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Divine Space - new space game


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Yay for more space games! The artworks on moddb look great. I wish i could do such backgrounds.


Nad-Those screenshots are highly suspect. The ones shown here are composite images based on other games unrelated to the one posted here. I for one, seriously doubt there's any game in development here, since there's virtually nothing to prove it's existance beyond a few screenshots, all of which are photoshopped composite images of EVE Online and a mixture of Browser MMOs.


Anti-I don't trust you at all. Anyone can make a facebook page and claim to be a tyranosaurus that plays bingo or a flurescent green flying prawn. It's not slander, it's mistrust, and there'sn a good reason for it. You're yet to prove you're what you say you are, you've posted several images here that are quite obviously composite made from assets from 3 existing games, and I can't find a scrap of evidence anywhere of this project except for a facebook and a moddb page. Can you see now why I don't trust you? I need proof before I can trust, people, need proof.


That's a lesson you're going to need to learn as a developer-if you're going to be selling a product you are going to need people's absolute trust, I can't stress enough how important that is, especialy with a subscription or indy game. Learn how to get people to trust you and you're on your way to making this a reality. Trust is something you need to earn and then hold, if you can keep people's trust, your project will succeed. However, if you cannot get people's trust, people will distrust you as I do, and may chalk up your project as nothing better than a scam. This is a chance to learn, use it.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Give it time, Vindekarr. He's not asking for anyone's money yet, and when he is asking for money there certainly should be more evidence of a game on the other end. If someone posts a Kickstarter page without much showing what they plan to do, nobody would fund it anyways.
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Yay for more space games! The artworks on moddb look great. I wish i could do such backgrounds.


Nad-Those screenshots are highly suspect. The ones shown here are composite images based on other games unrelated to the one posted here. I for one, seriously doubt there's any game in development here, since there's virtually nothing to prove it's existance beyond a few screenshots, all of which are photoshopped composite images of EVE Online and a mixture of Browser MMOs.


Anti-I don't trust you at all. Anyone can make a facebook page and claim to be a tyranosaurus that plays bingo or a flurescent green flying prawn. It's not slander, it's mistrust, and...


I'm really sorry to hear this. You think only Eve Online can have a good art? You believe that an indie team can't make a good quality games? Eve didn't copyright the whole space. There are plenty of artists who can make same great art, and we have them. We showed you how that picture was made from scratch; on other screenshots, you can see rotating skyboxes on different angles. I've asked you to show proof screenshots, but you can't do it - because they simply don't exists. And vice vesra - I've posted WIP of how we made this picture you are claiming to be 'stolen' from scratch, but even this isn't enough or you just ignored it for the sake of dispute. So I think it's pointless to continue discussion with you about this.


I ask you to leave this thread and stop posting your destructive posts. You can keep watching this thread if you like. Welcome to watcihng our page - and in a week or two you will see a lot more screenshots and gameplay video, as well as game promo site.

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Give it time, Vindekarr. He's not asking for anyone's money yet, and when he is asking for money there certainly should be more evidence of a game on the other end. If someone posts a Kickstarter page without much showing what they plan to do, nobody would fund it anyways.


Thank you!


Yes, we are just gathering people on pre-pre-pre-alpha stage of development who are interested in participation in creation of space game. We need just a bit of devoted fans who will work with us in the future on spreading the word, giving feedbacks, share opinion, comment on our WIP and etc. I'm simply gahtering core of community (or trying to), and nothing else.


It's obvious that for launching on KS we will need a lot more than just a few screenshots - this is why we aren't there, nor going to appear there until we can provide a really good materials in a good amount. This includes more shots, contepts, gameplay video and introduction video (with the whole team on it - if we'll manage to make a deal, it will be a good surprise too).


Again, I'm glad that people are thinking it's Eve. We never had goal to 'make it same as in Eve', but now, after all those years, Eve have TONNS of great art. And any space game of the good quality can look like Eve. I've googled and found screenshot or promo from Eve. It looks pretty much like ours, but still absolutely different. When we will add more content, difference will be more obvious. But even then, it's impossible to avoid situations when our art looks like Eve, and vice versa.


If, during development, we will try to avoid any coincindece with other games, we won't ever make anything. Simply because every color, every composition, every form were used before. We only can attempt to make it original and better, and we are doing our best.

Edited by AntiDanilevski
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Give it time, Vindekarr. He's not asking for anyone's money yet, and when he is asking for money there certainly should be more evidence of a game on the other end. If someone posts a Kickstarter page without much showing what they plan to do, nobody would fund it anyways.


That's what I'm trying to help him understand.


This isn't about me being adversarial, it's about you needing to do some learning. Making a video game is a complex thing. You need several key things. A concept. An engine. And people. And right now that last part is looking a real problem. To get people, you need to be destinctive, for starters. If you try to blend in with the rest of the genre, you're going to be passed over, because there's just no way a project game can bring down the big money titles in a conformist genre. Try to be as unique as is humanly possible. You want to make people think "Wow, I've never seen anything like that before" and if people are saying "HEY! that guy stole <game> assets" you've got a major problem that you need to learn to correct.


Art style is your biggest area to splash around in. You can get away with almost anything, art-wise, but going for a genuinely ART style would be one good way to stand out from the pack. Cell Shading may also reduce costs as it's easier to draw and less complex to code. It would also give you big kudos from the gaming community, as there's hundreds of "realistic" looking space games, but almost no animated ones.


Second thing you really need to work on is credibility. This as I see it is your biggest issue here-hurry and get that website set up, get some nice screenshots, and as much info as you can about the studio, rather than the game. People always distrust small projects, there have been far too many paypal scams like this in the past, so making a proper, professional looking website is an excellent move. A wikia is an even better one, as this makes the game seem extremely established regardless of it's completion level, and will help draw funding.


One issue you will have is that you're not an established studio, which means people will be hesitant to trust, since they don't know who you are. Probably the most important piece of advice I can give you is get out and get noticed, not with the game, but as a studio. Set yourself up as a known-name studio, THEN advertise the game you're working on. A good game stands on it's own as they say, but to get the trust and funding you'll need to succeed, you'll need to manage PR and get noticed as a studio/devteam. This even, hell, especialy, applies to independant studios. This is how Torchlight turned into such a success: the developers showed us who they were-a group of former Diablo Devs, they showed us what they could do, THEN they introduced their game, and now, Torchlight is a household name despite it's humble beginings.


If you find my posts destructive, don't. They're not meant to be, nore are they intended to be offensive, rather, they are meant to be instructional. I've had experience as an indy dev myself. Take any oppertunity you can to learn, and you'll do fine. Good luck.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Give it time, Vindekarr. He's not asking for anyone's money yet, and when he is asking for money there certainly should be more evidence of a game on the other end. If someone posts a Kickstarter page without much showing what they plan to do, nobody would fund it anyways.

That's what I'm trying to help him understand.





Please re-read your first post, where you clearly said: you took art from there, this - from there, that - form there, without any proof. This is first thing that people see when they come to this thread, and such things draw peolpe away from our startup.


I'm working in industry about 15 years and I know what I'm doing. If I need to gather kernel of our community before do anything else, I have reasons and I have thought it out very well.


Games aren't being made in three days. When we will have more materials, we will update them. For now, this is only a vision, and I'm looking for a people who wish to share that vision and participate in it's realisation.


So please, take a break from this thread and just wait until you see enough materials for your personal taste.

Edited by AntiDanilevski
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For everyone else who loves space games. We are building our universe on real astronomical data. Each star in it's real position, have it's real name, color, size (sizes are relatively real). It took 1,5 months to make, but we did it. You can zoom in to every known star - and you will appear in it's star system, watching planets. Each planet is a location.


There is a first glimpse: Divine Space universe map screenshot


Next thing we plan to tune is planetary system. Currently, we are working on star itself (FX) and textures of the planets.

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the fact you can change how your ship looks and add different things is very cool. like having a core and adding on to it. this game does sound very interesting. i was always kinda interested in EVE, but the reputation of the players and just how much time and stuff you had to put in to it to make it worth it, was just too much. and i have no problem with putting time into an RPG so thats saying something. knowing this is more casual is great. and it sounds like if you want to put time into it, youll reap rewards. sounds like a nice balance!
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