ghost town Primm's endings depends on the outcome of My Kind Of Town. If the NCR were persuaded to defend Primm then they will abandon it after losing Hoover Dam. If Primm Slim is reprogrammed to defend the town it continues to prosper even if criminals have no problems escaping from a lumbering protectron. It would make sense to replace Primm Slim with a militia as reprogramming him was only a temporary solution at best. If Sheriff Meyers is left to protect Primm then his brand of frontier justice results in people being killed with little or no evidence against them. It would be interesting if the player chooses to replace Meyers with a militia or is happy to let him remain as sheriff.


The Kings - Their ending depends on the quest G.I Blues. If the player incites full scale war between the Kings and the NCR then NCR citizens are forced out of the area and travelers from the Republic would avoid the area. I can imagine this outcome having a negative impact on profits made from NCR tourists. If a truce is made between the two then Freeside becomes a safe place for NCR citizens. If the quest is not completed then NCR citizens are just merely tolerated. Alternatively killing the King would remove the group from the game but it should make things somewhat more difficult when the player has to maintain order in Freeside.


Powder Gangers NCRCF - All depends on whether Eddie lives or dies. If Eddie is dead then the correctional facility is scavenged by prospectors. I think it would be a good idea to take over the place and use it as a prison but it should involve negotiating with the prospectors i.e allowing them time to scavenge the place, pay them to leave or just simply kill them. If the player chose not to kill Eddie then the Powder Gangers continue to hold the facility and continue to raid caravans. I can imagine having a quest where the settlements demand that something has to be done with the Powder Gangers and the player has to clear out the facility.


Powder Gangers Vault 19 - Their ending depends on the quest Why Can't We Be Friends. If the quest is not completed or if is completed by choosing to blow up the sulfur deposits and vault 19 then they will be a problem for the Mojave for years to come. This can be implemented with the occasional Powder Ganger attack on the player similar to the the occasional Legion attacks in certain locations. If the player has either killed Samuel Cooke or destroyed only the sulfur deposits and convinced them to surrender to the NCR or join the Great Khans then they should be removed from the game.

Edited by Devilman1975
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Actually, as loathe as I usually am to use things like that, it would fit to have a personal guard of securitrons to call upon, but they would have to be unique looking compared to regular versions.


Most of the groups mentioned can't be controlled, only pacified.


Goodsprings - I agree, it should be left alone. That said, I did have this idea, independent of any ending, of a memorial statue or plaque added to the Goodsprings Cemetary in honor of the Courier. For good or bad, the Courier will have changed the lives of most of the people in the Mojave (and beyond). It might be interesting to have something like a Braveheart moment (hey, its the Courier! Nah, can't be - too short) by some of the visitors. I also had this idea of a Cult developing around the Courier, but I don't really have anything further other than the concept.


Primm - I agree - if supporting the NCR and they loose, they should just be replaced by regular militia.


The Kings - yep. My best suggestion is that if the Kings are removed or weakened, then Freeside would have a raider/criminal infestation.


NCRCF - Sounds about right. If this mod will be split off or have additional NCR victory-based quests, there's a mod here somewhere about finishing the quest with the NCR taking over the NCRCF again that could be used.


Vault 19 - yep, but I got the surrender and cave blow-up ending in the default game and the respawns did become disabled as well.



I had this idea a while ago about taking control of major locations similar to the Stormcloak/Imperial battles in Skyrim; with all the Vaults, Cottonwood Cove, Nipton, etc. flying your factions flag and having your troops guard them after taking them over. There would also be patrols moving back in forth along claimed areas, making the roads safer and bringing in more trade profit, sort of like how it is in Legion territory. There would be an upgrade system with each base starting out with regular militia that could be upgraded with better armor, weapons, and even skills. Even with an army of securitrons, it would still make sense to have human troops as well, like the Casino families. The miltia can be called something like the Liberators, keeping the independent feel.

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I also had this idea of a Cult developing around the Courier, but I don't really have anything further other than the concept.


I like the idea of the Courier inspiring a cult. I can imagine them wearing Vault 21 jumpsuits or the wild card courier duster. It's just a shame that New Vegas doesn't have the Tunnel Snake outfit. Whether they are a good or evil cult could depend on the choices that the player makes in the original game.


I had this idea a while ago about taking control of major locations similar to the Stormcloak/Imperial battles in Skyrim; with all the Vaults, Cottonwood Cove, Nipton, etc. flying your factions flag and having your troops guard them after taking them over.


Good idea there especially with the vaults. I would like to see some of the vaults restored but I think that restoring vaults 19 and 34 might be problematic due to the radiation.


During the quest Hard Luck Blues the player has a choice of saving the vault 34 survivors or disable the reactor and removing the radiation that is contaminating the NCR Sharecropper Farms. Saving the survivors ends up with them relocating to Aerotech Office Park however the NCR decides to give up on the farm due to insufficient water regardless of the decision that the player makes. Perhaps a quest can be added where the player can return to vault 34, remove the radiation and set up an alternative water supply to save the farm.


Restoring vault 22 could be tied into the Old World Blues ending for the Biological Research Station. In that ending the X22 Botanical Garden refused a request from the Biological Research Station wanting to "sensually fertilize the garden's smooooth contours" as it had prior commitments with a vault it had previously infected.

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I actually don't think the Mojave Vaults serve any real purpose anymore other than as semi-secure shelters. It's doubtful that there will be a WW4, or that the vaults would be in good enough shape to withstand the effects. The Mojave got lucky in that the Lucky 38 was able to stop most of the missiles, but even so, it's been 200 years since then, and time is not kind to anyone or anything, and.most of the vaults have been stripped of tech or broken down entirely. The idea is mostly to prevent groups like the Powder Gangers from using an area like this as a base of operations. It is doubtful that any faction left standing really has the resources or desire to restore the vaults to working conditions, much less Pre-War status.


Vault 34- there's a mod that gives a third option, where depending on your skill level, you can save both groups. You can find it here, but it only works if you didn't finish the quest already.


I think that should be left to devinpatterson's other project, the one dealing with BigMT.

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Thanks for letting me know about the vault 34 mod, Darkus. I'll give that one a try when I start a new game.


You're probably right about the rest of the vaults but I think that vault 3 is an exception. Asides from the new tenants, graffiti and mess it's still in pretty good shape. It's why I suggested that it be given to the Brotherhood as a part of a possible deal with McNamara a few days ago. Also the fact that any Fiends killed by Brotherhood patrols will result in more energy weapons to be retrieved. I wonder where the Fiends got the energy weapons from in the first place? Could be either from dealings with the Van Graffs or vault 3 having a stockpile of energy weapons.

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