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CTD on Starup Blackscreen no error message No Mods Installed (Newbie PC gamer; I don't know as much as you all do)


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Okay, so I have been on and off trying to get my copy of Fallout 4 on Steam to work for way longer than I'd care to admit and with no answer or "fix" doing anything to help me I am left with one option; to ask my betters. I hope this finds the eye of someone who won't troll me...regardless, getting to the point.


Awhile back I started wanting to play F4 again, and having run it on my old computer successfully, I knew that my new rig could stand up to it. However, Not as soon as the launcher was finished and it gave me the graphics setting ("low" if that helps any one) and I hit play a black screen flashed onto my laptop's monitor and then 1-2 seconds later "poof" gone and no error to speak of. I have seen people playing this damn game; people do amazing mods for this game I WANT TO TRY IT!


Please, someone help!


I had mods on with my old computer but i don't remember what they were; I do remember i was using NMM though and as for a load order











PC is


Processor Intel® Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz


Installed Ram 8.00 (7.87 usable)


Graphics Card Nivida GeForce GTX 960M



That's all I know sorry, thanks to anyone in advance and again sorry I know people are probably sick of this post by now.

Edited by Solarixstar
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Are you trying to run your old fallout 4 on your new rig without having the same mods installed as you used to? If that's the case, your game is crashing because there are mods being looked for that are missing masters.


However, if that is not the case, is there any other info you can provide? How many background processes are running at the same time you are trying to play this on a laptop? Did you configure your .ini files correctly? All drivers updated and current? Have you tried verifying your install through the Steam launcher, to make sure a file didn't somehow corrupt itself?

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open nexus mod manager, click on the plugins tab, and note any mod that is in red, click on said mod that is in red, and it will tell you what master file is missing, then simply locate said mod (the missing master file) and download it, this is only applicable if you previously had mods installed.


however, if you have done a complete fresh install of fallout 4 (as in fallout 4 was completely deleted, which would include all fallout 4 files, the data folder and all other files, via a steam uninstall, and all mods was deleted/uninstalled in nexus mod manager), and then you re-installed fallout 4 from steam (downloaded and installed again) then what you are suggesting is not applicable.


so basically the above would only be applicable, if the entire fallout 4 folder + nexus mod manager folders, was copied onto a new computer.

Edited by Guest
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Glad it works, but also a heads up, if you download your mods through nexus, you can actually find your entire download history on your profile here at the Nexus site. Which will show you every single mod file you ever downloaded from Nexusmods., which could help you get the files you want/need back.


I had to do that with Skyrim, back before Fo4 launched. My hard drive that had Skyrim installed crashed hard, and I had to get a new one, and I found the download list here, and was able to get all the mods I was using back, since I was near the 250 plug in limit with Skyrim, just like I'm at the 200 mark with Fallout. Fortunately I backup my saves and ini's on my main hdd, so I still had those.

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