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These are great.

I think downsizing some of the larger models/meshes will let us get everything we want in there without the office looking like a rummage sale.


The furniture markers seem like they might be useful in a wh*%# house too, since we can have the ladies sitting in provocative poses on non furniture items. Really you can make a furniture marker into almost any static nif, crate, toilet even a box car. That might give a sort of more relaxed ambiance, then everyone just sitting on chairs in a normal pose. If you think that might be worth following up, I can check into Dukov's place. I think his girls had some poses we could use, and didn't they lay on the bed, but not sleep or something?


I take it it'll be no problem to put the Dustys Desires and the bazaar signs (when i get to doing them) into the game lol I'll try and get some of those done either this evening or tomorrow so it's ready to be used.

I think we're in good shape. One thing you migh want to consider is putting the texture of the sign on a decal. Then you could apply it to any surface, wood, sheet metal etc. If you just putting up one, it's probably not worth it, but if you have a few to place on different surfaces it's easier than making several models. If that sounds useful I can put that together for you from some of the existing decals.


Thank you, thank you. I was thinking the main entrance sign for Dustys would be painted onto "chunk of scrap metal" and hoisted above or beside wherever the door may be, I was wondering how that looks and whether I need to improve on the textures of signs. I can do that, but I didn't know whether it would be necessary or not. If it looks cool when it's put into the game, then it's fine as it is.

Cool, looking forward to seeing that



Dukov's lamp's mesh is in the BSA, pic;

How about the Mojave Outpost texture.. the two rangers shaking hands? To have in gold would look a little out of place, but if it's scrap metal then it'll blend in perfectly... then it's just a matter of positioning lights to make it stand out... it could be a centerpiece in the middle of the bar or behind the bar, or mounted on the wall... geez, i don't know. I'll think of something good when we get to looking at the bar properly.


Hmmm doesn't seem very erotic though. Would be a good choice for a NCR military area though, a smaller 6' tall monument.


But on Dukovs the texture is actually whats giving it that re-bar look. It's actually a solid mesh, if it had a different texture it could look like solid brass (the normal map might have some ridges in it, but it doesn't have to be used). Add a shader effect and it will look like a million bucks. Of course that may be completely out of character and far too luxiourious for the bar you have in mind. Might fit better at the ultralux (if they ever go down the prostitution route, or they might just consider it art)/Ghmorrah. I could use a scrap metal texture on it. But I just figured, being an erotic sculpture, it might fit in well at Dusty's.


Speaking off prostitution , I had a cool idea for another high end, space themed one. Are we on board with adding new casino's, wh*%# houses etc to the strip? The one I'm thinking of would be using a rocket as an architectural model (so maybe 6 or 7 stories high), with the portholes being windows. The girls would dress in bright spandex clothes similar to a bikini or very short shorts/mini skirts. You can get a good glossy close fit with shrinkwrap and blender. They would have what look like atomic valences around their arms, lets, head etc. Mostly it would be a strong visual theme, I havn't gotten around to any good back stories or quest ideas for it.



btw do let me know when you've got a way to merge .esp files together, I'll send you the updated NPC Resource when you have, and -idk if you read it- but to get sandcrete and the meo vault interior building sets working properly we're probably going to have to merge them too,

OK I'll try to look into that tonight, but it's more likely, if it turns out to be a complicated subject, that I'll end up researching it closer to the end of the week. What or where were you thinking the Meo vault might come into play, vault 21 or ?


maybe make them into an .esm?

I'm afraid I don't know a great deal about the conversion to esms. I know it can solve some problems like oddly enough, skin partitions, and creatures wandering out of their navmeshes, but I'v never made one. I believe if we do make it an esm, we can produce esp's to mod it easier, but we can't necessarily draw resources from other esm's like we can when using an esp. I'll try to do a bit of research.

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But we do have to be careful, I'm hesitant about upgrading them. They're already fairly kick *ss. Or did you mean just upgrades for specific bots as opposed to the army?


Well, regardless of what we want to do with it, that character would be the source for any/all custom robot upgrades. Specific ones like Marylin could be equipped with an extra layer of armor, or have more efficient targeting abilities, that kind of thing. I'm cautious about doing anything to the main bulk of the securitrons as well... we'll see how it goes, i guess!


Did you have any character profile or looks in mind for the Robotist? I'm leaning towards japanese myself...

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Did you have any character profile or looks in mind for the Robotist? I'm leaning towards japanese myself...

Japanese makes sense, I think they'r doing some of the most cutting edge research in our world.


Two head mounted bear for a little NCR character (pic);








Looks good over the desk, but Gunslinger may find a better spot for it. I'm thinking maybe a nice NCR flag next. BTW Lucia if there is anything you want me to put together for you in blender, just shout.

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Are there any plans to do anything with the New Vegas Steel plant, Sunset Sarsparilla headquarters and Samson rock crushing plant? During my travels in the outer Vegas area I thought that these locations could be used for further restoration efforts in addition to Sloan and contribute towards the economy of New Vegas. I can imagine that the Courier, House or NCR would want to see these places up and running at some point in the future. However these facilities are located in Fiend territory and would probably require the player to remove the Fiends from the area.

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I just want to make sure that's what devin wants to but sounds good. The only problem is that the space is quite limited a full fledged bed may take up to much room we'll see. I should be able to do some preliminary work in a few days that should give us an idea of what is possible in the space.

I think for that location it does make a lot of sense to go with a office first and foremost. So the couch might work as the bed (new furniture marker if needed, for sleep?), hotplate etc. It would be great if your able to pull of that office look and yet have all the amenities (except space) that a full player home would have. There will probably have to be a fair amount of creativity involved. But you can also put some relevant items down stairs too, like the commissary really should have a reloading bench for the player to use. It's a little extra hassle to go down there, but it will also reinforce the idea of working with your community/faction. You have shared equipment. If that doesn't fly, I can also assign different models to something like a workbench or reloading bench, and make up something small.



I was thinking a more military/wastelander feel Most of what I know about the NCR is seen in FNV which is more military in feel. honestly the NCR may require a bigger area but as I said to lucia I'll have a better idea once i get in there.

I can help with some new models. A cleaner NCR flag, a two headed bear head mounted on the wall. A sequoia in small display stand on the desk, or mounted on the wall. All kind of things we can whip up for the NCR. They have a lot of character in that faction.


Maybe sometime it would be nice to do a BOS house. Maybe we can't alley with the minor factions for the end game quest, but afterwards some players may want to expand the BOS, make a major faction again. Or just have a home in their bunker :wink:


you cant really make the brotherhood a major faction due to them not allowing recruitment (They'll also be your biggest threat according to yesman, 'cause they wont be happy that you have robots and they don't, thus compromising your security, and if your militia has energy weapons and power armor they'll attack them.)

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Are there any plans to do anything with the New Vegas Steel plant, Sunset Sarsparilla headquarters and Samson rock crushing plant?

I'm glad you brought that up Devilman. I want to do a total reboot of the Sunset Sarsparilla headquarters. I have a lot of assets from the Sunset Sarsparilla Wild West park that I want to use there.



During my travels in the outer Vegas area I thought that these locations could be used for further restoration efforts in addition to Sloan and contribute towards the economy of New Vegas. I can imagine that the Courier, House or NCR would want to see these places up and running at some point in the future.

Yeah definitely, economic development can be a big part of mod if hte player wishes.


However these facilities are located in Fiend territory and would probably require the player to remove the Fiends from the area.

So that sounds like a good place to start, clearing out eh fiends. Probably should be some additional quest items to get though before things are repaired/up and running. Any ideas or quest lines you'd like to see implemented?

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Ummm that was an off hand remark, not really looking to make a major quest line, just stating that some players have an affinity for the BOS and would like to make them a major faction. You may have noticed some of the requests in this same forum.


you cant really make the brotherhood a major faction due to them not allowing recruitment

Actually you may have noticed a huge shift in the BOS's policies as of late, due to a lone courier. This chapter has been in lockdown, mostly in reaction to the NCR. Their policies reflect that. If those conflicts are resolved (especially if an alliance or even a simple treaty involving a cease fire) the BOS will change their behavior.


(They'll also be your biggest threat according to yesman, 'cause they wont be happy that you have robots and they don't, thus compromising your security,

I'm pretty sure if one were to build them up as a faction, they would be the opposite of a threat, ie an ally. You would be championing their cause. Plus they'r not children, if you have robots and they don't they'r not going to throw a fit.


and if your militia has energy weapons and power armor they'll attack them.)

Power armor for the militia?!?


BTW Kingwilfre you can edit the posts so that you don't have to quote a good chunk of hte page for a sentence or two long reply. Saves a lot of space.

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So that sounds like a good place to start, clearing out eh fiends. Probably should be some additional quest items to get though before things are repaired/up and running. Any ideas or quest lines you'd like to see implemented?


The ideas I've got in mind regarding the Fiends ties in with my ideas for the Brotherhood under McNamara. I thought that a deal could be worked out with the Brotherhood where they can clear the outer Vegas area of Fiends. This would allow the Brotherhood to collect a good supply of energy weapons from dead Fiends.


I think I mentioned this a while ago but If Motor Runner is dead then the Brotherhood can be offered Vault 3 as a base to operate from. The player can pay the Brotherhood with water from Hoover Dam which would give them a resource to trade with other Brotherhood chapters that aren't lucky enough to have their own water purification system. In addition it might also be possible for the player to set up a trade deal between the Brotherhood and the Van Graffs.


If the player managed to negotiate a ceasefire between the Brotherhood and the NCR then I'm sure this idea can also be used in the NCR version of the mod in addition to patrolling the roads in exchange for salvaged power armor from the NCR Brotherhood war which was mentioned in one of the Brotherhood's ending.


However I doubt this scenario would be possible under a chapter led by Hardin. They could be a thorn in the Courier's side as Yes Man feared.

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Well that's probably good for the house....for now. I added a mini workbench. And I crushed the animation on the hanging flag so it makes sense for indoor use (pic);







Starting to have a very pro NCR feel to it. Should be a few assets for Gunslinger to work with. If anyone thinks of anything else, just shout. I was thinking maybe a coat rack with some ranger patrol armor hanging from it.


I also want to find a plaque so I can put a ranger sequoia up like this;




I was thinking I'd put a colision mesh on it and make it a activator, so that anytime the player wanted s/he could activate it, take the sequoia and I'd have the script replace it with an empty plaque model. Then when s/he is done, you can activate the empty plaque and the pistol goes right back on the plaque.


Anyway NCR themed items and furninshings ideas? Send em my way and I'll see what I can put together. I'd like to get this out to Gunslinger tonight so I can start on the strip and learning to merge mods.

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