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Any plans for a Legion version?

To the best of knowledge no sorry.


Just a status update. I'm still working on the office/house, progress however is painfully slow. I've gotten sick with an ear infection and god knows what else. As such I can only work for 10 bursts here and there.

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Any plans for a Legion version?


We don't have any plans for a Legion ending. The Legion ver just doesn't have a much going for it. It destroys almost all the factions (especially if Legate is leading), completely changes the nature of the strip, and as far as quests is threadbare. But if you want more details just do a seach for Legion and I'm sure you'll see the pages where we've discussed this.

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Short of reforming the Legion under the Courier's banner, there's really not much we can do with that storyline (at least, nothing worthwhile that I can see). We could maybe introduce some Roman Legion type elements, but they would be better off taking place in Arizona rather than the Mojave. Most of what the Legion would be doing would be raping and pillaging their way across the desert and recruiting those too afraid to stand against them, at least - doesn't seem like much fun to play through.

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I'm inclined to leave the companions alone, there's waaaay too much that players will have done with their companions for us to know exactly what will or won't work with the specific companions. Or having them become integral parts of new quests only to find that player number 6,002 managed to get all of them killed during gameplay, and so player number 6,002 can't complete one of our quests because of it.

On the technical side of things there is a lot of info that can be gleaned about companions via script and quest variables. One of the easiest, is if they are dead, which allows us to alter a stage of a quest via a simple condition and activate a script. I imagine that none of (or at least very, very, very few) our quests will be dependent on any companion(s), except the actual companion quests. In that respect it's not really different than the vanilla game. I'd like to have a new companion quest in Viva for several of our old friends and for each new companion. But you can even have a condition on the whole quest itself and it will never start if that condition isn't met (like a companion being alive).


I definitely don't think we should rule it out, since a big part of NV is companions. We may choose to focus on other areas first as a priority, but I think it's very, very likely companions (whether new or old) will continue to be a big part of the couriers saga.


Although I love the idea of Cass setting herself up with a little bar somewhere in Vegas, we could just build that and stick her there for the fun of it lol

Sure we can certainly have companions taking the role of NPC's in a variety of forms (part of a faction chain of command, a vendor etc). It's always a good callback and shows progression of the character outside of the courier.



I thought she might be a problem so I've written her out of the early stages of the NCR Version; explaining away her absence as overseeing admin stuff back in NCR territory. She's been replaced by a brand new character, a Mr. Major Henrys from a Recon division who'll be a little easier to find a voice for.



but I'm hesitant to give her a lot of dialogue unless we've got somebody who can emulate her voice properly,..leave the audio empty and we can fill it up in an update later on down the line if we do find a voice for her....I'm sure as this gains momentum we'll have a few more volunteers here and there.

Absolutely :thumbsup: and now that the fallout gods (and Ethatron) have blessed me with a BSA archiver that works on all audio formats, we have lots of options for audio updates.


You think this mod is ambitious? Devin wants to remake New Vegas into Van Buren!!

Idle hands and all.....


Hey, I'm in this project just to see those Fallout 2 Gun Turrets brought to life, and all that beautiful sandcrete architecture :wink:




I think this might belong in that thread...



...to keep track of what's happening at which location and in which version.

gotcha, I'll move it on over.


I think I'm going to burn an hour or two either on the script of the whole merging mods thing.


We also have a new voice actor PitchPerfect who does imitations as well as accents. However we appear to have lost a potential voice actress (apoclypticmama). Here is PitchPerfect's natural voice; I think he did a pretty good job, and I'd also like to give a shout out to TheBlueKid's voicework, I'm thinking we have good ranger voice material :smile:


If someone could keep an eye out for a voice actress for Ghost (which will probably do double duty for other female rangers) I would appreciate it. Here is a video of her, start at 2:45;







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Short of reforming the Legion under the Courier's banner, there's really not much we can do with that storyline (at least, nothing worthwhile that I can see). ....but they would be better off taking place in Arizona rather than the Mojave.

Absolutely, couldn't agree more. I'd much rather build a Legion worldspace than destroy the Mojave. That at least has appeal (infiltration of legion, small scale battles, etc etc, all kinds of fun)

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re: Nipton


Just running this concept by everyone, I think the guy who first suggested it should get the last word, but here's my take on (all versions, house/NCR/independent) Nipton;


The player is approached by a kid who delivers a letter from a group of former Legion slaves who are looking to settle in the ruins of Nipton, and they want the approval of the player, since the player's all important and influential now.


This starts a quest to go to Nipton and meet with Isaac, the leader of the settlers. He explains their situation, telling the player that his small group just want to settle down, and they can make a living off of the local animals (the two trappers will take it in turn to patrol the surrounding area, one by day and one by night) and trade the hides for what they need- but Isaac wants the player to agree to them being there, thinking that this'll scare off any organized raiders and keep the NCR away from the town.


The player can negotiate with Isaac for a reward, and after agreeing to help them Isaac reveals the location of a Legion stash buried near Cottonwood Cove. After agreeing to let them stay, the kid appears and says that a gang of salvagers have come to raid the town. The player can go and speak with them and either convince them to go away, kill them, or agree to let them have the town after being promised a share of the spoils from what they can find in the town (at which point they wait for 12 hours ((until the player has wandered away)) and then teleport into the town, and the settles all vanish), OR the player can negotiate with them and the settlers so that they can both share the town.


The last option works out best, since the player can now trade with both of the settler Trappers for coyote and dog pelts and trade with the Salvagers for junk workbench parts.


If the settlers are allowed to stay (after Isaac has been agreed with, and remains alive), then Nipton spawns a few more tents and wasteland "tribal village" stuff after 24 hours. And of course, if the settler option is chosen, then the player can talk to Isaac later and build stuff for the town (a New Vegas Militia Outpost? :wink: ), or ask the trappers to hunt certain animals- dogs, coyotes, geckos etc. to determine the pelts they have for sale.



But uhh.. yeah, that's it :smile:






Any thoughts?



Anyway, back to business!


I definitely don't think we should rule it out, since a big part of NV is companions. We may choose to focus on other areas first as a priority, but I think it's very, very likely companions (whether new or old) will continue to be a big part of the couriers saga.


I'm not ruling it out, I'm just thinking it'd be difficult. But if you can figure out how to make it run smoothly with all the companion variables then sure I'll go with it; the Christine and Veronica story you laid out was pretty cool after all :wink:


If someone could keep an eye out for a voice actress for Ghost (which will probably do double duty for other female rangers) I would appreciate it. Here is a video of her, start at 2:45;


You mentioned you wanted to do a storyline with Ghost ages ago, what would that involve?


Just a status update. I'm still working on the office/house, progress however is painfully slow. I've gotten sick with an ear infection and god knows what else. As such I can only work for 10 bursts here and there.


Ah that sucks :sad: There's no rush on this stuff.. we've got a long way to go yet so take it easy :wink:


However after looking at the wiki entry for Yuri Lowenthal (the voice actor who played McNamara) I found a list of other characters within the game that he provided voice work for. I'm not saying he played every character with the same voice but it would provide more material to draw from if we ever needed to give some more dialogue for McNamara. The same would go for any other character played by a voice actor who had multiple parts in the game.


That's exactly right, most of them do voices for a bunch of different characters (and some of them don't bother to change their voice on any of them) so we can cut and paste audio from all of them, if we have to.


Also, idk if anybody had anything in mind for Marcus, but Michael Dorn also does a huge amount of voicework for Marcus in Fallout 2, so that right there's another cut and paste source for audio, if anyone's interested in doing some super mutant stuff.



Gah... see how great Marcus was back then? This is why people liked Fallout 2. The new voice actors not even bothering to change the tone of their voice on General Oliver, for example, is one of the sad things about New Vegas that new fans probably don't realize lol

Edited by LuciaofArroyo
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The player is approached by a kid who delivers a letter from a group of former Legion slaves who are looking to settle in the ruins of Nipton, and they want the approval of the player, since the player's all important and influential now.


I think you're onto something good with your ideas for repopulating Nipton. I'm particularly interested in the idea for the animal trappers. Would it be possible to sell any animal hides to the trappers or request them to make something like a nightstalker skin jacket similar to the gecko skinned jacket in the Willow companion mod?


I mentioned something about Nipton to Devin a while ago and I thought that the Nipton town hall could be turned into a courthouse. I envisioned the ground floor being used as a barracks for a militia or NCR soldiers (not too sure what can be done with it in the House version). The first floor can be used for the courtroom and the basement can be turned into a holding cell. The former Mayor's office could either be residence for a judge, or a new mayor (let's hope this one won't be as shady as the last one), or even a home for the player. Additional ideas would include a new merchant to open up the Nipton Trading Post, turn a couple of houses into a clinic and repair shop, setting up a saloon and possibly a farm.


There's also the fact that raider groups like the Jackals and Vipers seem to hang around the surrounding areas. It might be worth setting up a quest to remove them from the area as part of Nipton's restoration.


Boxcars (the powder ganger crippled by the Legion) also deserves a mention. If the NCR are around then I'm sure he'll be sent back to NCRCF assuming that the NCR retake it otherwise I'm sure his fate can be left up to the player. During my travels I found a wheelchair somewhere in McCarren Airport and I was wondering if it would be possible to turn it into something that Boxcars can sit in whether he is still hanging around Nipton or sent back to jail and give the impression that he'll never walk again.



Also, idk if anybody had anything in mind for Marcus


I'm not sure if Marcus should be touched upon since there is a mod that turns him into a companion which could make things difficult (same would hold true for Mellisa Lewis, Sunny Smiles and Ulysses). In an earlier game when trying to get the good ending for Jacobstown Marcus was killed by an angry bighorner. This prompted me to install the Marcus companion mod during my latest game. With this mod I'm able to leave him inside the Jacobstown ski lodge so that he won't die and ruin Jacobstown's ending. I hope this problem with the bighorner and Marcus gets fixed in a bugfix mod like Mission Mojave.

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