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The Elder Scrolls VI


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Just wondering what you guys think on these topics: Where will TES6 be set? and: How long will it take to develop?


I personaly think it will be a smaller gap than previous games, as they will need to do less work on the gameplay mechanics and graphics.


As for setting, I hope it is set in both Valenwood, and Elsweyr (both make up roughly the same size as Skyrim). This would be a very varied landscape, unlike the, at times repetative land of Skyrim.


I'm very interested in what you guys think on this matter.



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Yes an interesting thought as no games have been set in those provinces personally I think maybe somewhere in the Aldmeri Dominion to fight against/for the Elves, maybe a 2nd Great War lead by the Dovahkiin? In terms of development it is hard to say Bethesda still have to do the DLCs after that they'll probably work on Fallout so I can't really see a release for at least 2 years.
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I don't think there will be a ES VI in the near future. They are working on an MMO that covers almost all things in the ES world on a huge scale. My only hopes is that they keep STEAMypile out of the mix.
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Pretty sure Elder Scrolls Online has no influence on TES6, since it's totally different devs.


That's what I thought. It's being made by Zenimax Online, not Bethesda.


Anyway, I hope it would be set in Elsweyr but Valenwood + Elsweyr should be fine with me since they sound interesting (like really tall trees that surround the cities of Valenwood)

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If there's another game, it won't be lead by a Dragonborn. I think that chapter has passed. Each ES title tends to introduce a new character, which is something I've come to thoroughly enjoy from them.


Perhaps we may see -lineage- of a Dragonborn, but I doubt it will be a recurring theme for a player-character. They've been good about making each hero-character unique and highly customizable with their pallet.


We've yet to see Aldmeri's story as a dominant antagonist progress; what I'm excited to see is perhaps another new things in the games: the horror of what the High Elves are actually doing to other races. We've only heard of the "purgings" going on. I'm more hopeful this goes with a DLC, given an unlikely large scale of one, but I'm still hopeful.


My next bet is they'd have to move the game somewhere the MMO isn't; for example, the other continents not on Tamriel.


If they did stick to Tamriel, I expect Black Marsh / Elsweyr (whatever) / or other regions that they haven't directly covered in their games that featured a specific province.


All speculation and BS for now, but it's what I might see coming based on what they've done on the past, as well as logical procedure.

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I am crossing my fingers for the Summerset Isles and arriving somewhere with a little bit of class :armscrossed: I'm tired of starting off as a prisoner.


You always start as a prisoner in every game. Your background is up to you as how you got there (could be guilty/innocent/whatever).


I'm surprised anyone looked at it negatively. Then again you probably don't want your cutesie characters in chains- well- under those circumstances.


Also I hate you.

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I hope that TES:VI will be the whole tamriel, plus unexplored new lands beyond the ocean.


Single player based, but also able to let you play online/lan with your friends the whole campaign.


Possibly with unique start for all the different races, and with at least one big quest based on the selected race.


This is the logic path to evolve The Elder Scrolls, not MMO, that's old crap invented to make money.

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