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Scripting Help Wanted


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This script is supposed to allow a character to drink from a water fountain, fill up bottles, or neither of the two.


I've tried assorted ways of scripting it and this is the lastest in the line of failures. It always resulted in a perpetual pop up of the "you don't have bottles or caps" message. I know it is something easy, but I can't figure it out.


The script...


ScriptName aaEBHWaterFountainScript


Short Button

Short DoOnce



Begin OnActivate Player

ShowMessage aaEBHWater01MSG ;Would you like to have a drink from the fountain or fill a bottle? Fill/Drink/Neither




Begin GameMode

Set Button to GetButtonPressed

If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 < 1 )

ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps.



If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount SodaBottleEmpty01 < 1 )

ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps.



If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount NukaColaBottle < 1 )

ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps.



If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount WhiskeyBottle01Empty01 < 1 )

ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps.



If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Milkbottle01 < 1 )

ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps.





If ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount SodaBottleEmpty01 >= 1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 )

Player.RemoveItem SodaBottleEmpty01 1

Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1

Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1

set DoOnce to 0


ElseIf ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount NukaColaBottle >=1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 )

Player.RemoveItem NukaColaBottle 1

Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1

Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1

Set DoOnce to 0


ElseIf ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount WhiskeyBottle01Empty01 >=1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 )

Player.RemoveItem WhiskeyBottle01Empty01 1

Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1

Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1

Set DoOnce to 0


ElseIf ( Button == 0 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Milkbottle01 >=1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1 )

Player.RemoveItem Milkbottle01 1

Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1

Player.AddItem WaterPurified 1

Set DoOnce to 0




ElseIf ( Button == 1 )


Set DoOnce to 0


ElseIf ( Button == 2 ) ; Do Nothing








Thanks for any help you can give.


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Try adding this:

if Button > -1

Before the Button == 0 stuff.


Also, you can optimize that to run just one check like this:

Set Button to GetButtonPressed
if Button > -1
If ( Button == 0 )
	if ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 < 1 ) || (  Player.GetItemCount SodaBottleEmpty01 < 1 ) || ( Player.GetItemCount  NukaColaBottle < 1 ) || ( Player.GetItemCount WhiskeyBottle01Empty01  < 1 ) || ( Player.GetItemCount Milkbottle01 < 1 )
		ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG ;You don't have enough bottles or caps.
elseif ( Button == 1 ) ; and so on

So if any of those triggers, ShowMessage aaEBHWater02MSG will come up when Button 0 is pressed.


You need to start with if Button > -1 to tell the game to only show the window while the Button is either 0 or any of the other options (it's -1 while no option is being picked).



Oh one more thing. You may want to tell the script that you're on that "page" or that it's still waiting for input.


short Page
Begin OnActivate Player
ShowMessage aaEBHWater01MSG ;Would you like to have a drink from the fountain or fill a bottle? Fill/Drink/Neither
set Page to 1

Begin GameMode
If Page == 1
	set Page to 0 ; If you want this window to close or stop waiting for input after a button is clicked.
	set Button to GetButtonPressed
		if Button > -1 ; and so on

Edited by HosokawaTakuya
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