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[LE] Rochebere- A brand new city- Coming Soon

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Wow this is quite impressive. I'm taking a long break from Skyrim atm (borked my 300hr savegame with mods so ran away crying... :whistling: to Morrowind lol), but this is definitely something I'll be keeping a close eye on for my triumphant return :psyduck:


I do have some questions/feedback for you, if you're open to it:


(1) Can you locate this on a map for us? I don't quite understand where it is relative to the Skyrim places I know—if it is part of the existing Skyrim gameworld, or if it is an entirely new landmass somewhere.


(2) I support redesigning the eagle logo in the OP for the banners and shields etc. to a stronger profile (side-on) image. I did some random googling and found a couple decent eagle head designs you might use for inspiration. Also something like this pose showing the whole body (sans that goofy face :sweat:) might work as well, tho is less lore-friendly than just the head.


(3) I do think the bright white houses are a bit too much. Tho the architecture is different, they remind me of the kind of the white sandstone buildings you'd find in Central or South America. This is just my opinion as an onlooker but they are quite pristine, and don't really fit the tone of the game for me. Maybe it's just a matter of making them look a bit more worn down—making the town feel a bit more "lived in" is all it would take..? Sorry, I don't really know the answer :ohdear:


But that's all I got! Really amazing work here, please keep it up. I very much look forward to seeing how it turns out :thumbsup:

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the only thing stopping me from asking to voice act for yours and other big name mods out there is that my redneck hick accent just doesn't cut it for the job. unless you happen to have an npc that needs that kind of thing? haha, suppose not :P looking forward to the release.


No worries my friend! Your kind words and support all I need! :P


Wow this is quite impressive. I'm taking a long break from Skyrim atm (borked my 300hr savegame with mods so ran away crying... :whistling: to Morrowind lol), but this is definitely something I'll be keeping a close eye on for my triumphant return :psyduck:


I do have some questions/feedback for you, if you're open to it:


(1) Can you locate this on a map for us? I don't quite understand where it is relative to the Skyrim places I know—if it is part of the existing Skyrim gameworld, or if it is an entirely new landmass somewhere.


(2) I support redesigning the eagle logo in the OP for the banners and shields etc. to a stronger profile (side-on) image. I did some random googling and found a couple decent eagle head designs you might use for inspiration. Also something like this pose showing the whole body (sans that goofy face :sweat:) might work as well, tho is less lore-friendly than just the head.


(3) I do think the bright white houses are a bit too much. Tho the architecture is different, they remind me of the kind of the white sandstone buildings you'd find in Central or South America. This is just my opinion as an onlooker but they are quite pristine, and don't really fit the tone of the game for me. Maybe it's just a matter of making them look a bit more worn down—making the town feel a bit more "lived in" is all it would take..? Sorry, I don't really know the answer :ohdear:


But that's all I got! Really amazing work here, please keep it up. I very much look forward to seeing how it turns out :thumbsup:


Glad you're looking forward to the mod!


I'm hoping to create a map of the city sometime which links to the map of Skyrim/Tamriel. The city in lore is located on and just around that point where Skyrim, Cyrodiil and Hammerfell meet. It's not a known city by a lot of the citizens of Tamriel due to it's awkward location, what with not being confirmed as a city of either of the 3 provinces it shared land from.


I'm considering altering the Eagle's head logo slightly on the Shields and banners. In actual fact kwn2k kindly designed a new banner style for me to use, which I think compliments the original Eagle's head logo too.



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New images! Just a couple of the various streets and areas in the Mainstreet district.







I also added a new home screen image in case people didn't see it. it's a view from about 2/3 of the way down the Mainstreet looking up at Eagle Tower.



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question at the end of the questline can you beocme leader of the town or something like that


To be quite frank, no, sorry. There's a few people who want that but there's no way it would be able to fit in with the questline.


Looking good hope you finish mod, would def. download. :)


Thanks, I am determined to finish, but the question is of when will finish. ;)

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