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Type3m looks wrong


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Hi all,

New to modding new vegas and I'm trying to get type3m going. However after installing in MO it's looking wrong. It's supposed to look like this:




Mine looks like this




Any reason for this? It looks really different to me, the whole shape is much bigger.


Would appreciate any help!


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One issue with body replacers is that the images they choose are usually fashion model poses from various pose packs available on the Nexus. Those poses accentuate the figure in a way that the normal in-game animation does not.


Once you factor that in, the images don't look all that different to me.


The only way to really know what a body replacer will look like in-game is to look at real in-game screen shots or to try it out yourself. Don't go by the model poses on the mod's images section.

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The game has a horrible fisheye lens effect with the default or higher FOV, if you look at your second image you'll notice one arm looks slightly longer than the other one, the body itself is fine, the problem lay with the way the game is displaying the image. For screenshots modders and imageshare users tend to greatly reduce the FOV to correct the problem, sometimes going as low as 30 or even 20, the game is unplayable with the FOV this low but it makes for better character screenshots.

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You do realize that you will only see the body type you chose when the character is nude, don't you? You can use any style clothing or armor and that style of body will be the one displayed. For example, you can use a Type 3F nude body and Type 6M armor and the armor will display as Type 6M. The clothing/armor do not conform to the nude body shape but have there own shape according to the body type noted in the clothing/armor mod.

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You do realize that you will only see the body type you chose when the character is nude, don't you? You can use any style clothing or armor and that style of body will be the one displayed. For example, you can use a Type 3F nude body and Type 6M armor and the armor will display as Type 6M. The clothing/armor do not conform to the nude body shape but have there own shape according to the body type noted in the clothing/armor mod.


Yeah, I knew that. But my issue with type3m is with the shape in general, not just the without clothes. So it doesn't make much sense to use the clothes if it puts it in that shape regardless.

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