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simple Vigilant of Stendarr radiant faction?


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Is there any way to make a mod where you "join" vigilant's faction and keeper carcette hands you radiant quests much like the ones you get at the end of the DB etc..., which essentially sends us off to random caves/mines/dungeons/forts/etc... where vampires, werewolves, necromancers, and even daedra sometimes are spawned in those places for the quest and you have to kill them.


A fleshed out quest line, though interesting, would probably take very long and cause certain bugs whereas a radiant "go kill this there" keeps it simple and adds a little something for those who want to RP as a vigilant.


thanks to anyone who reads/considers this.


If you agree post your support so this doesn't die!

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I have seen that mod but reading through the comments leads me to understand that the mod is both slightly bugged and abandoned at this point. Though I will certainly try it, seven quests is over quickly which is why I'm looking for more of a radiant questline approach to it. Thanks though :)
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i am currently making a mod Venator Daemonous, or Demon Hunter in english. currenty have over 200 npcs, 12 or 13 companion additions, patrols, faction with quite a few enemies (mainly demons, obviously - werewolves, draugr, vamps, deadra and generally anything supernatural..oh and of course, dragons.).


it is currently in it's 1.1 form and have managed to get a main base down, i am currently working on the 1.2 updated which may take a couple of weeks as i am adding 4 or 5 dungeons and hopefully have the leader of the faction custom voiced..hopefully heh. but in the 1.1 form, no missions, exceptfor the intro courier mission of course heh.


venator daemonous link

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that sounds great actually, I'll take a look. If I may make a suggestion, you should ask dogtown1 for permission to use his skyrim monster mod, it has great demonic/undead monster additions that could make your mod that much more varied!
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