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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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...Also, anyone else notice how much more evil his plans were? I mean, DEMONS??? Rhs88, I fear that our plan of world domination via tastiness may need some revision. Also, i'll give you the number of my despair supplier. Its a home business run by this sweet old couple, you'll like them. (they do an excellent melancholy as well, tell them i sent you). And R the C, can I have some stew? I'll give you some of my lentil soup. I'm sure you'll find it...... EXCRUCIATING!!!!!! (no, wait....) I mean.....QUITE GOOD!!!!!!!

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hey, i never said i didnt like justice....... as long as its EVIL justice! The kind of justice which makes small children and puppies cower in FEAR!!!! The kind of justice which cause RickytheCat to laugh in a menacing yet MELODIC way!!!!!!!1!!!11!1!!


And I could have been an agent if i'd wanted to! My grades at good spy/evil crony college were blemish free! Evil just had a more appealing pension plan, and the hours are better. Good ages you horribly.

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Halor, would you like some popcorn? The green ones are to DIE for!


and I have to agree on the evil pension plan. It's pays more, but most who follow that route end up as expendable stooges. Maybe I should get out of this red shirt...


Anyway, Lord Necromancer G, what are your commands?

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hey, i never said i didnt like justice....... as long as its EVIL justice! The kind of justice which makes small children and puppies cower in FEAR!!!! The kind of justice which cause RickytheCat to laugh in a menacing yet MELODIC way!!!!!!!1!!!11!1!!


And I could have been an agent if i'd wanted to! My grades at good spy/evil crony college were blemish free! Evil just had a more appealing pension plan, and the hours are better. Good ages you horribly.

yah...I been good for decades. And look at me! Champion Gurner. I do like the way the Melodic Way sort of broke down into partial binary, there. Time for another bout of irrelevent mad laughing: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahexits


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I suppose since Chesto seems set on being evil, I can take the place of the delightfully British good guy who is rarely ever seen and barely says anything except to explain how the goody's gadgets work and for some comic relief. In Halororor's case, I'd explain how to use the Demon-Mars-Video-Game-Portal, but that it's extremely dangerous. Then I'd mention crumpets.


I'm a little worried by FesterbyNice's near-total lack of post count. Frankly, he scares me much more than a fresh loaf of rye Fear.

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Necromancer G- how bout an evil flag day? Flag seem pretty terrifying, from what I saw at the movies (attack of the killer flags, flag of frankenstein, the flag)

and Toan, you are RIGHT TO FEAR MEEEEE!!!!! I emerge from the shadows and strike, without leaving a post in my wake (for som reason). Also, have you tried rye fear toast with lemon curd, its simply divine, i eat it while PLOTTING YOUR DOWNFALL!!!!! (has anyone noticed how the exclamation mark really is the punctuation mark of evil? For a while in the sixteen seventies it was the semi-colon, but the exclamation mark has really gone from strength to strength recently..!)

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Femme fatale, simpering cronies, popcorn vendors... meh... your sinister plan requires a good accountant. How're you gonna' finance a good, hidden, underwater or underground base, or even a decent doomsday machine, without someone to manage the books? It's not like you can use Quicken to handle laundering funds through shell companies to finance purchase of components for a giant heat-ray, or whatever...



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Femme fatale, simpering cronies, popcorn vendors... meh... your sinister plan requires a good accountant. How're you gonna' finance a good, hidden, underwater or underground base, or even a decent doomsday machine, without someone to manage the books? It's not like you can use Quicken to handle laundering funds through shell companies to finance purchase of components for a giant heat-ray, or whatever...



ummm, if your handleing the funds...we're partners right! :biggrin:

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