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I seriously doubt that a nuclear war would happen. People aren't that stupid.


Kinda hard to make money when everyone is dead.


Nice thought, but, I think you are mistaken. People really ARE that stupid. :)


I would like to think that the 'major powers' are well aware that there is NO winner in a nuclear war. But, it isn't the major powers that concern me. Most of them have a pretty good idea of what would become of their country should they launch a nuke in the wrong direction..... It's the 'little guys" that we need to worry about. N. Korea probably wouldn't have to think twice about using one, provided they had one that actually worked.... and a delivery system for it. I could see them smuggling one into S. Korea though.....


Iran? They are pretty sure that nuking Israel would be the last act of a soon to be vaporized government...... maybe if the leaders there were fanatical enough, they would just see the populations of several cities as martyrs...... better be a lotta virgins in heaven..... or was that, Virginians??


Not to mention the possibility of some terrorist group or other getting their hands on some flavor of nuke. Be it an actual nuclear device, or simply a 'dirty' bomb. (radioactive material with an explosive dispersal device. Chernobyl on a smaller scale.) Making a large part of D.C. uninhabitable for the next 10,000 years would certainly cramp our lifestyle for a bit.....

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I don't really think Iran is a threat. North Korea maybe, but they have like two nukes right now, and they are small ones.


I don't think world leaders are stupid, they just act that way on purpose. They do what they do to make money, and if there is a nuclear war there is no money.

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I don't want to look like a hippie, but nuking the middle east makes us just as worse as the muslim fundamentalists. Besides, not everyone in that place would commit suicide in the name of Allah, I don't even think 15% would do that. There are 384,218,000 people in the middle east alone, so by nuking the middle east at least 192 109 000 (50%) innocent people will die, the important Finacial centre and tourist city of Dubai will be gone and the World championship football 2022 will be canceled (it will be hold in Qatar).
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an all out nuclear war is imminent. North Korea and China now have an excuse to nuke the hell out of us

Do you have any idea of those countries' nuclear capabilities? They're pathetic. And do you really think that they both want to nuke us at any moment but are being stopped by a treaty – one which NK already withdrew from ten years ago?


Why are you fantasizing so hard about "real-world Fallout" that you're willing to completely ignore reality?


Excuse me, but first of all, for your information, I'm well aware that North Korea isn't part of that treaty because technically, we're still at war with them since we have never made an official end to the Korea War, and why would they want to become involved with us anyway? Second, in case you haven't noticed, North Korea isn't exactly a stable government, and a piece of paper isn't going to stop anyone from bombing someone else. But breaking that promise will sure as hell motivate someone else to come up with an excuse to launch Armageddon. It only takes one unstable country with one nuclear weapon to cause tremendous damage. Third, I'm not ignorant about reality. I'm not convinced that a Fallout scenario is going to happen. I'm stating what probably would happen if we just decide to wipe out our enemies by using mass destruction as the means to do it. What, do you think that the world is just going to sit around and let us launch our weapons at whomever we please without as much as the least bit concern? And here's an idea, I was using something called sarcasm, as in, I wasn't being serious. Duh.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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by nuking the middle east at least 192 109 000 (50%) innocent people will die, the important Finacial centre and tourist city of Dubai will be gone and the World championship football 2022 will be canceled

It kind of disturbs me where your priorities are.


lol i wuz only joeking!!!1

Concession noted and acknowledged.

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by nuking the middle east at least 192 109 000 (50%) innocent people will die, the important Finacial centre and tourist city of Dubai will be gone and the World championship football 2022 will be canceled

It kind of disturbs me where your priorities are.


Canceled ??? This isn't going to happen, there is too much money involved.

They build a neat memorial site somewhere make world funeral (with all the remembrance and grief) and play soccer somewhere else in 2022.

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by nuking the middle east at least 192 109 000 (50%) innocent people will die, the important Finacial centre and tourist city of Dubai will be gone and the World championship football 2022 will be canceled

It kind of disturbs me where your priorities are.


Canceled ??? This isn't going to happen, there is too much money involved.

They build a neat memorial site somewhere make world funeral (with all the remembrance and grief) and play soccer somewhere else in 2022.

I think you forgot that bit about nuclear winter. That's a rather large chunk of land that you're kicking up into the atmosphere. The asteroid that helped kill the dinosaurs is tiny in comparison. I think, that given how most of our nuclear arms are running on 40-50 years old, we probably couldn't make a crater that size even if we had some suicidal reason to try. Nevermind the part about flash frying most of Northern Africa, Southern Europe, and Western Asia, or the massive amounts of radioactive fallout that would be raining down for decades. The Indian Ocean would have a crust from the dust, and superheated ash. Or the part where between the flames consuming oxygen and all the particles kicked up would probably make most of the air on the Western Hemisphere or along the equator unbreathable.


All in all, there won't be anyone playing soccer. The ones at ground zero would be the lucky ones. The only sort of retaliation would really just be countries trying to get their licks in because there wouldn't be much left afterward.

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by nuking the middle east at least 192 109 000 (50%) innocent people will die, the important Finacial centre and tourist city of Dubai will be gone and the World championship football 2022 will be canceled

It kind of disturbs me where your priorities are.

If you refer to the whole soccer thing; it wasn't really serious. If you refer to the casualties; you play COD MW3 to much. Oh, by the way, I have a lot of muslim friends and I can't imagine them flying into a building, they don't even go to the mosque often. They are just like most western world evolutionist Christians. (God caused the big bang and the chemical reaction that caused life)

Edited by YsmirNord
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