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An independent New Vegas mod.


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i mean you could contact the creator of the mod : beyond bolder dome, because they would be one of the best people to help you make your mod a reality


Don't get me wrong, I understood what you said, just have no idea why you believe that would be the case. I don't know, for instance, what link the two projects would have in common.

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i mean you could contact the creator of the mod : beyond bolder dome, because they would be one of the best people to help you make your mod a reality


Don't get me wrong, I understood what you said, just have no idea why you believe that would be the case. I don't know, for instance, what link the two projects would have in common.


I think he's just saying that you should contact him for help for this mod.

Unrelated, but I find it cool what vivanv did to the legates camp, whenever I try to open the fallout file in the geck it crashes every time so I wont be able to help with the mod (or the uncle Sam suit).

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Unrelated, but I find it cool what vivanv did to the legates camp,

As far as opening up the camp? It's an interesting choice that we have coming up. Some places are legitimate mini worlds (the strip, McCarren base etc) and they will take some work to move them from their own cells back to the Mojave worldspace.


The advantage will be no loading times when moving back and forth between them. There are also some misc advantages, like you'd be able (after modding the penthouse/lounge a bit) to view the strip below the lucky 38 and watch what was going on (or alternately snipe).


The downside is it will be more of a strain on weaker systems (it was used to optimize performance on consoles) and would likely break compatibility with other mods that alter those mini worlds (the mods would appear to do nothing, because they'd be changing the miniworld, which the player would no longer be in). Plus if we plan on adding to NV *significantly* (as in chaning it from a few blocks to dozens) some day, it makes sense to keep the miniworld concept so teh computer doesn't have to keep track of everything going on, with an order of magnitude more actors, scripts etc.


whenever I try to open the fallout file in the geck it crashes every time so I wont be able to help with the mod (or the uncle Sam suit).

Yeah the Geck is a real butt monkey, but it's the only game in town. I was also thinking a suit of patriotic power armor would be interesting. Call it the "old stars and stripes" or something.


I found some great mods for the DLCs that may help the progress of VivaNV if you want me to linkt hem.

Yeah if you find mods, pics, people etc that you think might help, link to them and we can check it out.


OK holiday is over time to get back to work modding.

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Unrelated, but I find it cool what vivanv did to the legates camp,

As far as opening up the camp? It's an interesting choice that we have coming up. Some places are legitimate mini worlds (the strip, McCarren base etc) and they will take some work to move them from their own cells back to the Mojave worldspace.


The advantage will be no loading times when moving back and forth between them. There are also some misc advantages, like you'd be able (after modding the penthouse/lounge a bit) to view the strip below the lucky 38 and watch what was going on (or alternately snipe).


The downside is it will be more of a strain on weaker systems (it was used to optimize performance on consoles) and would likely break compatibility with other mods that alter those mini worlds (the mods would appear to do nothing, because they'd be changing the miniworld, which the player would no longer be in). Plus if we plan on adding to NV *significantly* (as in chaning it from a few blocks to dozens) some day, it makes sense to keep the miniworld concept so teh computer doesn't have to keep track of everything going on, with an order of magnitude more actors, scripts etc.


whenever I try to open the fallout file in the geck it crashes every time so I wont be able to help with the mod (or the uncle Sam suit).

Yeah the Geck is a real butt monkey, but it's the only game in town. I was also thinking a suit of patriotic power armor would be interesting. Call it the "old stars and stripes" or something.


I found some great mods for the DLCs that may help the progress of VivaNV if you want me to linkt hem.

Yeah if you find mods, pics, people etc that you think might help, link to them and we can check it out.


OK holiday is over time to get back to work modding.


Power Armor ability effect name: 'MERICA



lets also link to the files on here, I will gladly be a test monkey

Edited by kingwilfre16
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Power Armor ability effect name: 'MERICA



Sounds good


lets also link to the files on here, I will gladly be a test monkey


OK I'll see if I have time to work on it. I want to finish the fort today, so I can start forking the mods into different endings (so that I can start on the strip).

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Devilman gave us a good run down on the strip families quests/ideas.


I'd also like to focus/include another angle in their story. For the independent, you are their new Boss. Even with your rep and heroic circumstances they are going to test you. It's going to range from outright assassination attempts that can't be traced back to them, all the way to just trying to cook the books (so they can skim a little extra off teh top). And probably everything in between. There is a lot of rich material there in how they relate to a change in management.


The next question is how do they fare under the NCR? Is it business as usual with NCR taxing the winnings or do things become........complicated

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Are you going to blend in all the post-2nd Dam battle endings together into one mod?

No I'll fork them into the three factions (don't see any reason to include a Legion ending) right after I finish the fort, starting with the strip.


It's probably possible to do it in one mod, but it's easier to split them. Just as a practical example; the securitrons on the strip get some NCR markings. With separate mods I just throw the new model in there, or a new texture set.


But with one mega mod I have to;


A. copy each securitron, tie in their use (patrols, scripts, dialog etc), disable the originals etc. A lot of work




B. Make a decal and connect it to a NiVis node (which I don't know how to do yet), and have a script turn them all visible.


There may be soem weird function I'm not aware of that allows you to alter a texture or change a texture set via script, but I'm not aware of it.


So long story short, a single mega mod is possible but it's a lot more work & complication. Plus a mega mod slows development in another way. With forked mods we can release each one independently of the others.

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I'm not great with all the nuts-and-bolts details so do whatever is easiest for you - but I think that you're probably going to combine them all at the end anyway into one mod anyway, right?


Maybe I'm misunderstanding how to do it, but If you are adding something like a patrol route with different NPC's depending on what faction you support, wouldn't it make sense to just duplicate it right then and there and get it over with?

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