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[PROJECT] Wars in Skyrim V


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But sometimes it seems to be forgotten ;)


Throwing a stupid example:


As soon as ASIS came out (i followed the develop thread just a bit so i didn't know its real features until the release), the team discussed and decided that ASIS the (for now) best way to enhance the vanilla spawns. So it's stupid to try making something about that, leaving to the player the choice "this or that".


Another example is Warzones. It's stupid to try making better war fields, bringing to an excessive amount of guys in the game.


Or SkyTest, we originally thought about an wildlife enhancement, but he did something amazing. So we may just skip that part or just work on some little things in wich we have a different vision.


And that's why we asked LogRaam to work with us. It's stupid to try making better things than something already amazing ;)

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@Plutoman: don't worry. We just decided to stop developing the "Vanilla Enhancement" for now, looking at what ASIS can do with that.


Our goal isn't "beeing better than something else", but instead "letting the player use the best mods without problems, adding something special and unique"


THIS is what I HOPED would happen or at least been explored. ASIS does a lot of things (base principles) which probably would end up in WISV. The upcoming ASIS 1.3 will even have a 'Spawn Randomizer' which could be used to create a 'WIS -lite- like world', fully configurable by users of ASIS using .ini files. Of course, probably lots of things you have planned for WISV atm can not be done in ASIS or you would like to have it seen done otherwise. Its an extremely good idea in my book to explore if ASIS could be used in some way as a base for WISV and to work together to see what kind of miracles both team can come up with. Extremely exited. Take your time to create a very rock solid foundation and built your house on top of that. It can/will take more time in the startup phase (and the modders probably need to be able to program in Java) but in the long run it will save you quite a lot of time. This is usally the case with all good software projects. To bad that in RL my managers for the firms I worked for as a (Java) software engineer always seem to go for the quick and dirty way and don't/won't/can't invest time/money to do it right. You are in the unique position to do it right because no one can tell you what you have to do!!!!!!!

Edited by wolverine2710
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But sometimes it seems to be forgotten ;)


Throwing a stupid example:


As soon as ASIS came out (i followed the develop thread just a bit so i didn't know its real features until the release), the team discussed and decided that ASIS the (for now) best way to enhance the vanilla spawns. So it's stupid to try making something about that, leaving to the player the choice "this or that".


Another example is Warzones. It's stupid to try making better war fields, bringing to an excessive amount of guys in the game.


Or SkyTest, we originally thought about an wildlife enhancement, but he did something amazing. So we may just skip that part or just work on some little things in wich we have a different vision.


And that's why we asked LogRaam to work with us. It's stupid to try making better things than something already amazing ;)


I absolutely positively totally agree with your vision.


With regards to Skytest Real Animals and Predators (SRAP) I've followed his thread for quite a while and I know he has asked repeatly for (experienced) scripters to enhance his mod even further. He said, there is only so much what can be done with tweaking of the (existing) AI packages. You might want to sent Etayorius a PM to see if the WISV team can be of assistance to him and/or the other way around. His dev. has stalled a bit because his GPU has gone the way of the dinosaurs (dead) more then a month ago. Another prime example of a good wildlife mod is Real Wildlife Skyrim (RWS). He has roaming herds of Deer/Elk, diseases, juvineel,mature,old version of animals, has added ingredients. I use them both at the same time and its a blast to see the wildlife come to life. Spending more time outside then in Dungeons atm. Unfortunately Nedius apparently has RL issues, the mod hasn't had an update for months (if I'm not mistaken). It might also be a good idea to contact him if something can be worked out. Aaah and there is Prides of Skyrim which I also use (adds Lions/Lionesses and black Panthers. Also no updates for quite a while and he has problems getting leveled lists to work etc... There are of course more wildlife mods but AFAIk these three seem to be the most matured ones (personal opinion).


PS. If someone knows about other good wildlife mods I would be glad to hear from you. To prevent polluting this thread a PM would be best...

Edited by wolverine2710
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Good to hear. :)


When my spawn randomizer is released, I'd encourage you guys to check it out. If there's ever any configuration that would be recommended with your project, feel free to distribute any ini files out with whatever settings will optimize ASIS to the purposes of it. That's half the reason they are there - I could always hardcode stuff, but I'd rather leave it open to interpretation for whoever might want to edit them.


Here's my latest feature which may be of use to you guys if you wanted to utilize it (I tried to spoiler it, as I didn't want to clutter your thread with random ASIS notes, but spoilers don't work here >.<);


The spawn randomizer will basically implement NPC's into groups, defined in the ini file, and then define NPC's to attach the groups too, also in the ini file. So you could define a group of dremora, the missile, warlock, and melee ones, and attach that group to EncHare, and whenever an EncHare is spawned, it triggers a chance to spawn one of the groups attached to it. When a group is spawned, it randomly decides the size based on settings, and randomly chooses which enemies out of the group. Then it goes on and procs the multi-group chance, where there's a chance of multiple groups (also defined in the ini file). If you add any creatures, a custom ini file could be provided that would utilize those creatures.


I'm hoping to make it as flexible as possible. I'll track the progress of WiSV and again, feel free to bug me anytime if you have questions, requests for resources, scripts, anything.

Edited by Plutoman101
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Well, our project is to add our new creatures via new spawn points and new leveled lists near the vanilla ones (hand-placed spawn points).


So originally the idea was to not touch Vanilla and let ASIS tune all that stuff, while letting WiS users tune OUR spawns via a config spell or activator.


This way (from what i know) we couldn't have compatibility issues. As said by MGE from WarZones, the only issue could be the excessive amoun of mobs for low end rigs. And that's why there would be variuos configs.


BUT, if you say that there could be a custom ini that will manage our spawns, or merge our lists with the Vanilla spawns letting us avoid manually hand-placing spawn points in the world.....AWESOME! It would save a lot of time and scripting.


If i understand well, we'd just have to define the lists and customize the ini, and ASIS would throw everything in the spawn points? :)

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@gasti89 : conosco un paio di persone che l'hanno fatto e ti assicuro che il metodo del .ini crea più disguidi che piacevolezze e leggerezze. Metterli manualmente prende SICURAMENTE più tempo ma ti evita il 90% delle incompatibility.

ma siamo tutti italiani? XD

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