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Divine Space - new space game


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Hello all!

I'm spreading this post on a few different forums related to space games. Sorry if you seen it somewhere else (there are three other forums where I've posted it).


We are currently making a space game (not a traditional simulator, though - don't bite me for that!). It will be something between Star Control (best space game I ever played, thanks to Ryan!), Dark Orbit and (hopefuly) Eve. Our main goal is to make a great world, scenario and gameplay. We won't hide absense of the meaning behind amazing special effects, like in modern games (though indeed we will do everything to make our game beautiful and attractive).


To success we will go for Kickstarter, and this is why I'm prepairing to gather community (without your help, we will not success there).


In a week or two we will open our site with materials; for now, I've opened group with few ingame screenshots and concept-arts on facebook.

I'll be glad to see you all on the page and hope that you will support us - and together we will make a great game, full of oldschool spirit and soul.


Currently, you can support us by joining our facebook page and participate in spreading the word and helping us to build community.

We will be happy to see you all on our Divine Space official page




Edited by AntiDanilevski
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Your top screenshot is a photoshopped image from EVE Online. That exact same Nebula features in said game near the Caldari border zone and seems to have been tinted slighly more blue. :armscrossed: Your second screenshot also looks to be from EVE Onilne, as I recognise that both planet and nebula. I believe that is Hadaugago. The image itself looks composite but the background is from EVE online, of that I am 99,999% sure. Edited by Vindekarr
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Your top screenshot is a photoshopped image from EVE Online. That exact same Nebula features in said game near the Caldari border zone and seems to have been tinted slighly more blue. :armscrossed: Your second screenshot also looks to be from EVE Onilne, as I recognise that both planet and nebula. I believe that is Hadaugago. The image itself looks composite but the background is from EVE online, of that I am 99,999% sure.

I saw this too but thought to stay away from this bombshell, glad its not just me that thinks so...

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Moved thread. Images are suspect, but will allow it as there seems to be something more substantial here:



I would however suggest looking into some sort of actual site for your project instead of just a dubious facebook page. You have a wikia already from what I see, so I would build on that and register yourselves with Kickstarter and have something concrete and professional to show before you go around posting on more forums.


I know you want to get your project out there, but doing it like this does make it hard to differentiate from forum spam or some sort of scam.

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Your top screenshot is a photoshopped image from EVE Online. That exact same Nebula features in said game near the Caldari border zone and seems to have been tinted slighly more blue. :armscrossed: Your second screenshot also looks to be from EVE Onilne, as I recognise that both planet and nebula. I believe that is Hadaugago. The image itself looks composite but the background is from EVE online, of that I am 99,999% sure.


You are wrong. Those images are made by our artists, as well as EVERYTHNIG else. If you say our art is stolen and looks like EVE - well, thank you very much, we are proud that we manage to produce art of that quality.


Please check out EVE art and compare with ours, and you will see the difference.


And if you claim that we have stolen something - please provide a proof images. Otherwise, this is a slander, and I ask moderators to take care of you and your accusations.


And lastly, workflow, showing how the picture was made from scratch: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=240890929354436&set=a.237699846340211.45884.231466220296907&type=3&theater


More screenshots of the 'planet from Eve': https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=240901239353405&set=a.237695453007317.45882.231466220296907&type=3&theater


Actually, there it is - a planet "from Eve!": http://www.desura.com/games/divinespace/images/brown-dwarf#gallerylist


Thanks to you and your blatant charge, I'm not allowed to post pictures here anymore (i think).

Edited by AntiDanilevski
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Moved thread. Images are suspect, but will allow it as there seems to be something more substantial here:



I would however suggest looking into some sort of actual site for your project instead of just a dubious facebook page. You have a wikia already from what I see, so I would build on that and register yourselves with Kickstarter and have something concrete and professional to show before you go around posting on more forums.


I know you want to get your project out there, but doing it like this does make it hard to differentiate from forum spam or some sort of scam.


Thank you. We hope to launch our site on the next week, with more concept-arts and screenshots. We can't launch project on Kickstarter until we make enough gameplay and video (only this is what stops us).


By this post, we thought to gather some pre-pre-pre-alpha fans to help us with gathering community and spread the word. And we found some, more will come. Maybe for someone it looks 'too good to be true', but sometimes it IS truth.


Few more screenshots and concepts were added to FB page.

We can't add it quicker, but eventually there will be enough. Gameplay video will come soon enough.

Edited by AntiDanilevski
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Looks like an interesting game, I've always wanted to play a proper space sim-ish thing (But hearing about how hard EVE is scared me off). I'll be sure to check on your website when you get it up.
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Looks like an interesting game, I've always wanted to play a proper space sim-ish thing (But hearing about how hard EVE is scared me off). I'll be sure to check on your website when you get it up.


Thank you!


One of the main feature of our game - it's not a sim. We are making EVERYTHING to make it non-hardcore. If you remember Star Control or Space Rangers - everyone could play it with ease, without any special skills, and had tonns of fun. I'm a hardcore player myself, but I couldn't play Eve, though it's a great game. But Eve requires too much time for my taste. In our game, you don't even need to be an arcade player: it's click-and-go gameplay. We believe such control is great for players who loves to trade, travel, gather resources, shot asteroids and, of course, smart combat.


Like our page to stay informed about our progress. As soon as we release something interesting, it will come to our page quickly and you won't miss it.

Edited by AntiDanilevski
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I'll be honest - We don't need another RTS-based or exploratory space game. There's just too many at the moment and often it seems like at least one of ten new independent studios will be releasing one, only to see it be forgotten and left by the wayside after release.


However, if you want to stay with the theme, what you are aiming for is very close to a genre that needs a new breakthrough title. Space combat simulators, such as the FreeSpace, X-Wing, and Rogue Squadron series, has been basically abandoned after Factor 5 went away and Microsoft stopped trying to make the next breakthrough game in that genre. If you want to shine, I think going here and sticking to it would put much more focus upon you instead of something other people have tried so many times in such a short time...

Edited by ziitch
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I'll be honest - We don't need another RTS-based or exploratory space game. There's just too many at the moment and often it seems like at least one of ten new independent studios will be releasing one, only to see it be forgotten and left by the wayside after release.


However, if you want to stay with the theme, what you are aiming for is very close to a genre that needs a new breakthrough title. Space combat simulators, such as the FreeSpace, X-Wing, and Rogue Squadron series, has been basically abandoned after Factor 5 went away and Microsoft stopped trying to make the next breakthrough game in that genre. If you want to shine, I think going here and sticking to it would put much more focus upon you instead of something other people have tried so many times in such a short time...



Divine Space is definitely NOT an RTS, nor going to be. It's a space adventure, where you control only your own ship. Very much oldschool RPG's, another ships (or rahter NPC's) can join your party, but only for a time/contract/task. About lacking of sims like X-Wing, there are games like Skyjacker (our friends by the way, we hope they will success in their goal!) and Galaxy on Fire coming soon to PC/Mac. Btw, GOF is another very nice game. Guys did a great work, they walked a long way from indie and small game to AAA, or close to AAA title. We hope to repeat their success, though with a different gameplay and game style.


If you remember Star Control, this will be closest game (I hope) by genre and gameplay (except for the combat part, which will be more casual).


So, if you love X-Wing like sims, you can support Skyjacker. But our game will be different.

Edited by AntiDanilevski
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