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I need help , please :( my mods keep refreshing


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Like the title , my mods keep refreshing after i load the game , i don't know what to do because this happened just a few days ago and i have roughly 200+ hours in the game and no problems at all with the save until recently , i have tried many way and somehow success in making them not refreshing anymore but after hours of rebuilding my settlements , i saved and went to the bathroom then when i load the save , the mods refreshed again !!!! I don't know what to do , all i want is to save and build settlements and i don't wanna rebuild everything after a few hours :(( .
p/s : thanks for reading <3 <3

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what settlement mods are you using ?


and also have you made any changes to your Fallout 4 Ini Files, or any console commands ?


more specfically, have you made any changes to the Papyrus scripting engine, or changed the Timescale at all


in fact can you list your mods, to get a better understanding on potential issues


i am going to assume by refreshing you mean, your settlements keep becoming unbuilt/reset


and lastly have your disabled/deleted any mods in an active playthrough, especially script based mods ?

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