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It appears that we have little to share with each other regarding eve. Do we still play? Is anyone doing anything interesting? Are there any new eve players looking for help?


After 4 years of carebearing I've recently got a taste of pvp in Red vs Blue- and I loved it.


Edit: I blame this post on DT

Edited by samroski
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For me, a player for a few years now, I've absolutely nothing to pull me back in. EVE has almost no content to offer anymore, and the endless parade of cosmetic revamps, for me simply draw more attention onto the game's shear lack of substance. With only a few unacceptably poor missions, a ruined economy, a lack of sufficient players and a rising tide of bugs, I doubt EVE is long for this world. If CCP wants to save it, they've got to add CONTENT. new CONTENT, not new shoes, not new monacles, we need new things to do, new ways to do them. Otherwise there's only so many ways you can beat a dead horse.


The other problem I had was with the community, the reason for my longest most recent break from the game was a pair of players who managed to get my email adress during the security fiasco a few months back, and then spent their time making RL threats to both myself, my friends, and family. When a game gets to the point that you wake up one day and a former corp mate has threatened to sexually assault your sister and girlfriend, you've got a problem. The fact this wasn't acted upon by moderators, and the fact I had to get the police involved instead, ruined the game for me. Even if it was re-built, i wouldn't play it after the dual failure of security and moderation.

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The other problem I had was with the community,

I know that your time in Eve was torrid- to say the least. Sorry to see you go. My experience of the Eve community is very different. I know that there are all sorts around- but I chanced to meet the best of them :) I suppose I am still closest to the Nexians that I started playing Eve with- but I was in a great corp (J0urney's End) with wonderful people. I did have some minor issues in a wormhole corp and with a friends corp I joined- but in retrospect they were just learning experiences, with no longlasting scars, and everywhere I met nice people (and a few nasty ones).


About content: I agree that missions are boring- even though I have the best mission ships I cannot motivate myself to do any- except when required for standings. I was one of the protesters at Jita last summer and nearly left myself. But I am reasonably happy with the state of the game. There is lots of player content about - and forums are ruthless but fun. Also I'm an 80s game player who spent countless hours on Elite - thus Eve is my dream come true :)

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The other problem I had was with the community,

I know that your time in Eve was torrid- to say the least. Sorry to see you go. My experience of the Eve community is very different. I know that there are all sorts around- but I chanced to meet the best of them :) I suppose I am still closest to the Nexians that I started playing Eve with- but I was in a great corp (J0urney's End) with wonderful people. I did have some minor issues in a wormhole corp and with a friends corp I joined- but in retrospect they were just learning experiences, with no longlasting scars, and everywhere I met nice people (and a few nasty ones).


About content: I agree that missions are boring- even though I have the best mission ships I cannot motivate myself to do any- except when required for standings. I was one of the protesters at Jita last summer and nearly left myself. But I am reasonably happy with the state of the game. There is lots of player content about - and forums are ruthless but fun. Also I'm an 80s game player who spent countless hours on Elite - thus Eve is my dream come true :)



hey samroski,remember me?you helped me once with the plex thing,unfortunately i havent played much after that so that account expired(dont even remember the username) but i wanna get back to eve.can u send me another buddy invite?also it will work with the same e-mail that u sent first?

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hey samroski,remember me?you helped me once with the plex thing,unfortunately i havent played much after that so that account expired(dont even remember the username) but i wanna get back to eve.can u send me another buddy invite?also it will work with the same e-mail that u sent first?

Yes, I remember you well my friend :) and yes, buddy invites work for the same address- so I've sent you another one (to the rzr address). Look forward to seeing you in-game :)


I found it amazing that you made 200m in a week ninja salvaging as a noob!

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hey samroski,remember me?you helped me once with the plex thing,unfortunately i havent played much after that so that account expired(dont even remember the username) but i wanna get back to eve.can u send me another buddy invite?also it will work with the same e-mail that u sent first?

Yes, I remember you well my friend :) and yes, buddy invites work for the same address- so I've sent you another one (to the rzr address). Look forward to seeing you in-game :)


I found it amazing that you made 200m in a week ninja salvaging as a noob!

at what email have u sent the invite?cant find it

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at what email have u sent the invite?cant find it

Just message me your email address- and I'll send another one.


I sent it to and address that that rzr-something in it, presuming that this was your address.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This forum may be dead - perhaps we are too busy in game, or perhaps there just isn't a critical mass of EVE players on these forums to keep up the 'posting momentum'.


EVE, on the other hand, is far from dead, and I strongly disagree with Vindekarr that there is almost no content - EVE is a sandbox, what you get back depends on what you put in.


As for content... I'm finding plenty to do in null-sec warfare. War is brewing in the south, with almost all the major null-sec alliances and their allies involved. The 0.0 political map may soon need to be redrawn again - and there have already been several big changes this year.


Fanfest was great - apparently not all players are basement-dwelling nerds. The 1200 or so who attended fanfest were certainly a very sociable lot :)

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