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Removing specific items w SSEEDIT...


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I have now removed a few different weapons from my game that were for whatever reason causing ctd when they appeared on my forge menu (someone said it was because they have a "bad mesh" or something like that i think, way over my head... idk), but anyways, since discovering the sseedit tool, i have taken advantage of this trick in favor of having to delete an entire mod due to one bad apple.. which is GREAT! but im just wondering, as my confidence grows with each time this works without a hitch, is this an unhealthy confidence to have? Or is this generally a safe thing to do? One specific thing i wonder for example... all of the pieces I've removed so far were pieces that i did NOT have in my character's inventory, rather the pieces caused ctd when attempting to DISPLAY in forge menu... but were not crafted, so didn't "exist" so to speak... but hypothetically, HAD THEY existed...in my inventory... would that have been a problem loading my game after deleting said item through sseedit? I ask because what if next time it's an item i loot or something and turns out to be dirty in some way... i want to know ahead of time in case this ever comes up, if i can still use this trick to remove an item when it's an actual inventory item, and still get away with this? (Sorry if this is a stupid question, i am just trying to learn...) thank you in advance!
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If you delete an object and the save file relies on that object being somewhere, you'll have an issue, most likely a CTD.


Yes, care should be taken when you delete objects from the plugin. Also, you should not just delete an object, you'll need to make sure that you remove all references to that object from the plugin.

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I believe there is an option somewhere to see where a particular record is referenced. You then decide if that record also needs to be deleted or edited. The xEdit tool might be smart enough to remove the references when you delete an object (not sure, I know the Creation Kit will), but that could still leave behind non-functional records.


After you delete records, run the cleaning process on that plugin in case something needs to be undeleted and disabled instead.

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