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VISUAL indicator for mods that are index locked. QOL addition


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I know you said you won't be moving the switch that manually locks mods to the index to the main interface.

However, would you please add a Visual Indicator that a mod is Index Locked?
To save space, something like changing the color of the text of the mod, or just putting an Asterisk in front of the mod name


Better Mod Descriptions.esp




*Better Mod Descriptions.esp


(I just had to scroll though my load order, one by one, to check if I had any mods that were Index Locked, a visual indicator for each mod, (only visible when Index Locked) that can be easily seen right on the main Plugins tab, would've allowed me to quickly see, (without having to scroll through each and every plugin) if any of my plugins were Index Locked.

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There is a Flags column - game files already have a small lock icon. Could that be used?


Also, I want to say that the index locking of a mod is really only useful in rare instances. It should only be used if you know what you are doing. - (Does that sound condescending? Not meant to)

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There is a Flags column - game files already have a small lock icon. Could that be used?


Also, I want to say that the index locking of a mod is really only useful in rare instances. It should only be used if you know what you are doing. - (Does that sound condescending? Not meant to)


Well, until there's official documentation, the use of every feature is a crap shoot.


A visual indicator would still be nice and because of your post, even more important to see at a glance, because if they are only supposed to be used sparingly, then being able to glance at a load order and see which one or two mods are index locked is even more important, rather than having to traipse through the entire load order, plugin by plugin.


I have the Flags Column turned off because I find no use for it.

The visual indicator should be in a column that won't be turned off, such as Plugin Name as I initially suggested.

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