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SKSE64 2.0.8 Issue


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I just updated my SKSE64 version to 2.0.8, and now Skyrim SE won't launch using SKSE. I'm using the most up to date Skyrim SE version as well. It'll start up just fine if I run it through Steam without using SKSE, but any time I attempt to launch it using SKSE64 it gets to the "Bethesda" screen and just freezes. It won't go to the main menu at all. All of my mods are up to date and I've run LOOT. Any idea what may be going on?

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I just updated my SKSE64 version to 2.0.8, and now Skyrim SE won't launch using SKSE. I'm using the most up to date Skyrim SE version as well. It'll start up just fine if I run it through Steam without using SKSE, but any time I attempt to launch it using SKSE64 it gets to the "Bethesda" screen and just freezes. It won't go to the main menu at all. All of my mods are up to date and I've run LOOT. Any idea what may be going on?

If you have mods that include SKSE pugins (.dll files) you will need to uninstall them until they get updated again. At the moment, only RaceMenu has been updated for SKSE 2.0.8 and people are reporting crashes with that too.

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Do you have the mod simply knock? I just found out that's what was causing my crashes at startup

Thanks. LeddBate, I'll try your suggestion first. Hopefully that'll work. If not, guess I'll be waiting for new mod updates.



Thank you! That fixed my issue as well! It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out what the problem was. Never would've guessed that was it.

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