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Skyrim max lvl.


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Some guys play Skyrim for hours and hours (like me) and get to the lvl 37,for example, too fast.

And others, play only one bit per day, and take more time to get on advanced lvls.

Now what i want you guys to tell me is:what was your highest lvl you reach and how many time you taked to get in the lvl?


My max lvl was 81, and my time was 128 hours according to my clock.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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I got to level 81 on my first game, and am there again on my second. I try not to think about how many hours it took. (I have a love/hate relationship with this game, but can't seem to keep away! :tongue:)
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I've started I don't know how many different characters. The highest level I ever got to was 40 something (don't remember exactly). Now my mage is level 37 and I'm trying to finish the MQ for the first time along with a couple other quest lines. But usually I start over when I get to the upper 20's or mid 30's. I've had quite a few characters I've abandoned before level 10 as well.


Have no idea how much time for the individual characters but I've got about 150-180 hours total into the game.

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I've got 3 characters at level 80, and a mage at level 38 I think.


I've got like 1200 hours in stock skyrim with no mods and I love it. I take what the game gives me instead of trying to make it live up to my own ideas of how things should be.


My current character is level 80 without even visiting Dawnstar, Falkreath, or Winterhold and I've only been to Markarth twice.

Edited by Stemin
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I've got 3 characters at level 80, and a mage at level 38 I think.


I've got like 1200 hours in stock skyrim with no mods and I love it.


Sir, I admire your dedication and patience.

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Sir, I admire your dedication and patience.


There's none required. Like I said, I love it. It was buggy when it first came out, but all the patches have pretty much cured most of the major hurdles.


There's always new stuff to explore. I'm still finding new areas after all this time and on two different platforms.

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