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An independent New Vegas mod.


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but I think in endings where it would make sense for them to leave the Mojave permanently or be killed, there shouldn't be a way to convince them to stay. Example: If you choose to blow up the bunker you shouldn't be able to convinve Veronica to stay.

Of course, but I wasn't in any way implying otherwise. Simply showing what I think is a good contrast to Veronica's default endings......to mix it up (and a fun mini adventure to boot)

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A group of citizens upset with the lost of life (families, lovers, children, etc.) want to see Kimball out of the picture so they go to the leader of the free economic zone of New Vegas. Completely optional I might add. Caps for campaigns and speech checks to convince senators

I think that's a good start, but it should also include Kimball's political enemies (of which I'm sure he has many). And of course do it all without having the player visit the Boneyard (or whichever relevant states) since we don't have the assets for it, so they would send representatives out to the Mojave or radio or ??. The third component is going to have to be a middling to huge political failure/disgrace/scandal. Maybe if you can expand in those directions we can get an idea of how realistic we can tell this tale in the gameworld.


Desmond: They even had a candidate for president, until that scandal with the dog forced him to drop out. Im particularly proud of that one

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This has no doubt been said already, but nevertheless i'll say it again. This is definitely a good idea the problem being that its much too big. The amount of variables you would have to take into account would be tremendous. If this was ever attempted it would probably become the biggest fallout mod to date. Its something that an actual team of developers should work on not modders. I'm not saying it can't be done, but good luck trying to finish something like this.

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This has no doubt been said already, but nevertheless i'll say it again. This is definitely a good idea

I'm glad you like it Immodium.


the problem being that its much too big. The amount of variables you would have to take into account would be tremendous.

Nope. re: not sure what your refeering to, glob, script var etc. But, nope, no reason to believe there would be a whole lot more than the main vanilla game.


If this was ever attempted it would probably become the biggest fallout mod to date.

Nope, very few new assets will even be used.


Its something that an actual team of developers should work on not modders. I'm not saying it can't be done, but good luck trying to finish something like this.

Do you see a fallout new vegas II on the horizon? Nope. I'm not sure why you think that using mainly pre-existing assets to extend the game could only be done by developers. I guess maybe you don't understand what is involved.


I'm not saying it can't be done, but good luck trying to finish something like this.

Nope. Cumulative incremental updates, fairly simple and straight forward.


Your entitled to your opinion, and you may be right in that this is something *you* would have a extreme degree of difficulty with, but lets not lay your limitations on us. At least read through some of the thread and have a basic understanding of what we're doing here before you make a uninformed opinion. Saves some bits and whitespace.

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Started a development thread in mod talk. Lets leave that primarily alone except for actual dev logs/notes, file uploads, plot outlines, progress updates etc. I'v reserved a few posts so we shouldn't have any problem with some broad descriptions & content on those subjects. It will make it easy to find important files, or other details of the mod. So for a bit let me handle filling in those sections. A bit later other people can fill in the areas they are working on.


I'll find a good google projects page for us as well and setup login's and what have you. But probably not until the weekend or later.

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So what did you think of the potential paths I had laid out for the companions?


I'm inclined to leave the companions alone, there's waaaay too much that players will have done with their companions for us to know exactly what will or won't work with the specific companions. Or having them become integral parts of new quests only to find that player number 6,002 managed to get all of them killed during gameplay, and so player number 6,002 can't complete one of our quests because of it.


For some of the minor companions though like Rex and Lily, we can work with them a lot easier than Veronica or Boone or Raul, or Cass. That's just my opinion though... I predict a lot of trouble with them.


Although I love the idea of Cass setting herself up with a little bar somewhere in Vegas, we could just build that and stick her there for the fun of it lol


RE: Cassandra and voice work


I thought she might be a problem so I've written her out of the early stages of the NCR Version; explaining away her absence as overseeing admin stuff back in NCR territory. She's been replaced by a brand new character, a Mr. Major Henrys from a Recon division who'll be a little easier to find a voice for.


She'll come back and be involved in quests of course, but I'm hesitant to give her a lot of dialogue unless we've got somebody who can emulate her voice properly, unless, as I think we're going to have to do, we leave a lot of the audio empty.


Or rather I mean, we leave the audio empty and we can fill it up in an update later on down the line if we do find a voice for her, that's what I mean to say :) That's my working solution for it, I'm sure as this gains momentum we'll have a few more volunteers here and there.



This has no doubt been said already, ...... , but good luck trying to finish something like this.


You think this mod is ambitious? Devin wants to remake New Vegas into Van Buren!!


Hey, I'm in this project just to see those Fallout 2 Gun Turrets brought to life, and all that beautiful sandcrete architecture ;)



This mod isn't really that difficult to do, we've got plotpoints, we've got a talented writer (hello), and we've got a very talented scripter and modeler. The only thing we're lacking is enough people to physically build worldspaces in the game, but other than that, which is a minor issue, we're not trying to do anything that can't be done.


Started a development thread in mod talk.


I think this might belong in that thread...



...to keep track of what's happening at which location and in which version.


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I'm inclined to leave the companions alone, there's waaaay too much that players will have done with their companions for us to know exactly what will or won't work with the specific companions. Or having them become integral parts of new quests only to find that player number 6,002 managed to get all of them killed during gameplay, and so player number 6,002 can't complete one of our quests because of it.


For some of the minor companions though like Rex and Lily, we can work with them a lot easier than Veronica or Boone or Raul, or Cass. That's just my opinion though... I predict a lot of trouble with them


I have to admit that I'm in favor of seeing the companions expanded upon in this mod. I'm particularly interested in Devin's plans to reunite Veronica and Christina after Dead Money which gives Veronica the happier ending she deserves. You do have a valid point regarding the problem of companions being integral to quests if they are dead.


The only other problem I see would be finding voice actors who can do decent imitations of the companions. The only solution I can offer would be a small time skip set after the victory party, the companions can be moved to their original or new locations (depending on their endings) and some type of correspondence can be set up between the player i.e. a courier delivering a letter to the player from Cass thanking him/her for helping her set up a new bar in Freeside and telling the player to drop in at some point.


While we're on the subject of voice acting:


RE: Cassandra and voice work


I thought she might be a problem so I've written her out of the early stages of the NCR Version; explaining away her absence as overseeing admin stuff back in NCR territory. She's been replaced by a brand new character, a Mr. Major Henrys from a Recon division who'll be a little easier to find a voice for.


She'll come back and be involved in quests of course, but I'm hesitant to give her a lot of dialogue unless we've got somebody who can emulate her voice properly, unless, as I think we're going to have to do, we leave a lot of the audio empty.


That's a good solution for that particular problem and I'm sure that other characters in the game can be replaced by new npcs. I doubt it would work for some characters like Elder McNamara for example. However after looking at the wiki entry for Yuri Lowenthal (the voice actor who played McNamara) I found a list of other characters within the game that he provided voice work for. I'm not saying he played every character with the same voice but it would provide more material to draw from if we ever needed to give some more dialogue for McNamara. The same would go for any other character played by a voice actor who had multiple parts in the game.

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