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any new files?

I'v been posting updates for all of my work today.


im close to murdering my geck

See spoken like a true modder.....your hate will make you strong :wink:


But yeah the geck is a pain in the butt, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. But stick with it, you'll eventually come to a very wary truce with the it, and get the better of it.

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To be honest I didn't think that far ahead in regards to Vault 3. I'm not sure if the Brotherhood would want to keep it as a small outpost. Once the area has been cleared of Fiends then I'm sure it's got the potential to be something similar to Vault City as a small community build around a vault. At least it's in fairly good condition compared to some of the other vaults in the Mojave area.

I think vault 3 is really an interesting opportunity (But, I think that about every vault though). The idea that you have a pre-war structure that reached the pinnacle of construction technology and can have so many possibilities. They are the kind of pre-war artifacts that won't see their equal for decades, maybe a century or more if the wastland stays fractured. I feel like an important part of this mod should be defining their fates. Whether is something as trite as raiders moving in, or something far more grand like a recreation of pre-war culture (or something equally as far fetched).

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Minus the one picture heres how it looks so far.



If i could figure out how to embed the photo's here I would. Oh incase you wanted to see my newest mod its now up and downloadable. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/51280//?

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Minus the one picture heres how it looks so far.

Nice, looks like there's going to be plenty of room :smile:


If i could figure out how to embed the photo's here I would. Oh incase you wanted to see my newest mod its now up and downloadable.

well I think nexus severly limits the amount of data that you can use embedding, like 1mb. Better to link to them. And I'll definitely check out your mod

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Awesome. The hardest thing about the space is the curve to the wall it makes everything hard to use. As for the bed we can use your sofa Idea which I like however If i get rid of the sofa I can use a naval cot. With the naval cot I can add more storage underneath. Just putting it out there as an option. I also got to thinking about the topside area. On the outside at the top of the building I can actually make another area that acts like player housing using a tent or some sort of other structure. That area could also include a bar like area and other things you get the idea. Or it could be turned into even more of a command area. Honestly I think Colonel More's area could be worked on to turn it into a command area. It should've been from the start in vanilla. I don't know if you've ever been in military spaces but I have. No way a commanding officer would have a blank office during a war.


Edit: bear in mind I haven't touched navmeshing. I also thought it would be nice if I set the computer up to lock the door gives the player a little privacy.

Edited by gunslinger6792
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Awesome. The hardest thing about the space is the curve to the wall it makes everything hard to use. As for the bed we can use your sofa Idea which I like however If i get rid of the sofa I can use a naval cot. With the naval cot I can add more storage underneath. Just putting it out there as an option.

If it's OK lets go with the sofa, cots suck big time :sad:


I also got to thinking about the topside area. On the outside at the top of the building I can actually make another area that acts like player housing using a tent or some sort of other structure. That area could also include a bar like area and other things you get the idea. Or it could be turned into even more of a command area.

I think a little bit of stuff is OK, but I'd stay away from any structures, as I suspect they don't want the area looking like a storage unit. On the other hand the player will use the area for surveillance of the bazaar and I'm sure we're going to have a bit of sniper action in upcoming quests, so maybe a little overhead tent type thing like they have for sniper nests?



There is definitely going to be at least two more choices of NCR homes. A location in hoover dam offices (where Moore is) and the secret laboratory. And possibly a third, as you mention on one of the water towers or such. The idea being that you get to choose the involvement in the NCR. If you want to be right there next to Moore you can be. If you want to be a little closer to the vistor center exit so you can come and go easily but still be in the loop, then we haev the office your working on now. For more independent players the laboratory or something else (like the water tower)


There is a big room just east of the makeshift movie room and across from the makeshift kitche/break room. This would be a really sizeable office and it's near Moore. Here is a 180 degree pic of it;










Plenty of room and we'd use the same technique so it could be converted from storage to player home at the flip of a script.


Honestly I think Colonel More's area could be worked on to turn it into a command area. It should've been from the start in vanilla. I don't know if you've ever been in military spaces but I have. No way a commanding officer would have a blank office during a war.

Yeah definitely. If you feel up to it, I'd say go to work on it, make it look like the real deal. It may also be where the player's house ends up if Moore is ever lost.....who knows?


Edit: bear in mind I haven't touched navmeshing. I also thought it would be nice if I set the computer up to lock the door gives the player a little privacy.

Sure I can set up the computer to lock the door and also equip the player with a key as well as giving him/her ownership of the door. We can also post an additional NCR power armored trooper in front.


OK I am out of here, catch you guys later this evening or tomorrow.

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I can set up the computer to lock myself I did it my last mod so I know how to do that. That storage room should be easy to fix up thats just one giant waste of space. As for the couch we'll keep it not a problem. As for the observation area I'll keep any stuff added there minimal but I'm going to safe that for last most likely.

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Uh - I just wanted to throw out the idea of a retractable bed for the new area:
















It could be toggled back and forth with an electric switch - giving more room for the player to walk around and leaving a bed if they need it.



The Vaults


@devinpatterson - not to be needlessly argumentative, but the vaults (at least by Vault-Tec) aren't the pinnacle of construction technology - if anything, they are purposefully the cheapest and most low-tech form. If you're looking for the best example of high-tech construction, then look no further than Raven Rock - most of the Vault-Tec vaults (112 and some others being the exceptions) are faulty by design or circumstance. That said, I too would like to see them under NCR control - either by troops or as new settlements.


Secret Lab Entrance


There are two entrances, both hidden. One is a concealed elevator in Moore's office (providing quick access to and from the secret lab), the other path is through a submerged tunnel area located in the lowest level (one way path that will be sealed at the end of the quest). The Creatures within the lab were held in stasis; and the hidden nature of the lab prevented anyone finding it for 200+ years. The Second Battle was very intense and disrupted the power flow to the lab momentarily - but it was just long enough to knock the Creature stasis pods offline. The pods didn't have back-up power units, because honestly - if the Dam was no longer able to provide power, than some rampaging monsters would be the least of everyone's worries. I figure that we should use the Failed FEV Subjects as a model - mutated humans with just enough animal cunning to attack those unlucky enough to get in their sights and withdrawing back to the lab to eat - leaving no trace of their existence.

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@devinpatterson - not to be needlessly argumentative, but the vaults (at least by Vault-Tec) aren't the pinnacle of construction technology - if anything, they are purposefully the cheapest and most low-tech form.

"The" as in singular, pinnacle would of course be a matter of opinion, but I think they'v reached a pinnacle of pre-war construction and technology of the time. In the wiki you can see various aspects of this thrown about for the lore; "The vaults were one of the most expensive shelters in the pre-War world.", "by the end of its construction reached $645 billion", "Each vault was designed to hold one thousand occupants at any given time," "According to the Vault 101 PA System, the life support system could work for over 900 years without failure. " " The typical vault dweller living in a properly maintained vault could expect to live an average of 92.3 years.[3]" "Different types of power sources were utilized for the vaults. Vault 13 relied primarily on geothermal energy, with backup power available from a General Atomics nuclear power generator, enough to sustain the vault for two hundred years." "by a massive, gear-shaped, four-foot thick vault door" "the vault doors had a projected 2% failure rate in case of a direct hit by a nuclear missile. "


and it just goes on and on. Your certainly welcom to your opinion that none of the above items are impressive or that " they are purposefully the cheapest and most low-tech form." but I think your opinion would be in the minority.


If you're looking for the best example of high-tech construction, then look no further than Raven Rock

Raven rock was most probably vault-tec technology. The enclave and vault tec worked closely together not just on the public vaults but also the enclave private vault system. No other contractor had the technology or know how greater than vault tec in this area.


" Vault-Tec became so thoroughly integrated with top-secret military research done by the Pentagon that it had practically become a department of the U.S. government"


"Raven Rock is powered by a General Atomics nuclear reactor and gets its fresh water from deep underground wells and a mini purifier similar to other Vaults."


So in the interest of time and efficiency, lets not argue about established lore, especially since I don't see you making a particular argument in re: to the quality of the vaults affecting the story line we're building here. Rather it seems like your just expressing an opinion that you consider them sub par. Fair enough, your certainly welcome to that opinion, but I do believe the lore is looking to paint them in another light and I'd rather not get wrapped up in a argument per se. I'm trying to focus energy on developing actual assets. I'm also trying to reduce the amount of time I argue, I don't think it's beneficial to the mod.


That said, I too would like to see them under NCR control - either by troops or as new settlements.


I certainly feel that it would be a shame not to use them as some form of settlement, they would be one of the most secure areas in the Mojave if functioning correctly. Even a direct nuclear bomb would be unlikely to breach the vault. Plus it's unlikely that there will be any in production in the near future.


There are two entrances, both hidden. One is a concealed elevator in Moore's office (providing quick access to and from the secret lab),


I wouldn't really recommend a elevator in Moore's office (concealed or otherwise) I think it might stretch credibility to believe neither she nor any one else noticed it. I'd recommend going off of the van buren design listed here as primary material. A strong point in that doc is that the lab hasn't as of yet been entered since the sabotage attempt.


I would like to hear more about your quest idea for mutations and the thorn. I just wanted to clarify my previous post, that I don't think it should tie into Hoover dam's sub level laboratory.

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I figure that we should use the Failed FEV Subjects as a model - mutated humans with just enough animal cunning to attack those unlucky enough to get in their sights and withdrawing back to the lab to eat - leaving no trace of their existence.

I don't believe there were really too many humans when it was sealed. Maybe a handful of scientists and Chinese commandos, and the lore seems to imply they didn't survive very long (at least from the way I read it). So we might want to emphasize less on the FEV subjects and more on the "genetic experimentations for military exploitation". That's a tall order of course especially if we're looking to make some really funky models. But if we go off of the idea of bioweapons it fits really well with the whole concept of the laboratory and explains many of the critters possible origins.


We may be able to alter current ones (deathclaws and anything else listed as possibly being the result of scientific experimentation) by adding some actor affects and tweaking some models meshes and textures. I'll try to run through a list of what might be in there besides the "floaters".


I can think of a few things especially with teh deathclaws, going off of their variant forms from BOS (larger, more muscular, exoskeleton, chameleon abilities regained etc). The idea is that the bioweapons were exposed to additional FEV, radiation etc by vault tec personal, but the same could have happened in the lab we're discussing here, via happenstance.

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